Supplemental Material
Table S1. Distributions of dailyobserved and imputedameteorological and pollutant data among case days, n=335
Maximum Temperature (°F) / MaximumHeat Index (°F)b / 8-hour MaximumOzone (ppm) / PM10 (μg/m3)c / PM2.5 (μg/m3)d
Entire Sample
n / n=335 / n=277 / n=334 / n=199 / n=261
Minimum / 72 / 80 / 0.03 / 2 / 5
Q1 / 94 / 98 / 0.05 / 24 / 9
Median / 99 / 103 / 0.06 / 32 / 11
Q3 / 103 / 106 / 0.06 / 39 / 14
Maximum / 112 / 118 / 0.12 / 119 / 30
Observed Only
n / n=283 / n=262 / n=182 / n=36 / n=105
Minimum / 72 / 80 / 0.03 / 2 / 5
Q1 / 93 / 99 / 0.05 / 22 / 9
Median / 99 / 103 / 0.06 / 32 / 11
Q3 / 103 / 106 / 0.07 / 39 / 14
Maximum / 112 / 118 / 0.12 / 119 / 30
Imputed Only
n / n=73 / n=15 / n=152 / n=163 / n=137
Minimum / 91 / 89 / 0.04 / 2 / 6
Q1 / 95 / 94 / 0.05 / 25 / 9
Median / 98 / 100 / 0.06 / 32 / 11
Q3 / 103 / 106 / 0.06 / 39 / 13
Maximum / 106 / 107 / 0.08 / 71 / 19
Abbreviations: PM, particulate matter; ppm, parts per million
aTo address days in which daily maximum temperature, maximum dew point temperature, maximum heat index, 8-hour maximum ozone, PM10 and PM2.5 data were not available, we created a moving averages of these values, respectively, based on the nearest prior value (generally, one to two days prior) and the nearest future value (generally, one to two days future).
bTheOklahoma Mesonet did not systematically collect observations of daily maximum dew point temperature and maximum heat indexuntil 1994; therefore, the final number of case days is slightly different for each of these variables.
cDue to the fact that PM10 was generally collected every sixth day, the final number of case days was 199 where moving averages of PM10 were computed for 163 (82%)observations with missing data.
dOnly represents years in which PM2.5 was collected (1999-2011) (n=261).
Table S2. Distributions of dailyobserved and imputedameteorological and pollutant data among referent days, n=1102
Maximum Temperature (°F) / Maximum Heat Index Temperature (°F)b / 8-hour MaximumOzone (ppm) / PM10 (μg/m3)c / PM2.5 (μg/m3)dEntire Sample
n / n=1042 / n=853 / n=919 / n=423 / n=580
Minimum / 48 / 79 / 0.01 / 2 / 0.3
Q1 / 89 / 93 / 0.04 / 19 / 8
Median / 93 / 99 / 0.05 / 26 / 11
Q3 / 99 / 105 / 0.06 / 34 / 15
Maximum / 112 / 116 / 0.10 / 92 / 37
Observed Only
n / n=852 / n=805 / n=545 / n=117 / n=340
Minimum / 48 / 80 / 0.02 / 2 / 3
Q1 / 89 / 94 / 0.05 / 19 / 8
Median / 95 / 100 / 0.06 / 26 / 11
Q3 / 100 / 105 / 0.06 / 35 / 15
Maximum / 112 / 116 / 0.10 / 92 / 35
Imputed Only
n / n=190 / n=48 / n=374 / n=306 / n=240
Minimum / 77 / 79 / 0.01 / 2 / 0.3
Q1 / 87 / 85 / 0.04 / 18 / 7
Median / 90 / 91 / 0.05 / 25 / 11
Q3 / 93 / 97 / 0.06 / 34 / 15
Maximum / 101 / 109 / 0.08 / 88 / 37
Abbreviations: PM, particulate matter; ppm, parts per million;
aTo address days in which daily maximum temperature, maximum dew point temperature, maximum heat index, 8-hour maximumozone, PM10 and PM2.5 data were not available, we created a moving averages of these values, respectively, based on the nearest prior value (generally, one to two days prior) and the nearest future value (generally, one to two days future).
bTheOklahoma Mesonet did not systematically collect observations of daily maximum dew point temperature and maximum heat index until 1994; therefore, the final number of case days and referent days is slightly different for each of these variables.
cDue to the fact that PM10 was generally collected every sixth day, the final number of referent days was 423 where moving averages of PM10 were computed for 306 (72%)observations with missing data.
dOnly represents years in which PM2.5was collected (1999-2011) (n=580).