Canterbury Cross Primary School
School Self-Evaluation Summary Sheet
SCHOOL / Canterbury Cross Primary School / Date: Sept 2013Sections / Summary Evaluation
School context-key features from RAISE /
- Larger than average primary school-currently judged ‘Good with significant features of outstanding’ by SLT. Senior Leadership and Middle Leadership are now stable and effective. Majority of pupils Pakistani, Bangladeshi or of Indian origin; some recent changes with an increase in Eastern European children at the school. Area of high social deprivation. 90%+ EAL. Increasing mobility. School has waiting lists in all year groups & parent confidence/engagement is excellent.
- Continue to improve standards, especially in oracy & writing inKS1. Increase the % of Reading and SPAG from its current attainment of 85% and 80% respectively to 90% which we have reached for Maths. For more able pupils in English to increase the percentage of L6s in Reading and SPAG. Furthermore to increase the level 5s by 5% to 48%. To continue to increase English and Maths at KS1L3s.
- Improve the quality of teaching so all lessons are consistently good with at least 40% outstanding across school. Ensure all Support Staff support learners effectively and meet their performance management targets, use Performance Related Pay in explicit target setting and improve attainment against ARE in all year groups. Teaching over time in all classes to ensure that pupils make accelerated progress throughout the school in reading, writing and maths.
- Develop further the quality of leadership at all levels to ensure that all leaders and effective in analysing data. Implementing appropriate action plans & accountable in delivering impact.
Areas for development identified at the previous Ofsted inspection / Key Issue / P.I Date / June 2011 / . 2 / Progress
- Raise attainment in speaking and improve subsequent progress in writing to a good level: use community languages in school only when necessary
- Give pupils more opportunities to respond with extended verbal answers in lessons
- Explicit teaching of phonics across school, Community languages used for transition until children can access English, sp&l phase explicitly taught, Newly Arrived children use IPADs and translator to access curriculum. Speaking and listening targets
- In Literacy use the four phase’s incl. key sp&l phase, use to talk in lessons dilemmas, opps in wider curriculum skills based sessions, in Numeracy using and applying. Key skills are developed further in foundation subjects.
- To consistently correct grammatical errors in pupils’ spoken English, paying greater attention to correcting errors in grammar and punctuation in writing
- To increase the proportions of pupils reaching L3 and L5 improve the curriculum, making it inspiring engaging & relevant to pupils’ different interests-ensure pupils’ IT skills developed
- TA CPD all staff model standard English, daily grammar and punctuation in KS2, daily phonics in KS1 with targeted support in Y1,2 and for individual chn in groups
- KS2 data shows increasing L5s and L6s for mathematics, increasing L5s for English Reading and 62%(SPAG 2013), KS1 increasing percentage of 2A and focus on L3s, other ygps increasing % of chn at ARE through well thought out teaching units and activities which inspire children.
Attainment, progress and the quality of learning, for individuals, different groups, particularly SEND pupils. – including EYFS. Key skills development across curriculum / Strengths / . ½ / Areas for Development
- Progress in EYFS, Years 2,6, reflected in KS2 11,12 and 13 data % of 2 levels progress and % of L6s in maths, increasing % of L5s in English. Increasing % of Eng & Maths combined overall aps pts, over last 3 years at KS2. Increasing APS at KS1 Re.,W;Ma.KS1 “12 increasing % of 2Bs “13 increasing % of 2As.% of children achieving at the phonics assessment(2013) in Y1. Closing gap with SEN attainment. Progress in all Ygps, increasing % of pupil at ARE
- Targets against ARE in all Ygps targets; expectation of a minimum of 80% of pupils achieve.
- Increasing percentage of children beyond ARE, more able percentages through school organisation, clearer differentiation and focussed targeted support
- Whole school spelling strategy to improve % of L4s in Grammar and punctuation; spellings to support writing also
- Good progress in reading (4.4APS) & maths (4.1APS) gain per year from Y1 to Y6. Value added over 100 for last 3 years
- Increase conversion rates for all pupils, especially to level 4 for Reading/SPAG, focus on Af2,3,4 and spellings L6 reading/SPAG.
