Shaw Ridge Primary School
Ridge Green, Shaw
Swindon SN5 5PU
Telephone: 01793 871601
Fax: 01793 878820
Headteacher: Mrs Sally Cowell B.Sc M.Ed
Company Registration No. 8714241

Candidate Specification




·  Qualified teacher status

·  Able to create a purposeful, orderly, supportive and stimulating environment for children’s learning

·  Ability to match teaching to children’s individual needs

·  Flexibility and commitment to share in development of our school

·  ICT proficiency in learning and teaching

·  Ability to work collaboratively with year group partners and within KS1 team and liaise with F2 and KS2 colleagues

·  Ability to manage and develop curriculum areas

·  Demonstrate self-awareness of professional development needs

·  Desire to continue professional development to further improve as a teacher

·  Ability to work productively with parents/carers to optimise children’s outcomes

·  Experience of foundation stage working


·  Willing to contribute to extra-curricular activities


SCHOOL Shaw Ridge Primary School

EMPLOYER Shaw Ridge Primary School

LA Swindon Borough Council


1a The education and welfare of a designated class of children in accordance with the requirements of Conditions of Employment of School Teachers, having due regard to the requirements of the National Curriculum, the school aims and the policies of the Governing Body.

1b To share in the corporate responsibility for the development, well being and discipline of all pupils.

2  To manage the teaching and learning of primary pupils within the school in accordance with school policy and in pursuit of high standards of pupil achievement.

You are required to carry out the duties of a teacher as set out in paragraphs 48.1-51.7 (inclusive) of the current School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.


To ensure pupil entitlement to the National Curriculum and RE

To ensure pupils make good progress towards individual learning goals

To develop pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural values

To develop children’s self-esteem, self-discipline, confidence and independence


The education of a class of mixed age children including:

A Teaching of the National Curriculum, RE and the wider curriculum taking into account pupils’ individual needs

B Assessing, recording and reporting pupil progress in order to maximise achievement

C The management of human and physical resources to best effect

D Discipline, health and safety

E Developing self to enhance performance


A1 Implement the school aims

A2 Work with colleagues to plan tasks in order to meet the individual needs of children

B1 Mark work and ensure that pupils receive regular feedback in an age appropriate way

B2 Complete pupil records

B3 Participate in assessment arrangements agreed by the school and as legally required

B4 Liaise regularly with parents, reporting formally twice a year and in writing annually

C1 Direct the work of classroom assistants/voluntary helpers within your room

C2 Manage and maintain physical resources within the teaching area

D1 Maintain good order and discipline amongst pupils

D2 Safeguard pupils’ health and safety

E1 Attend staff meetings as required

E2 Participate in arrangements for further training and professional development


To ensure pupil entitlement to the National Curriculum

To raise standards of pupil achievement in agreed curriculum areas

To foster enjoyment and satisfaction in the study of these areas

To increase staff confidence and competence in teaching these subjects


Within the agreed curriculum areas to:

A Review, develop and implement means for supporting pupils’ learning

B Monitor and evaluate learning programmes to ensure their effectiveness

C Develop self and others in order to enhance performance

D Secure and monitor resource allocation to ensure equality of experience


A1 Lead the development of the curriculum and school policy in agreed subjects

A2 Facilitate the implementation of the National Curriculum in accordance with the school’s curriculum and subject policies

A3 Develop opportunities for parents to understand and support their children’s learning including the provision of homework in line with school policy

B1 Monitor the quality of teaching and learning in the agreed subjects including teachers’ plans

B2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the school curriculum in the above subjects in accordance with the school policy for assessment

B3 Provide information to staff, parents, governors and advisors about the work of the school and standards in the agreed subjects

C1 Promote and support the professional development of all staff within the subject in accordance with the school’s staff development policy

C2 Meet with colleagues to discuss approach and to help plan work

C3 Undertake appropriate staff development in order to develop professional effectiveness as coordinator

D1 Establish and maintain appropriate teaching and learning resources by negotiation with senior management