Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Galileo School for Gifted Learning duly called and held on June 25, 2013 at UCF, Orlando, FL.

Board members present:

ü  Michele Gill, Chair

ü  Stephen Schenck, Vice Chair

ü  Debbie Hahs-Vaughn, Secretary

ü  Jordan Clark, Member

ü  Javier Rivera, Member

Board members absent:

ü  Michael Gaudio, Member

ü  Tommy Miller, Member

Guests present:

ü  Kevin Oser, ACH (John Hancock rep)

ü  Melody Giacomino

With the approval of the directors present, Michele Gill acted as Chair of the meeting, and Debbie Hahs-Vaughn recorded the minutes.

On motions duly made and seconded, it was voted that the minutes of May 28, 2013 of directors to be taken as read.

I.  Celebrations/Recognitions

I.  Congratulations to all on a successful Year 2!

II.  Thank you to Stephen Schenck for his three years of Board service.

III.  Thank you to Michael Gaudio for his one year of Board service.

II.  Informational Items

III.  Motion made, second, all approved to add Melody Giacomino as Treasurer to the Board. Her start date for the board is June 25, 2013.

IV.  Personnel Actions (M. Nunez)

The following candidates were recommended for hire by Mrs. Nunez:

I.  Bookkeeper: Miral Patel

II.  5th Grade Teacher: Nicole Mezak

III.  Kindergarten Teachers: Elena Wirick-Velez and Amanda Neary-Carey

Motion made, second, and all approved to make the above noted hires.

Contracts for the following staff and faculty were recommended for re-hire by Mrs. Nunez:

IV.  Counselor: Alysia Stewart

V.  Instructional Assistants: Heather Wolfe and Ryan Sharp

VI.  Office Manager: Jenny Slavik

VII.  Behavior Specialist: Ashley Courson

Motion made, second, and all approved to approve contracts for the instructional assistant, office manager, counselor, and behavior specialist.

V.  Principal Report (M. Nunez)

I.  FCAT Score update was provided. Based on student data received, we calculate a school grade of A. Plans are to put an intervention in place for math next year. Official school grades should be released within two weeks.

II.  Cafetorium lease. Waiting for this to go to County Commission. No new updates.

III.  Grant update was discussed.

VI.  Consent Agenda

I.  Benefits proposal discussed. Motion made, second, all approved to institute ACH’s 401k plan for all of our employees

VII.  Committee Reports

I.  Standing Committee Reports

i.  Budget and Finance Committee (M. Giacomino)

1.  May Financial Statements were discussed. Everything looks good and on track.

2.  Update on Auditor was provided.

ii.  Curriculum Committee (M. Gill)

1.  Next meeting: July. Waiting for Gifted Coach to be hired.

iii.  Development, Grants, & Marketing (T. Miller). No update provided due to chair’s absence.

II.  Special Committee Reports

i.  Facility Committee

1.  Update on search for permanent location. Tabled until a new chair is found.

2.  New chair needed starting in August. Javier Rivera will serve as chair temporarily. We will look for an individual with expertise that can serve as chair.


VI.  ACH Retirement Options. A representative from John Hancock (ACH) discussed the retirement plan options.

VII.  Principal Evaluation was conducted. The Board was unanimous in their overall support of Mrs. Nunez’s leadership of Galileo School this past year.

VIII.  PTA Update was provided. Most event dates have been set for the year.

IX.  SAC Update. No update provided.


No public comments were made.


VIII.  Principal Contract was reviewed. Motion made, second, and all approved to approve Mrs. Nunez’s contract for 2013-14 as amended.

IX.  The Board began an initial discussion about the possibility of limiting admission to gifted students in the future, per our original application and vision, using a matrix for admissions. The strategic planning committee will put this on their agenda to discuss this year

X.  Proposal to hold additional strategic planning meetings throughout the year (Rivera). This is up to the strategic planning committee.

XI.  Sharing millage funds from Seminole County. This is tabled until additional information is received.

XII.  Important Dates

I.  July 23, 5:45, UCF

i.  Approve personnel actions

ii.  Review application for a middle school

iii.  Gill & Hahs-Vaughn are eligible for reappointment

II.  August 27, 5:45, UCF

i.  Sunshine Fund collections

ii.  Review of quarterly budget

iii.  Begin fundraising preparations

iv.  Clark is eligible for reappointment

XIII.  Adjournment

There being no further business to transact at the time, it was voted to adjourn the meeting.

Dated: June 25, 2013


Debbie Hahs-Vaughn, Secretary

A Tuition-Free Public Charter School 4