Delhi City Council Proceedings
Saturday, April 8, 2017
8:00 AM City Hall
A. Delhi City Council met in regular session on April 8, 2017. Mayor Harbach called the meeting to order at 8:04 A.M. Council members present: Botos, Burbridge. Absent: Bojorquez, Preussner. Lechtenberg arrived at 8:07 A.M. Twelve visitors were present (6 government students).
Randy Kremer from Prairie Road Builders/Kluesner Construction presented 2017 street work proposals. He recommended sealing cracks on the better streets. Greg Bulicek offered to patch holes he created in alley behind Bulicek’s Landing. Council will have to approve allowing him to do so, as alley will also be seal coated. Mike Noonan asked if proposal figures were negotiable; answer was no.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Sherri Noonan shared an article promoting communication between council and residents. Craig Davis requested more detailed minutes and claims, and moving public comment to the end of meetings. Rose Downs asked when the dead tree in the park will be removed. Mike Noonan demanded a deadline from clerk as to when a newsletter can be expected. Clerk presented newsletter and public information facts and asked council to decide if a newsletter is their desire. Vote will be added to next meeting agenda.
B. Motion by Burbridge, second by Lechtenberg, to APPROVE AGENDA AS POSTED. All ayes.
C. Motion by Lechtenberg, second by Botos to approve Consent Agenda consisting of minutes from March 11, 2017, March claims list; March financials and budget reports; and retroactively approving Resolution 2017-6 ADOPTING 2017 DELAWARE CO., IOWA MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL MULT HAZARD AND MITIGATION PLAN. All ayes.
1. Library report submitted, Director’s resignation was noted. Public discussion consisted of questioning librarian pay and increasing hours. It was clarified these were library board’s decisions.
2. Council/Mayor – no report.
3. Maintenance – Update on park restroom remodel, replacing toilets, lights, adding hand dryers, new lights, partitions, and painting. Huber plans on cutting down dead tree in the park next week. Presented plan to trench drain from veteran’s sign to the storm sewer to eliminate standing water and ice on west sidewalk of the park. Mixer system was installed in the water tower. Clerk advised to advertise for summer maintenance help.
4. Clerk – Presented estimate for security/surveillance system, tabled until next meeting. Clarified utility accounts with no water ARE to be charged monthly sewer connection fee and garbage rates per discussion, city code and advice of legal counsel.
1. Nuisance properties – trailer homes of Pat Nefzger and Lonny Sternhagen were given deadline of May 1 to complete clean-up. Public questioned Koopman and Schnittjer properties and were told those properties are also being addressed. (Since meeting, Sternhagen’s have been working at clean-up; no letter sent).
2. Motion by Lechtenberg, second by Botos to grant Bulicek’s Landing permission to pour a concrete patio to the rear of its property above an existing sewer main. An agreement will be drafted that any sewer repair damaging concrete will be at property owner’s expense. All ayes.
1. Motion by Lechtenberg, second by Burbridge to approve purchase of 2017 1500 Tradesman Quad Cab 4x4 pick-up for $25,325.00 from Tauke Motors. All ayes.
2. Mayor and clerk were authorized to sign Prairie Road Builder’s Estimate, locking in 2017 street pricing only.
G. CORRESPONDENCE & COMMENTS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS: Councilman Paul Lechtenberg submitted his letter of resignation due to his inability to attend meetings with change in work schedule. Next Council Meeting May 13, Clean-up day May 6, Garage Sales April 28 & 29.
H. MOTION TO ADJOURN at 9:130a.m. by Lechtenberg, second Burbridge. All ayes.
Department / Revenue / ExpendituresGeneral / 11,884.77 / 9424.84
Road Use Tax / 3356.51 / 3212.83
Employee Benefit / 280.37 / 1281.60
Emergency Property Tax / 76.70
Local Option Sales Tax / 2985.34
Debt Service / 49.07
TIF / 115.79
Capital Project Funds / 3000.00 / 17,617.60
Water / 5408.80 / 4233.18
Sewer / 8476.61 / 3583.14
Terry Harbach, Mayor ATTEST: Lori Tucker, City Clerk