Filing Official / Ionia County Clerk’s Office
100 W Main Street, Courthouse
Ionia, MI 48846
Candidate Qualifications / State law requires that candidates are citizens of the United States and a qualified and registered elector of the commissioner district they wish to represent by the filing deadline
Filing Requirements / 1) Affidavit of Identity
2)Petitions containing sufficient signatures OR
$100 filing fee (made payable to Ionia County Treasurer)
Petition/Petition Signature Requirements / Petitions: Nominating Petition (City/Township partisan)
Signatures: Petition signature requirements are based on the population of the county commissioner district and signatures must be of those registered electors of the commissioner district.
●County Commissioner District 1 – Population 8478
●County Commissioner District 2 – Population 8235
●County Commissioner District 3 – Population 8263
●County Commissioner District 4 – Population 8533
●County Commissioner District 5 – Population 8087
●County Commissioner District 6 – Population 8711
●County Commissioner District 7 – Population 8466
Signatures Required: Minimum of 3; Maximum of 10
*Refer to the instructions on the backside of the petition forms when obtaining signatures.
Filing Deadline / Filings must be made in the office of the Ionia County Clerk by 4:00 p.m. on April 19, 2016.
Candidates are urged to file early. If petition signatures are not acceptable and the number of signatures fall below the minimum required, we will contact you. If you have a shortfall in the number of signatures required near or after the filing deadline, you will not be permitted an extension and your name will not appear on the ballot.
Withdrawal Deadline / Candidates wishing to withdraw must submit in writing no later than 4:00 p.m. on April 22, 2016
Campaign Finance / It is your responsibility to determine what requirements you may be subject to regarding campaign finance. You should do this prior to expending funds, advertising or placing signs in support of your campaign to avoid improper activities. For more information on campaign finance, visit: