Cape and Islands Regional Network to End Homelessness
Client Coordinating Council Committee
Chairs: Claire Goyer and Chris Austin
The Client Coordinating Council Committee is composed of Regional Network Policy Board members from agencies providing services to individuals and families in the Upper, Mid and Outer Cape areas.
Initial organizational meeting was held on July 16, 2009, and a second meeting took place on July 27, 2009.
· The CCC will identify best practices in case management for individuals and families.
· The CCC will conduct cross network training in case management best practices for individuals and families.
· The CCC will expand on existing case management collaboration and referrals between existing and new Regional Network members.
Main Street Committee
Chairs: Mary LeClaire and Estella Fritzinger
40+ Comprised of members of the Hyannis and Barnstable business community, state & federal government officials, elected officials, county government, police, emergency response systems and non profit homeless providers to work collaboratively on decreasing the homeless problems on Main St Hyannis
Initially organized: Fall 2009
Goals: To define and accurately identify the number of individuals who are chronically homeless in the Town of Barnstable and who are currently unable to benefit from existing services; to identify existing resources that could be utilized to assist these individuals in finding stable housing; and if necessary, research additional funding sources that could be utilized to assist these individuals.
Continuum of Care/Grant Committee
Chairs: Lee Hamilton and Paul Herbert, Caronanne Procaccini??
Established under Leadership Council to End Homelessness 1990’s
Goals: To coordinate activities and submit HUD application for C of C funds for the region.
Housing Development Committee
Chairs: Bob Murray and Rick Presbrey
Adopted by Policy Board on May 18th, 2009
Media and Communications Committee
Chairs: Bob Murray and Sheila Lyons
Adopted by Policy Board on May 18th, 2009
Goals: To develop an effective media and communication strategy for the network and coordinate media response.
HMIS/Data Committee
Chairs: Beth Albert and Alan Trebat
Adopted by Policy Board on May 18th, 2009
Goal: To coordinate the data collections needs of the network. To inform Network of changes to HMIS and implement required uniform data collection tools.