HDC 1.2 [Mar 2010]


Registration of Proposal

for Dissertation / Thesis


Internal supervisor
Supervisor comments
External supervisor

Details in respect of ethnic group and gender of postgraduate students are required by the NRF to track the progress of transformation in higher education. Please tick the appropriate box below.

Ethnic group / Black / White / Coloured / Indian
If not South African, please state nationality
Gender / Male / Female
Student’s surname
Student’s first names
Student number

Contact details

/ Tel. (w) / Tel. (h) / Fax / Cell / E-mail
Prior qualifications
Status (FT/PT)
Part/full dissertation/ thesis
Title of dissertation/thesis
Summary (250 words)
Key terms
(max. 10 words or phrases)

I, the undersigned, certify that:

  • This project has not been submitted to any other educational institution for the purpose of a qualification.
  • All subsidy-earning outputs (artefacts and publications) from postgraduate studies will be regarded as the property of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology for subsidy purposes.
  • Where patents are developed under the supervision of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology involving institutional expenditure, such patents will be regarded as joint property entitling the Cape Peninsula University of Technology to its share, subject to the Cape Peninsula University of Technology’s Intellectual Property Policy.
  • I understand that I am expected to submit an article for publication based on my research results, with the CPUT affiliation clearly stated.
  • I understand that plagiarism is wrong, and incurs severe penalties.
  • I shall list all assistance obtained, such as editorial, financial and statistical assistance, and assistance from other institutions or persons, clearly on the Acknowledgements page of the dissertation/thesis.
  • I have read and taken cognisance of the responsibilities of students and supervisors, as included in the Appendix ("Duties of supervisors and postgraduate candidates").
  • I will follow the CPUT guidelines for writing theses/dissertations.
  • I have read and taken note of the “Guide to postgraduate studies”.
  • I understand that all subsequent registrations are not automatic, but pending the approval of my supervisor(s) and based on suitable progress.
  • I understand that I may appeal, if my registration is not approved, via the appropriate CPUT appeals system.
  • I understand that non-compliance with the MoU may result in deregistration.




(Internal Supervisor)

Reviewers (please print names) / Qualifications
Review Panel Chair / Date
Is ethics approval required? / Yes / No

If ethics clearance is required:

- obtain approval of the research proposal by the Faculty Research Committee

- then submit the research proposal to the Faculty Ethics Committee

- ATTACH PROOF of Faculty Ethics Review Committee approval

Specify any financial assistance to be provided to support this study, andif necessary, how these funds are to be used.

year / Category / USE / SOURCE / amount
Bursaries & salaries
Computers & stationery
Laboratory costs
Conferences & courses
Other running costs
Faculty approval Date of minutes in which recorded:

Signed (HOD)Date:


(Dean/Faculty Research Coordinator)Date:





The purpose of this document is to provide a clear and concise outline of what each party to the student-supervisor relationship may expect from the other, through this hopefully promoting the development and maintenance of a sound and productive relationship between the two parties. The resolution of any disputes that might arise between postgraduate students and their supervisors will be strongly informed by the content of this document.

The main focus of this document is the student-supervisor relationship, not the general relationship between the University and the student or supervisor. For this reason, this document extends – and does not replace – any other agreements between the University and its students or staff, and should therefore be read in conjunction with the general rules governing enrolment of students, or the conditions of employment for staff, for example.

Responsibilities of the supervisor

The supervisor should:

a)clarify the respective roles of the supervisor and co-supervisor(s) (if appointed), and communicate these clearly to the student;

b)have a theoretical background and experience in the subject field in which the candidate wishes to conduct research;

c)not supervise so many candidates that his/her effectiveness as a supervisor or ability to fulfil other academic functions is significantly diminished;

d)ensure the appropriate selection of a topic, taking cognisance of the level of the degree, the specified time allowed for its completion, the specified word limit and the extent to which the research should embody new knowledge;

e)provide academic guidance to the student to ensure the development of research skills, and mastery of the research discipline and the field of specialisation, give guidance in respect of planning the candidate’s research programme, relevant literature and sources, requisite skills in research methods, and writing the research proposal so that this is demonstrated by the relevant dissertation or thesis;

