Review of Academic Staff on Probation – Head of School/Deanto complete

Candidates should read Academic Probations Policy Academic Promotion Policy before completing this application.

Probation Review – tick relevant box / 1st
3rd(Preliminary Review Panel)
4th(Final Faculty Review Panel)
(1st and Final – senior academic staff or exceptional cases for Assistant Professors as specified in contract)
Meeting Date
Senior Academic Staff Only - Associate Professors; Professor In; Professor Of; Consultants
(in exceptional circumstances only for assistant professors, please see contract of employment}
First and Final Review:
Faculty Dean / I confirm that the staff member is performing to the required standard for this review.
Signed: Dean: ______Date: ______
Assistant Professors Only
Initial Reviews
(Year 1 and 2) / I confirm that the staff member is performing to the required standard for this review.
Signed: Head of School: ______Date: ______
Preliminary Review Panel
Assistant Professors only / We confirm that the staff member is performing to the required standard for this career stage and review.
Signed: Head of School: ______Date: ______
On behalf of the Preliminary Review Panel`
Final Probation Review:
Faculty Final Review Panel
Assistant Professors only / We confirm that the staff member is performing to the required standard for this career stage and Final Probation Review. We further confirm that this staff member can now be recommended to Council and Board for confirmation in their current appointment.
Signed: Dean:______Date: ______
On behalf of the Faculty Final Review Panel
First and Final Review:
Faculty Dean / I confirm that the staff member is performing to the required standard for this review.
Signed: Dean: ______Date: ______
Consideration and Recommendations for Accelerated Advancement
Final Probation only by Faculty Final Review Panel
Assistant Professors only / A)Criteria - “Assistant Professors seeking accelerated advancement within the Lecturer scale shall demonstrate exceptional performance in both teaching and research and in contributions to the College, the discipline or the community.”
B)The Committee can insert any comment regarding a candidate, and must include a brief evaluation based on the four areas below noting where they are exceptional:
Contribution to the College, discipline or Community:
We wish to recommend this candidate to the Junior Academic Progressions Committee for accelerated advancement due to exceptional performance.
Signed Dean: ______Date: ______
On behalf of the Faculty Final Review Panel

Section A - General Information – Candidate to complete

Telephone Extension:
E-mail address:
Date of Appointment to this post:
Do you wish to apply for Accelerated Advancement? / Yes

Briefly outline the key factors supporting your case for Accelerated Advancement (Maximum 500 words)

Please note your word count here ______

Section B

List any special considerations (personal or professional) which the Probation Reviewer or Panel should take into account. The process assesses an applicant’s merit, relative to their opportunity to accrue that merit. Applications are welcome from all staff, including those on part-time appointments, and those whose career paths have been interrupted or delayed due to significant periods of leave for caring responsibilities.

Please outline any career path interruptions for caring responsibilities (e.g. maternity leave, part time working) or other breaks on equality related grounds.

Section C

Qualifications, Awards, Distinctions and Memberships

Earned degrees received in chronological order beginning with the most recent (specify date, subject and Institution).

Subject / Institution
Subject / Institution
Subject / Institution
Subject / Institution

Other Qualifications received in chronological order, beginning with the most recent (e.g. professional qualification, honorary degrees).

Professional Qualifications
Honorary Degrees

Awards and distinctions in chronological order, beginning with the most recent.


Professional Memberships

Professional Memberships

Section D

Career to Date

Please summarise your career to date, including any previous appointments in Trinity College. Please set out in short bullet point form – 300 word limit.

Career to Date, in Chronological order beginning with the most recent

Please note your word count here: ______

All Applicants - Summary of Achievements

Please summarise in bullet points (in 200 words or less for each section) your key achievements under the four criteria (Teaching, Research, Service to College, Engagement with Discipline/Society).

Service to College
Engagement with Discipline/Society

Please note your word count here: ______

Section E

Teaching and Supervision (to be completed by the candidate)

Please provide information regarding your core teaching commitments for the last four academic years. Include details of undergraduate and postgraduate research supervision, if applicable. Please include all teaching activities in order to show to the Review Panel the breadth and depth of your teaching; using an additional sheet if necessary (you can also include other teaching responsibilities such as consultancies). Indicate with an * those modules for which you are the only Assistant Professor or for which you are the Coordinator. Indicate with an ** those modules you have designed yourself. In each case indicate your own contact hours with students clearly and provide an overall total amount of contact hours per year. Include both undergraduate and postgraduate modules and undergraduate final year dissertation supervision

Module Name and Code / Level & Programme / Class Size / Lecture Hrs / Tutorial Hrs / Lab /Practicals Supervision Hrs / Project /Dissertation Supervision Hrs / Other, including Fieldwork Hrs / Years Taught e.g. 2014/15; 2013/14

Provide average number of time-tabled student contact hours per year ______


Number and level of research students supervised

Completed Ph.D./Masters by Research


Current Research/Ph.D. /Masters by Research (specify if Ph.D. etc.)


