Orange County CouncilBoy Scouts of America
Canyon Fire 2 Restoration Update – OC BSA Board
Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center –January 10, 2017
For photos of damage, visit
For photos of work in progress, visit
To view the new IROEC fundraising video, visit
Task / Project / Description / Status / Approx. Cost / NoteInsurance Claim / Filed insurance claim. Working closely with adjusters and broker. / Review policy details to ensure understanding of coverage for each portion of the claim. Claims adjuster is compiling report. / $650,000 in cash advancesreceived. Have requested additional funding. / Reviewing gaps in coverage to determine fundraising needs. See additional insurance document for more details. Insurance company is preparing another cash payment to be sent by 1/15/18.
Electrical System Repair / Destroyed/damaged electrical boxes. / Completed Assessment and repairs have begun. / $10K / Electrical repairs have begun around camp.
Fire System Repair / Camp fire suppression system damage. / Initial assessments showcase extensive damage to Fire Pump 1. / $80,000-$100,000 / Fire pump 1 engine replacement is approved and engine is on order. System is fully operational.
IROEC Office / Staff back on site working. / All infrastructure repaired. / Still totaling. / All repairs completed.
Sewer System / Review system to ensure no damage occurred. / Awaiting bid. / Unknown / Work will commence once bridge is repaired.
Smoke/Ash/Soot Clean Up & Restoration / Air scrubbing and cleaning of all buildings for soot, ash and smoke. / Work has been completed. / Total cost for cleaning was $427,499.22. Additional costs to be totaled include furniture, blinds, and misc. / Additional expenses incurred include mattress and furniture replacement, insulation replacement, mini blind replacement.
Staff Personal Item Cleaning / Clean staff personal items in their staff housing units. / Completed. / Appox $18,000. Coverage is $50K. / Will some small additional costs for replacing some bedding, mattresses under that coverage, Approx $250K.
Bridge / Uncertainty regarding bridge stability. / Red tagged by county. Initial survey of land erosion under bridge by civil engineer is in process. Soils engineer to begin to review reports and conduct additional testing. / Unknown – depending on extent of damage. / Civil engineering review have begun. Initial assessment looks promising. Awaiting environmental report so that soils engineer can provide support on how best to stabilize the hill under the ground.
Pool Repairs / Damage due to ash and system being turned off. / Initial repairs have begun and have shown additional repairs will be needed. / $83,000 / Complete replaster required in both pools. Additional damage done to mastic around northwest side of pool.
We are currently fighting the report from the insurance company regarding the pool damage coverage.
Building inspections / Top to bottom, roofs etc / Walk throughs completed. Awaiting final insurance building consultant report. / All assessments have been made.
Orchard Health / Orange grove approx. 60-70% loss of trees. / Working to mitigate loss by removing fruit, putting in temporary water system, digging new tree wells and cleaning off ash. Temporary irrigation has been installed. / Irrigation repairs approx. $11,000. Work begins on 12/19/18. / Insurance coverage confirmed for irrigation but not new trees. Costs to replace irrigation and fencing will be covered by insurer. Need to raise an additional $10,000 to cover the costs to replace trees. Currently, nearly $4500 has been raised to support the tree replacement.
Site Vegetation Repair / Land management (Future erosion, flood and mud control) / Catastrophic vegetation loss surrounding the entire site. / Meetings held with LSA, OC Public Works, Adams Streeter Engineers, SoCal Sandbags, County of Orange have been held. Initial plans being designed. / $68,0000 (not covered by insurance) / After several assessments, an initial erosion control plan was put in place. Sand bags, silt fences and hydo-mulching were all included. Additional monitoring continues of culverts and V-ditches.
Additional Flood Insurance policy was purchased as well.
Working to get 2015 materials covered by insurance such as straw waddles, silt fences and sandbags.
Landscaping irrigation repair / Severe damage to a large portion of theirrigation on the outer borders of the site. / Irrigation system damage has been assessed. Final bid selected. / $68,000 / Repairs almost complete.
Additional work will need to be done on top of hill once those repairs begin on that side of camp.
Landscaping plant material repair / Severe damage to the landscape around the site, and pockets throughout / Assessment made to repair burnt trees around site, dead vegetation and to improve entrance. / $60,000 / Coverage is only $25,000. Lowered initial bid by utilizing volunteer labor and some mulch donations. Working on additional plant donations.
Building damage / Severe damage to ranch pavilion and archery pavilion. / Will be included in scope of work for contractors. / At least $250,000. / Architectural and structural plans received on 1/9/18. Working to begin permitting process and final review with contractor.
Zip Line / Climbing Wall / Challenge Course / All areas destroyed by fire. / Have submitted original costs to insurance carrier. Have created an initial vison of potential replacement courses. / Unknown costs on debris removal and rebuild. Initial estimates are approx. $650,000.
Note this cost includes a larger, more robust program area than was previously constructed. / Submitted vision to 3 specialized course design firms. Also have engaged National BSA Cope & Climbing task force.
Intend to select design engineering company by 1/20/18.
Significant gap in coverage.
Business Loss Income / IROEC was closed from 10/8/17-1/2/18. IROEC reopened as a “soft” open on 1/3/18. / Groups were moved and cancelled due to the closure.
Work continues to re-secure these previous schools and other groups for 2018. / Potential income loss of approx. $600K from 10/9/17 to 12/31/17.
Ongoing business income loss will continue through 2018. / Forensic accounting process has started with insurance agent.
OCBSA has secured Deloitte to work as our advocate on the forensic accounting.
Separate project codes set up with OCBSA to manage fire-related expenses in fund 1 and fund 2.
Fundraising / Recover costs not covered by insurance. Potential ability to increase giving to remaining capital campaign. / Initial site set up online (See link) / Devon and development team managing process.
Communication / Ensure communication regarding project, loss etc is communicated to various stakeholders.
Secured IdeaHall to manage marketing and messaging for fire. / Webpage at / $30,000 / Print, video, and social media campaigns are gaining traction.
Painting / Interior painting of all buildings / Bids received. Work to commence 11-20. Volunteers working on paint donation to help decrease cost to OCBSA. / $30-$60K (Depends on paint donation) / Vista paint has donated paint for project.
Flooring / Carpet purchases for Leadership Center
Harrison Lodge floor refinishing / $23,000 / All work has been completed.