7577 Wadsworth Blvd., Arvada, CO 6:30 pm
Meeting Bulletin –August 30, 2017
This week,August 30, 2017: Diane Head is Rotarian of the Day. Her program will be presented by Bettina Morrow from adult protective services (aps) in Jefferson County. She will talk about how aps came about, it's purpose and what to do if there is concern regarding the care or well-being of an aging loved one.
Last week,August 23, 2017: Sherry McGee was Rotarian of the Day. Sherry reported on the results of the peach sale held on August 12. The club will realize a net profit of about $13,700. Great job Rotarians!
In two weeks, September 6, 2017 Jim Graceyis Rotarian of the Day.
Upcoming Events
Colorado Fall Home Show, September 8-10, 2017: Rich Kramer, Jim Gracey and Dennis Hein are working with the Garden Show Foundation preparing for this event. Time commitment is substantially less than the Spring Garden and Home show but we still need to provide 4-5 people for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We do all ticket sales using the computer system which becomes standard operating procedure for both shows going forward. This is a great time to train at a less busy event than the spring show. We are still looking for a person to work Friday Morning.
From Don Storey: Duane Yousetold Don the funeral for Betty Youse will be on Aug. 30 at the Arvada Presbyterian Church at 11:00 am. Duane is a long time Kiwanian and has run the Santa House for years.
Linda Nedved is working the Guatemala Literacy project again this year. You will find some information attached to this bulletin.
August Birthdays:
Della Blay, August?
Susan Weller August 10
If your name isn’t here and you were born in August please let Dennis Hein know so you can be recognized.
PRESIDENT MATT WELLER’S CORNER: President Mattshould be at the meeting this evening. Come and say HI!
KRAMER’S CORNER: Here is another bit of wisdom Rich Kramer has sent me:
As therapy appliances get pricey, team coaches/trainers are raiding garages and power tool storesturning power tools into turbo-charged robo-masseurs.
* Jigsaw with a lacrosse ball epoxied to it for limbering athletes limbs.
* Orbital sander with a lamb’s wool bonnet or a battery powered car buffer to warm up baseball pitchers muscles and create blood flow. This is especially effective on lower body and thigh muscles.
.Who’s in Charge?
Greeter / GreeterDate ROD / Greeter / Greeter
9/6/17 / Jim Gracey
9/13/17 / Monk Tarbell
9/20/17 / Bryan Head
9/27/17 / Matt Weller, Club Assembly
10/4/17 / April Fratzke
10/11/17 / Rich Nichols
10/18/17 / Dave Paul
10/25/17 / Dan Hershberger
Got News? Please let Dennis Hein know so it can be included in the weekly Bulletin. Email me at Thanks for all you do for Arvada Rotary!
Dennis is on vacation this week.
To view this email as a web page, go here.DearLinda,
As you know, the GLP Global Grant for the 2016-2017 Rotary year was recently approved by The Rotary Foundation for the amount of $435,583. This incredible gift will change the lives of over 6,000 students and teachers through the GLP's four proven programs. Check out this year's latest measurable results:
That's incredible! But we can't stop there. There are thousands more deserving students who do not yet have the educational opportunities they need to work their way out of poverty----and this is your chance to help.
Will you ask your club to join the 2017-2018 GLP Global Grant?
Your club's donation will be included on Global Grant #1752923, hosted by the Rotary Clubs of La Reforma, Guatemala (D-4250) and Calgary, Alberta (D-5360), and----thanks to district and Foundation matching----your donation may multiply up to 3.5 times!
We need all pledges promised by December 1 at the absolute latest.
Please visit our website to join the Global Grant now or get resources to share the GLP with your club. Also, please don't hesitate to respond to this email to let us know about your progress or request additional help or information.
Thank you again for your commitment to the GLP. Together, we can provide Guatemalan children the education they need to realize a future beyond poverty.
Barb Young,
Global Grant International Sponsor 2017-2018
Rotary Club of Calgary, Alberta (D-5360)
Esther Brol
Global Grant Host Sponsor 2017-2018
Rotary Club of La Reforma, Guatemala (D-4250)