4.30pm Thursday 17th December 2009.

PRESENT: Cathy Graham (CG), Alan Evans (AE), Colin Sutcliffe (CS),

Daniel Titley (DT), Tracey Browne (TB), Carol Davies (CD),

Ann Jones (AJ), Adrian Williams (AW), Linda Ingram (LI),

Andy Bligh (AB) Scan (GS).

APOLOGIES: Mike Garner (MG), Merion Williams (MW), Rod Ellis (RE),

Simon Dunn (SD), George Nicholas (GN).

1. Minutes of the Branch Executive Committee meeting held on 18th November.

AJ’s report was omitted by mistake.

The minutes were then agreed as a correct record of the meeting.

2. Matters Arising


3. Correspondence / Secretary’s Report

Christmas Dinner

CG thanked AW for organising the dinner.

Finance Restructure

There is a minor restructure of Finance caused by stock transfer. GS to handle consultation.


GS/RE and CS are now the reps on BUG.

Director of Finance

Gwyn raised the possibility that Unison desks may have to move location; also he would like to discuss a new DOCAS SLA and the future of CG’s permanent post.

CG to follow up latter two items with SD.

Staff Yoga Sessions

Staff had organised Yoga to start in the New Year at lunchtimes in Canolfan Rheidol but this has so far been prevented by DHPW insisting on charging for the room. CG has got this on the agenda for CMT next Tuesday. CG feels strongly that as in the past a room should be provided for free especially as the Council is trying to obtain the corporate health standard. LI to follow up as CG will be on leave.

4. Corporate Employee Forum

Items for discussion at the next meeting include:

·  GN’s lifelong learning report

·  Staff health and wellbeing

·  Chase up procedure for change working group

5. Pay & Grading Review

No progress due to schools slotting and matching exercise.

CG is seeking 2 volunteers to attend steering on a regular basis.

6. Tai Ceredigion

Concerns were raised regarding the issue of new contracts and also a code of conduct document which has been allegedly circulated for the manual workforce to sign without consultation. GN to supply copy of document and CG to refer to SD to follow up while she is on leave.

7. Shared Services DHPW (Gwynedd, Powys, Ceredigion)

No progress since last branch meeting.

8. Schools

The ballot result was 78% said NO. The Council have proposed to continue with the slotting and matching exercise with the right of appeal but make no changes to terms and conditions or salaries pending JE. To date SD is off sick and no RO was available from the region to advise on this proposal. CG to refer to SD to contact Education while she is on leave.

9. Ceredigion Training (HCT)

CG to follow up on the proposed restructure in the New Year.

10. Homecare working group

LUP has resigned as a Homecare steward as she now has a new job in Reablement. CG will reconvene the working group for early February to discuss how the questionnaire can now go out.

11. Social services Reablement Team

Social Services have proposed to change the working pattern for these jobs which will soon be required to provide a 7 day a week service. There has been no proposal in writing yet if this follows before Christmas then the deadline for the consultation period will be the 1st February.

12. Million Voices Campaign

CG proposed that the branch sign up to this. This was agreed.

13. Report from Health & Safety Committee

LI reported that Unison H & S group will meet soon to discuss the draft policies received from management. CG asked all officers and stewards to consult with members on the new smoking policy. CG asked LI to remind DESH that draft policies should be on Cardinet for consultation.

11. Departmental Steward/Officer Reports

Coleg Ceredigion – DT

DT requested permission to attend the FE seminar in Edinburgh in April 2010. This was agreed.

Lifelong Learning – GN

GN requested permission to order 100 quick read books for use during world books week 22nd-27th February 2010. GN plans to target leisure centres this time. CS suggested that we insert a flyer encouraging readers to pass their books onto someone else or back to Unison so they can be reused.

Treasurer- AJ

AJ proposed that the branch adopt the national document which recommends what expenses branches should be paying as well as dictates how honoraria will be paid. This was agreed subject to deleting the branches current arrangement of out of pocket expenses paid for overnight stays. This was agreed and will now be put to the AGM for a final decision.

AJ asked the branch for permission to order promotional material to the value of approximately £4000. This was agreed as the branch has now used most of the old stock.

Welfare- AJ

AJ has 3 current cases.

Welfare Raffle:

Prize winners were

·  Gwenda Hughes, £20

·  Alan Evans, Whisky

·  Rachel ?, Wine

·  Nia Lloyd Jones, Chocolates

·  Peter Williams, Biscuits

·  Kevin Dobson, Gents gift set

·  George Eaden, Ladies gift set

·  Nerys Williams, Body shop gift set

·  Paul Thomas, wine

·  Ann Ireland, Chocolates

·  Val ?, wine

Trips- AJ

86 people went on the recent Telford trip. It was agreed that AJ could organise a new year sales trip to Cardiff.

Finance Steward- GS

GS reported that he is consulting with members affected by the Revenues and Benefits restructure.

GS reported ongoing issues with the temperature of Canolfan Rheidol.

DESH Steward- CS

CS is consulting with members regarding workload and duties and possible restructuring in the department.

Publicity- VG

VG asked for help stuffing envelopes for Llais. DT and AJ volunteered and TW to do about half at home.

13. AOB


LI had obtained quotes from Penrhos and the Feathers. Penrhos was ruled out because it isn’t DDA compliant so it was agreed to get a quote for using the Council Chamber or the Ystwyth room in Penmorfa, because this would be outside of flexi time it is likely there will be a hire cost for the room. Also LI to obtain a quote for using the memorial hall and a buffet price from Penmorfa. LI to book the cheapest option.