“Capacity building for EUSBSR stakeholders”
A training that will strengthen your skills in designing, developing and implementing projects
KonventaSētaHotel, Kalēju 9/11, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
"Kampenhauzen" meeting room
This document is a preliminary draft. It will be revised based on responses to be submitted by applicants willing to take part in the training so as to properly follow their preferences.
Programme with timetable
8 NovemberTraining Day 1
10.30–11:00Coffee/tea and sandwiches
11.00–11:05 Opening and welcoming words from the EU Strategy for Baltic Sea Region (EUSBRS) Policy Area “Health” Coordinator
MsÜlla-Karin Nurm,Director of the NDPHS Secretariat
11:05–11-10 Welcoming words from the EUSBSR Horizontal Action “Capacity” Coordinator
Mr Anders Bergström, Horizontal Action Coordinator, Norden Association in Sweden
TBD, Swedish Institute, Sweden
11:10–12:00Introductiongetting to know each other
12:00 –13:00 Lunch
13:00–14:30Workshop 1.EUSBSR –a regional, comprehensive and inclusive tool
Introduction – discussions in groups – conclusions:
- Added values with working in a macro-region;
- Introduction tothe EUSBSR, incl.its Policy Area“Health” (objectives, actors, governance, implementation tools, etc.);
- Initiation and development ofprojects; cooperation of different stakeholders in project development processes;
- EUSBSRFlagships and how to obtain this label;
- Interconnections, coordination and cooperation ofEUSBSR Policy Areas and Horizontal Actions in project development processes.
14.30 – 16:00Workshop2. Planning for policy impact – a comprehensive approach that needs to be taken into account from the outset
Introduction – discussions in groups – conclusions:
- Using project chains as a tool to achieve policy impact;
- Designing projects within macro-regional strategies;
- Building partnerships and planningproject proposals.;
- Buildingpartnerships for policy impact;
- Managing transnational projects.
16:00 – 16:20 Coffee break
16.20 – 18:00Workshop 3. Funding opportunities today and tomorrow
Introduction – discussions in groups – conclusions:
- Aligning funding with regional priorities;
- The art of fund-raising in competition with other sectors for funding from the same donors;
- Funding opportunities during the financial period 2014-2020;
- Moving beyond the current financial period.
18:00 – 19:00Wrap-up – linking Training Day 1 with Day 2
Wrap-up of the two workshops.Societalchallenges tobe addressed in new projects and processeswithin the EUSBSR Policy Area “Health.”
End of day 1
19:15Joint dinner
9 NovemberTraining Day 2
09:00 – 09:10 Introduction: Scope and purpose of the training’s day 2
09:10–10:30 Preparing a viable and fundable project proposal; raising funds for a project
Possible issues to cover:
- Identifying right partners for a project and its beneficiaries;
- Taking into account policies and planning for impact;
- Initiating and smoothly planning a project; converting a great innovativeidea into a good project proposal;
- Identifying right donor(s) and properly communicating your idea to and fine-tuning it with donor(s);
- Ensuring key project elements are covered;
- Planning for risks and how to manage them;
- Developing a budget that works and searching for right donors (the latter will build on discussions held on the day 1). Planning own co-financing;
- Developing a communication plan that will do its job.
Based on the training applicants responses given in the enrollment questionnaire, we will choose a set of tools to be presented during the training from among: a Problem-Objective-Strategy-Tree, SMART criteria, SWOT analysis and Logical Framework Analysis (LFA), Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Gantt Chart.
10:30–10:45Coffee break
10:45–11:15 Preparing a viable and fundable project proposal; raising funds for a project (session continues)
11:15–12:00 Implementing a project; monitoring its progress; early identification of threats and gaps; adjusting to changedcircumstances; interim reporting to a donor
Possible issues to cover:
- Sharing responsibilities among the project partners and successfully leading work packages;
- Periodic monitoring of progress against project plan; deliverables and milestones;
- Running properly accounts;
- Staying on the budget and adjusting it, if necessary and allowed;
- Identifying changes and needs for improvements; re-planning/adjusting;
- Ensuring adherence to requirements and conditions;
- Meeting deadlines, including interim reporting deadlines;
- Key messages and results, and how to communicate them.
13:00 –14:10 Implementing a project; monitoring its progress; early identification of threats and gaps; adjusting to changed circumstances; interim reporting to a donor(session continues)
14:10–14:50 Preparing for closing and closing a project
Possible issues to cover:
- Planning for timely closing and submission of reports;
- Project evaluation; dialogue with beneficiary group;
- Mobilizing information and data; reviewing and rectifying them;
- Making allowable last minute adjustments to the budget;
- Drafting and agreeing on the final narrative and financial reports.
14:50–15:10 Project audit / cost verification
Possible issues to cover:
- Different approaches and main differences between them;
- Pitfalls and how to avoid them.
15:10–15:45 Reporting to a donor
Possible issues to cover:
- Meeting rigid donor requirements;
- Staying within the reporting deadlines.
15:45–16:00 Life beyond the project end
Possible issues to cover:
- Project follow-up;
- Sustainability of project results;
- Communicating for better policy impact.
16:00Closing of the training
/ This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the NDPHS Secretariat and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.1