Completed Taught Masters/Ph.D.


Current Taught Masters/Ph.D.


Evaluation of Teaching and Learning

Explain your approach to teaching and learning methods and why you choose particular methods of instruction and assessment). Outline any innovations you have introduced into your teaching and evaluate their success. This section should not exceed 500 words.

Please note your word count here: ______

Evaluation is a key component of professional development that underpins good practice in learning and teaching. Evaluation of teaching involves collecting evidence from various stakeholders, so as to reflect on and improve your teaching and student learning.

In this section the panel of reviewers wants to know how you seek feedback, and how you use it to improve teaching and learning. Max word count 500.

Please note your word count here: ______

List any professional development activities you have undertaken to help you improve your teaching. 150 words max.

Other Activities:

Please note your word count here: ______

Section F


Please describe your research interests and programme since your appointmentand your future plans. Discuss the significance of your research and its place within the field. If you choose to make statements about national and international impact, supporting objective measures should be provided (e.g. citation figures, impact figures of journals, standing of book publishers, acceptance rates for conference proceedings). This section should not exceed 500 words.

Please note your word count here: ______

List any research (or other) grants you have received (indicate the source and amount of the grant to College). Indicate your role in obtaining each grant (e.g., Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator) and provide the overall total amount of all grants obtained in Euro.

List Research Grants / Source of Grant / Amount of Grant / Role in Obtaining each Grant / Amount allocated to candidate


Please set out your top 5 publications, since your appointment in this section. Please state the norms for authorship in your discipline (e.g. where the lead author’s name occurs) and highlight your status in the list of authors (this can be put in bold font).

List in order:

Provide a list of the remainder of your publications in order beginning with the most recent (do not include publications which have yet to be accepted). Number your publications in each category. Please quote citations or impact factors and state what search engine you used to get this information. Please highlight your name in the authorship (this can be put in bold font).

List in order:

Materials / Publications subject to Peer Review or equivalent Editorial Processes - Please highlight your name in the authorship.

Books (single or joint author)
Edited books or special issues of journals
Book Chapters
Journal Articles
Papers in conference proceedings – include only referred publications in conference proceedings. Do not include conference abstracts on conference presentations
Book Reviews
Other materials subject to external evaluation (e.g. computer software, dramatic or music productions

Materials / Publications not subject to Editorial Review - Please highlight your name in the authorship.

Books (single or joint author)
Edited books or special issues of journals
Book Chapters
Journal Articles
Papers in conference proceedings – include only referred publications in conference proceedings. Do not include conference abstracts on conference presentations
Book Reviews
Other materials subject to external evaluation (e.g. computer software, dramatic or music productions

If you have been involved in forms of academic activity which have not been detailed above and which you feel are relevant to your case for advancement (e.g. practical applications in health sciences, social services, computer science, or the arts; language learning; other study not leading directly to publication or formal qualifications), please give details here:

Other Activities:

List any professional development activities you have undertaken to help you improve your Research. 150 words max.

Other Activities:

Please note your word count here: ______

Section G

Service to College (to be completed by the candidate)

List any activities which could be classed as service to College (e.g. committee service, Tutorship, but excluding routine administration associated with your teaching or research) Describe the nature of your contribution. This section should not exceed 200 words.


Please note your word count here: ______

Assess the quality of your contribution to the College. This section should not exceed 200 words.

Please note your word count here: ______

Section H

Service to Discipline/Community (to be completed by the candidate)

Assistant Professors only

Note: It is not expected that Assistant Professors will either have the opportunity, or be expected, to take a significant role in serving the discipline or the community but the Junior Academic Progressions Committee may take into account any unusually active contributions in these areas.

List and assess any activities which could be classed as service to the Discipline/Society. Describe the nature of your contribution, and its significance. This section should not exceed 200 words.

Service, including for example, external examining:

Please note your word count here: ______

Assess the quality of your contribution to the discipline and/or the community. This section should not exceed 200 words.

Service Assessment – please write a brief narrative:

Please note your word count here: ______




If necessary, Heads should seek information from other senior members of staff.

a.Head of School – (i) to conduct annual reviews, and (ii) to oversee one year probations.

b.Preliminary Review Panel chaired by Head of School – to conduct year 3 preliminary review,

c.Final Review Panel – to consider confirmation in post as an academic staff member

d.Faculty Dean – to confirm one year probations

Note: If you believe that a member of staff other than your Head of Discipline may be a more appropriate person to write commentary, please consult with the Head of School/Dean.

Please see the Probation Policy for the appropriate standards.

Research / Achievement & Potential
Teaching / Achievement & Potential
Service to College
Engagement with Discipline/ Society

What are the main channels of dissemination in the candidate’s field?

Channels of dissemination in the field:

I confirm that I have shown this report to the candidate.

Head of Discipline OR NOMINATED PERSON / Signature / Date
Head of School
OR NOMINATED PERSON / Signature / Date