CAP Lieutenant Colonel Sample Smith, CAP ID 123456

Highlights of Lt Col Smith’s achievements are:

Command and Staff Positions:

Squadron Commander - Bountiful Senior Squadron, Utah: From 1999 to 2002.

Wing Director of Safety – Utah Wing: From 2001 to Jan 2004

Region Director of Safety – Rocky Mountain Region: Jan 2004 to Jan 2005

Region Director of Standards and Evaluation – Rocky Mountain Region: Jan 04-Jan 2005

National CAP Safety Sub-Committee – Sept 2004 to Jan 2005.

Squadron Safety Officer: Platte Valley Composite Sq, Missouri: From March 2005 to Sept 2006

Wing Director of Operations Training – Missouri Wing: From Jun 2006 to Oct 2009.

Squadron Commander -Kansas City Charles R Long Senior Squadron: Oct2006 to Aug 2011

Wing Assistant Director of Operations – Idaho Wing: Oct 2012 to July 2015

Squadron Standards and Evaluations Officer – Nampa Composite Sq, Idaho: Jan 2013 to July 2015

Deputy Commander for Seniors – Nampa Composite Sq: July 2014 to July 2015

Deputy Commander – Emerald Coast Senior Sq: Oct 2015 – Oct 2016

Squadron Standards and Evaluations Officer – Emerald Coast Senior Sq: Oct 2016 to present


ATP multi-engine; Commercial single-engine and glider

CFI – airplane, instrument, multi-engine. Advanced and instrument ground instructor

Hours - Over 3000 PIC. 2000 hours flight instruction given

CAP Pilot:

CAP Command Pilot, Mission Pilot (3 Saves, numerous Finds), Tow Pilot.

CAP Instructor,Check Pilot, Mission Check Pilot in Utah, Missouri, Idaho and Florida Wings.

Check Pilot Examiner and Mission Check Pilot Examiner in Utah, Missouri and Idaho Wings.

Form-5: GA-8, C-182, C-172, MT-7-235, G-1000 and turbo endorsements. SGS-232 (expired).

Related Professional Experience (outside of CAP):

Weather Officer (Captain – O3) - USAF: 1976-1981 (honorable)

Meteorologist and manager (GS-15) - National Weather Service: 1981-2009 (retired)

Meteorologist (contractor) - Expert to the FAA on aviation weather: 2009 - present


Senior Member of the Year – Utah Wing - 2002

Exceptional Service Award – July 2002

Wing Safety Officer of the Year – Utah Wing - 2003

Region Safety Officer of the Year – Rocky Mountain Region – 2003

Commander’s Commendation Award – May 2003, May 2004, Feb 2005

Meritorious Service Award – October 2005

Wing Safety Officer of the Year –Missouri Wing –2006, 2011

Wing Standards and Evaluation Officer – Idaho Wing - 2013

CAP Professional Development:

Yeager – August 2006

Davis – December 2006

Loening – March 2007

Garber – February 2011

Specialty Tracks

Safety: Master level

Flight Operations: Senior level

Standards and Evaluations: Senior level

Operations: Senior level