f)ensure that candidates obtain approval of their research from the faculty ethics committee, where applicable, and adhering at all times to all general academic ethics with regard to academic integrity, plagiarism, and ethics requirements of the research work;

g)encourage the student to seek external financial support for his/her studies;

h)ensure that the candidate, where applicable, is acquainted with relevant safety regulations and procedures and receives appropriate training and supervision before embarking on any course of action or technique that might be hazardous or dangerous;

i)together with the Head of Department and/or Dean of the faculty and/or other responsible University official, to ensure as far as reasonably possible that the student is provided with the basic infrastructure and necessary resources to undertake the research; such as the library, laboratories and equipment, or access to chemicals and consumables, while not diminishing the student’s duty to take responsibility for his/her own research, including purchasing items that may be required to complete the production of the dissertation or thesis;

j)meet, where possible, with the candidate at least once a month to discuss research progress. Alternatively, electronic contact should be maintained should the candidate not be on campus;

k)together with the candidate negotiate a timetable for the conduct of the research, and should request written work on a regular basis from the student;

l)provide timely, constructive, critical assessment of the candidate’s work, preferably in writing;

m)provide feedback on each chapter of a dissertation/thesis, before the candidate embarks on the next stage of the research or new chapter;

n)furnish the faculty research committee and the department of Research & Technology Promotion with regular progress reports in respect of candidates’ grant payments;

o)within reason, be accessible for consultation when required;

p)encourage the candidate to contribute to seminars, conferences and research publications, in accordance with the Cape Peninsula University of Technology’s policy on intellectual property and subsidy credits, and with due recognition of the candidate’s and supervisor’s contribution to published work in respect of authorship/co-authorship. In normal circumstances the candidate will be the senior author of publications arising directly from a dissertation/thesis;

q)apprise the candidate of completion dates to ensure that the dissertation/thesis is submitted within the specified time and within the specified word limit (bearing in mind the exigencies of editing, printing, binding and external examining) to qualify for the graduation ceremony;

r)submit nominations for internal and external examiners via the correct channels (Faculty Dean, faculty research committee, Higher Degrees Committee) for ratification; and

s)after examination, oversee any recommended amendments to the dissertation/thesis and reports, such that these have been satisfactorily effected to the HDC prior to the candidate’s graduation.

Responsibilities of the student

The student is responsible, diligently and sincerely, to exercise the following responsibilities, and where appropriate to consult with his/her supervisors in order to give effect to these responsibilities:

a)plan and implement the agreed upon research programme or project;

b)successfully complete all the academic outputs of the study programme;

c)find appropriate literature and obtain information from literature;

d)write the research proposal in the time stipulated;

e)prepare all documents required for obtaining ethics clearance, if applicable;

f)assist in a limited manner in the drafting of funding applications;

g)plan work schedules;

h)engage in any required fieldwork or data gathering, laboratory experimentation, data processing and statistical analyses; any assistance received from persons or institutions should be clearly stated in the Acknowledgements;

i)write and proofread his/her dissertation or thesis, including, but not limited to, obtaining professional assistance with the linguistic editing of the dissertation or thesis;

j)attend to any amendments or revisions of the dissertation or thesis required by the supervisors, or internal or external assessors, and be responsible for the production of the final bound hard and electronic copies; while an examiner may call for resubmission and re-examination of a thesis, a thesis cannot be submitted for re-examination more than once.

k)make regular appointments with the supervisors and inform him/her in time if any administrative or academic difficulties should be experienced in the study programme in order that the supervisors may advise in respect of timely corrective action;

l)participate in research projects and programmes as determined by the supervisors, including attending symposia, seminars and conferences;

m)if necessary, purchase items that may be required to complete the production of the dissertation or thesis;

n)in the case of research master’s or doctoral students, produce at least one manuscript of a research paper in a format that is ready for submission to an accredited research journal by the time the faculty research committee considers the assessment results;

o)adhere at all times to all general academic ethics with regard to academic integrity and plagiarism, and ethics requirements relating to the research work; and

p)renew his/her annual registration with the CPUT at the stipulated times until the degree is awarded. Please note that continued registration is dependent upon a favourable supervisor’s progress report. Candidates who consistently fail to make progress may be deregistered.