Candidate Submission Contd.Module: EPICT Module P – ESafety Awareness

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Candidate Submission Form
Module P – ESafety Awareness

CANDIDATE NAME: confidential
FACILITATOR:confidential / SUBMISSION DATE: 19/1/11


The Candidate Submission Form:

The use of this Candidate Submission Form, although recommended, is optional and evidence can be presented to your Facilitator in a variety of forms. Your attention is drawn to the Assignment Requirements document provided by your Facilitator.

Submission Length:

The typewritten submission (excluding appendices) should be between 750 and 1000 words in length.

Types of evidence:

In addition to the plan, supplementary evidence may include the following:

Presentation Material or ‘Screen shots’

Teaching Materials

Transcripts (verbal, audio, visual) of the learning scenario

Observation Statements from Facilitator/s

Post implementation reviews including feedback from stakeholders

School ESafety Documentation

Action Plans

School Improvement Documentation

Operational Plans


The ESafety Awareness episode must be capable of producing sufficient breadth and depth of evidence with measurable results which the participant is able to document. Support is provided by your EPICT facilitator, your study group and the EPICT forums.

TASK / You are required to choose one scenario from the following list:-
a)Delivery of a standard curriculum based lesson or series of lessons incorporating online technology and embedding esafety practice
b)Dedicated E-Safety Awareness Session with Pupils
c)Staff Development Session on esafety awareness, E-Safeguarding and school practice
d)Parents Session on E-Safeguarding – Includes awareness raising and school and home practice advice
e)Governors/External Stakeholder Session on E-Safeguarding – Includes awareness raising and school and home practice advice
f)Production of School reference and/or regulatory documentation in the area of esafety for a defined audience, addressing potential threats and advising appropriate technology use. / 
SECTION ONE / PLEASE PROVIDE A scenario plan/background document WHICH includES a brief description of THE FOLLOWING AREAS .
This part‘sets the scene’for your Facilitator and starts your planning process. / EVIDENCE provided / criteria achieved
a)the learner cohort /  / 
b)the objectives of the learning episode /  / 
c)staff involved, i.e. tutor, trainer, learning assistant, etc. /  / 
d)the resources available to support delivery, e.g. physical, technical, ICT and reasons for selecting specific resources where appropriate /  / 
a)All staff e-mailed with a draft e-safety policy created by myself and esafety colleague for feedback.
b)The objectives were:
  1. To give guidelines to staff on useful procedures when using the internet to avoid inappropriate contact with pupils.
  2. Create a school policy outlining the procedures to follow if abusive communication is received either to a pupil or member of staff.
  3. To receive feedback from staff for any additional information/changes relating to the draft policy before going to governors for approval by.
  4. To finalise and implement E-Safety Policy in school handbook.
c)Assistant Head and myself
d)Method of delivery is draft policy e-mailed to ALL Staff.
If necessary, please continue on a separate sheet


Participants are asked to demonstrate their applied knowledge and skills, within the context of their task and addressing the performance criteria below:-

OUTCOME 1 / The identification and understanding of potential esafety threats to children and young people
Within the context of the chosen task, you must: / EVIDENCE provided / criteria achieved
  • Identify and document all relevant esafety risk areas
/  / 
  • Describe potential esafety threats (to children/young people and staff)
/  / 
Identify and document all relevant esafety risk areas
Possible e-safety risks include:
Accessing inappropriate material on the internet.
Cyber Bullying ~ through e-mail, text, social network sites.
Picture/video clips via mobile phone camera.
These potential threats are covered in lessons with Mr Smith and assemblies with Miss Jones (representatives of the e-safety working party).
Describe potential esafety threats (to children/young people and staff)
Website material
Pupils have access to the internet for educational purpose, however, there is a risk of pupils finding content on websites that could be deemed inappropriate. Although the school has an excellent filtering facility, all content from the web is almost impossible to keep safe.
Possible Virus Threats
As the students are accessing information from the web, there is a threat that virus’s could be encountered which could cause both damage to the school network and have possible privacy issues with regards to the pupils, divulging personal information.
Email Problems (Cyber Bullying)
Pupils have access to email within the school environment that can cause possible risks such as cyber bullying. Pupils can openly email each other and are at risk that people can send them inappropriate messages.
For staff the main risks will be:
  • malicious mobile phone calls and text messages,
  • anonymous emails,
  • picture/video clips via mobile phone cameras,
  • Cyber bullying/harassment via posts on social networking sites.
Here is the Esafety Policy that we have produced and implemented. It is also provided as an appendix.
If necessary, please continue on a separate sheet
OUTCOME 2 / A description of safety precautions undertaken and/or recommended when supervising students online
Detail appropriate action taken to limit esafety risks: / EVIDENCE provided / criteria achieved
  • Reasonable safety precautions identified and implemented
/  / 
  • Request for additional support where necessary
/  / 
Restricting access:
•The school accesses the Internet via a connection provided by the Local Authority. Web access is filtered and blocked using the guidance laid down by the Internet Watch Foundation.
•We take advice from the company that supplies our day-to-day network support and longer-term consultancy. Their experience in a range of educational settings is extensive and trusted.
•Acceptable Use Policies lay down the expectations of all users of the school computer users.
•Staff training makes teachers and support staff aware of what to do to protect the students and how to report any problems that occur.
Increasing resilience:
•ICT lessons from Year 7 through to Year 11 use many opportunities to reinforce the skills of digital literacy, educate about the lack of acceptance of cyber bullying and the need for SMART rules.
•PSHCE lessons in Years 7 and 8 give the pupils the opportunity to explore the impact of cyber bullying and so appreciate why they should not engage in it.
•Assemblies have been used to support national events such as Antibullying Week.
Additional Support
Technical support is available throughout the working day from our dedicated technicians. Any problems with pupils accessing inappropriate materials can be dealt with almost immediately as the network administrators have access to complete many tasks including:
  • Banning websites.
  • Locking students accounts.
  • Monitoring the school web log, that will see exactly what each pupil has accessed in a given time.
  • Removing internet privileges.
CEOP Trained Esafety Officer
The school has a CEOP trained member of staff that can be used in any event required. This person knows the correct procedure to deal with any risk whilst using technology.
Staff E-Safety Policy
To introduce a policy outlining the safe use of social networking and mobile phone applications for employees to form part of the school’s policy handbook.
If necessary, please continue on a separate sheet
OUTCOME 3 / Evidence of knowledge relating to safeguarding requirements, guidance, systems and processes
Within the context of the chosen task, Participants are required to display knowledge of the following:-
  1. Systems which inform, guide and support education professionals in the areas of e-safeguarding and the promotion of student well-being online