- SEND and Pupil Premium pupils continue to make very good progress throughout school and at KS2 assessments
- Pupils meeting age-related expectations in foundation subjects such as art, music , drama and ICT
Teacher subject knowledge and pupil expectations, engagement, motivation, challenge, progress, independence, assessment and next steps, marking, feedback / Strengths / . ½ / Areas for Development
- 95% of teaching is now consistently good with at least 30% consistently better – termly lesson observations for TAS Enjoyment, engagement in learning strong. Performance Management for Teachers and TAs systems strong all targets impact driven.
- Continue to accelerate progress for all groups especially in English and Maths, increase the % of outstanding teaching, evidence through annual trends
- Explicit teaching of spelling across school reading
- AF2/3/4 (must could should)
- Complex sentences/connectives/writing
- More able reading – quote/analysis test technique More able writing-vocabulary for effect
- P.M targets explicit in SIP priorities with PM pay
- Teacher modelling and demonstrating are used to good effect, greater challenge is provided for more able pupils in lessons and as additional lessons. Strong focussed AfL with precise understanding of pupils’ needs
- Well focused teaching of EAL, SEND and pupil premium children result in good progress for all pupils because of individual pupil support and targeted group support daily
- Raise the same level of expectation in all foundation subjects; use the OFSTED subject inspection guidance as a measure.
- Subtraction (must, could, should)
- Place value (basic skills checklist)
- Problem solving (maths in context)
- Investigations – Big Maths
- Continue to develop bespoke curriculum to ensure good progression & application of core skills across ass subjects – monitor impact and adjust as necessary
Reading and literacy skills /
- Phonics taughtvery well in EYFS, Y1 Y2 and targeted chn throughout school, overall it is a strength of the school. Daily KS2 SPAG lessons; - guided reading is consistently strong in all year groups. Next focus is to develop a reading culture/ different authors (All chn given a free book on World Book Day)
Including behaviour in lessons & around the school, attendance & punctuality, attitudes towards others, how well protected from bullying, views of pupils/parents / Behaviour Judgement / . ½ / Safety Judgement / .
Overall Strengths *Behaviour is good and in lessons often outstanding, chn engaged and attentive in lessons, chn show self-discipline when un supervised, they are courteous and polite. Bullying very rare – pupils say that they feel very safe and relationships good. Pupils feel empowered – through school council, whole school acronym SHARE embedded, SEAL programmes support this, very low exclusions and significant improvement in attendance.
Areas for development * Further improve attendance, currently (94.6%) to good or better. (*issues with outbreak of novo virus Dec 2012.) Continue to develop opportunities for pupil engagement & empowerment within decision making. For e.g: school council, roles of prefects and play leaders.
How well leaders- demonstrate ambition vision, high expectations improve teaching & learning, dev. Staff, sustains improvement. Accuracy of SSE, appropriate curriculum, equal opps, Parental engagement, safeguards. / Strengths / . 1/2 / Areas for Development
- Senior leaders have driven, ambition & clear vision – driving improved teaching standards
- Develop effectiveness of middle leaders in monitoring & holding others to account, termly subject leader plans
- Dedicated leadership time with accountability systems to drive initiatives
- Partnership at all levels – parental engagement, community, Handsworth Consortium, multi-agency etc.
- Develop further our curriculum (New 2014 Curriculum) – with specific focus on learning to learn skills & subject leaders supporting improvement.
- Rigour in the use of accurate moderated data to drive improvement in English & ma.
- Establish Peer observations across SLT and Subject Leaders; ygp and phase partners
- Introduce peer observations for support staff
- Use skills of governors to further develop effectiveness in holding to account.
Including promotion of SMSC /
- The overwhelming majority of pupils understand their moral responsibilities as citizens of the local, national & global community – Winner of the European Language Label 2013-2014, further cultural links developed through music fest week; Caliche from Venezuela, Sulu Nation from South Africa and Dawood Whansby Ali form Canada. Developed inspirational role models & how our community/society formed - , mutual respect.
- SLT track record shows clear capacity for further improvement over time – evidence in improved standards and capacity.