Capital Works Programme 2013/14 for Canterbury
Topic / Area / Road / CommentNeighbourhood improvements / Various / Programme developed from priorities identified by TCG/tenants, Neighbourhood Managers and Members
Sheltered Schemes General / Various / Programme developed from priorities identified by Scheme Managers. Programme of automatic doors and scooter stores being progressed
Disabled adaptations / Various / Programme developed from referrals from Occupational Therapy Service in accordance with CCC Policy
Re-roofing / Various / Margaret Court, Herne Bay / Isolated pitched roof replacements and inspections to verify information for flat roofs. Margaret Court identified for new flat roof.
Soundproofing / Various / Individual properties with identified noise problems improved as they become void
Energy saving measures / Various / Margaret Court, Herne Bay / Loft and cavity wall insulation programme to be developed. Margaret Ct identified to utilise scaffold for re-roofing.
Structural repairs / Various / Programme identified and prioritised from list of structural inspections.
Window Replacements / Procurement will determine programme based on costs / Programme of timber window replacements including listed buildings and conservation areas.
Door Replacements / Programme to de determined following new procurement.
Central heating/boiler replacements / Various / Various / Proposed budget allows for approx 700 boiler replacements. Programme produced by Swale/GCS with the priorities being given to the oldest and most inefficient boilers
Fire Prevention Works / Various / Various / Action Plan developed from Fire Risk Assessments carried out to communal areas under the Fire Regulation Order. Programme underway and future programme determined in conjunction with Door Replacement Programme.
Electrical upgrade / Previous programme compiled by MLM. Contract ends in March 2013, new procurement and programme required.
Bathrooms / Various / Various / Programme to revisit previous omissions
Kitchens / Whitstable
Rural / Longfield Court
Longfield Close
St Andrews Close Bungalows
Lang Court
Stour View
Marley Lane
Fleets Lane / Proposed budget allows for 130 properties. 110 identified allowing 20 for void/previous omits.
Lifts / Refurbishment and major upgrade of lifts where identified through service visits.
Major works to voids / Identified as and when properties becomes void
Aerial Upgrades / Various / Upgrading of existing systems to be ‘future proof’ and installation of new systems where required.
Radon / Various / Programme to be developed from information gathered from surveys carried out by Health Protection Agency. Procurement required
Capital Works Commentary 2013/14
Works / CommentaryNeighbourhood improvements / Budget increased to allow for proposal to carry out flooring renewals in communal areas. Budget returning back to historic levels due to completion of FRA works.
Sheltered Schemes General / Increase in previous proposed budget to allow for further automatic main entrance doors and need for scooter storage.
Disabled adaptations / Increase in previous proposed budget to allow for current rate of referrals.
Re-roofing / Budget reinstated to previous levels as bulk of pitched roofing programme is complete. Future works include isolated replacements and renewal of flat roofs.
Soundproofing / Increase in previous proposed budget to allow for increased number of issues regarding soundproofing.
Energy saving measures / Budget remains as previously predicted with a programme for topping up loft insulation and checking of cavity wall insulation.
Structural repairs / Budget remains as previously predicted based on levels of historic spend.
Window Replacements / Budget remains as previously predictedbut extended into future years for full replacement of timber windows in special locations such as listed buildings and conservation areas.
Door Replacements / Budget remains as previously predicted. Current long term programme continues.
Central heating/boiler replacements / Budget remains as previously predicted. Current long term programme continues.
Fire Prevention Works / Budget reduced from previously predicted due to works previously completed. Current long term programme continues.
Electrical upgrade / Budget remains as previously predicted due to works previously completed. Majority of necessary rewires completed, future works to cover periodic testing and isolated works.
Bathrooms / The replacement programme is now complete with only a small number of properties having bathrooms that are over 30 years old. A nominal budget is forecast to carry out replacements where properties become void after previous tenants refusals.
Kitchens / Budget increased from previously proposed due to reduction in works carried out in 12/13. Majority of replacements complete with ‘modern’ properties included in the immediate future.
Lifts / Refurbishment and major upgrade of lifts where identified through service visits.
Major works to voids / Increase in previous proposed budget based on historic expenditure. Allowance made in other budgets for capital works such as kitchen/bathroom replacements where necessary.
Aerial Upgrades / Budget remains as previously predicted
Radon / New budget to complete identified works following specialist survey. Radon is present in varying concentrations to rural properties in the Bridge area. Works to provide ventilation to be carried out.