  1. Systems which enable reporting and offer assistance with esafety breaches and incidents at:-
  • School
  • Local area
  • National area

Therefore, evidence should be generated to fulfil the following performance criteria: / EVIDENCE provided / criteria achieved
  • knowledge of recommended sources of esafety guidance and best practice.
/  / 
  • An up to date knowledge of their own organisation’s official reporting and support procedures.
/  / 
  • Awareness of sources of supplementary expertise and assistance at school, local and national levels
/  / 
School Systems
Within school there are various means to support for staff and students that promote e-safeguarding.
School Policies
There are currently 3 school policies that are connected with this scenario:
  1. Communications and acceptable use policy (staff)
  2. Internet use pupil guidelines policy (students).
  3. INTERNET USE POLICY PUPIL GUIDELINES (Staff) (This is the new Esafety policy developed by myself and a colleague)
Copies are included in the Appendices.
These policies have to be accepted by the staff or student before they are allowed to use the school facilities. These policies detail what is acceptable behaviour in regards to using communication devices within school. If the policy is not adhered to there are consequences in which access to these devices will be removed.
Staff eSafety Policy
An eSafety policy for the protection of school staff has been created by members of the e-safety working party to help protect employees and their personal information. The main points are:
  • don’t retaliate to or personally engage with cyber-harassment incidents;
  • report incidents appropriately to your designated cyber-harassment lead at the earliest opportunity;
  • keep any records of abuse – texts, emails, voice mail, web sites or instant messages. Do not delete texts or emails. Take screen prints of messages or web pages, and be careful to record the date, time and address of the site;
  • to deal with incidents quickly and effectively, students will be forced to remove inappropriate material, their parents will be contacted and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
Trained staff member
Within school we have a fully trained CEOP/EPICT/Childnet staff member that any e-safeguarding issues can be referred to. This person also trains staff and holds assemblies with students to ensure that they are educated on these threats.
Esafety Team
The school has created an Esafety team which holds the responsibility for ensuring that all staff, students, governors and parents have the correct information/training to ensure that they know the dangers of using communication technologies. This includes education on where to find assistance and information when incidents occur. The Esafety team is made up of 8 members of staff and 8 6th form students and each of these are currently undertaking the EPICT Esafety Awareness certificate.
The school has a bank of Esafety resources that are available to staff for their own professional development and for use within lessons.
Local Area systems
Internet Filter
The LA provides us with a our internet filter, this restricts access to inappropriate materials on the web. This system is constantly updated to attempt to keep users as safe as possible. We also have access within school to add our own filters to the web via the technicians.
LA Esafety Project
Our school and our feeders schools are currently working together to address the needs for staff, students and parents in regards to Esafety. There has been on online questionnaire that has been filled out by various students, staff and parents. Once the data has been analysed and issues found, training and policies are going to be put in place.
CEOP Police officer
If an incident occurs with regards to ESafety, there is a local police officer that is dedicated to dealing with incidents. This person can be accessed through our own CEOP trained member of staff.
National Systems
The students have been made aware of the law surrounding Esafety, especially in regards to cyber bullying. The students are aware that any incidents can be referred directly to the police or within school via our CEOP trained officer.
CEOP and Internet Watch Foundation
Students and staff have been made aware of CEOP and IWF and how to use Reporting abuse buttons on web-based sites such as chat-rooms, social networking sites and interactive gaming sites. Within school the Esafety trained officer has any incidents referred to her.
There are many websites with up to date information and support with regards to safety. Within school we have a spreadsheet listing them so that if any incident occurs, we can use the available resources.
If necessary, please continue on a separate sheet
OUTCOME 4 / An evaluation of the session which includes reflection on the achievement of intended aims and conclusions and recommendations for future use.
EVIDENCE provided / criteria achieved
  • Evaluation of the session
/  / 
  • Reflection on achievement of aims
/  / 
  • Conclusions and Recommendations for future use
/  / 
The draft policy has been created by a member of the eSafety working party. This policy was to instruct employees on the safe use of network applications. The draft was e-mailed to all staff for feedback/issues or amendments.
One member of staff felt the lay out was rather confusing and should be in line with other policies in the school handbook. No other feedback was received. This was amended to the satisfaction of the person.
Reflection of aims
The policy successfully included all necessary instructions for employees to follow. The policy will be amended in line with the school handbook format. It is felt that all areas of concern were covered within the policy.
It is recommended that the policy be reviewed every year in order to keep up to date with new technology and threats.
If necessary, please continue on a separate sheet

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