Native Studies 30

Canadian First Nations Essay

As Canada’s First Nations population begins to grow in Canada both in size as well as in wealth they are becoming more of a political power. First Nations leaders are using this new power to make sure that issues of concern to them are heard by the government. Your task is to choose one of the many issues that impact indigenous people in Canada examine both sides of the issue, analyze the arguments and reach a conclusion.

General Expectations:

  1. Research:
  • You will use a minimum of one print source (book)
  • You will collect the information necessary for the bibliography and record it prior to any notes from that source. If you’re unsure what information is required please check either with Mr. McKillop or use the web site son of citation machine.
  • You will use a minimum of 5 sources. You may use any sources you wish as long as they are reliable.
  • You will NOT use Wikipedia
  • You will NOT just print off entire articles or pages and call this notes
  • You will hand in your jot notes for marking on the assigned day
  1. Organizer:
  • This is a point form version of your essay
  • You will use one of the methods shown in class, either the power notes or concept web
  • I should be able to track each piece of information back to its original source
  • It will contain all of the research you intend to use in the locations and in the order you intend to use them
  • It will also contain your rough draft thesis and sub thesis
  • You will hand this in on the date assigned or at the latest with your essay I will NOT mark your essay without this!
  1. Final Product:
  • Will be typed in Times New Roman (or similar font), size 12, double-spaced, with margins of 1”-1.25” (tends to be the default)
  • Will have a title page with the following: Running header: short version of your title; Title – centered, top 1/3 of the page; Your name, my name, class and due date centered underneath the title
  • A works cited page done in APA format – again suggested that you use the site son of citation machine to assist with this. Also remember what has been taught in class.
  • Will be written in formal English this means no: slang terms, no contractions and very few abbreviations.
  • You will have in text citations every time that you use: a direct quote, a stat or specific date, or when you summarize someone else’s thoughts.
  • Will be a minimum of 1500 words though those looking for a mark in the 80s or higher should be closer to 2100 words or more

Native Studies 30

Canadian First Nations Essay

Alternative Project

As Canada’s First Nations population begins to grow in Canada both in size as well as in wealth they are becoming more of a political power. First Nations leaders are using this new power to make sure that issues of concern to them are heard by the government. Your task is to choose one of the many issues that impact indigenous people in Canada examine both sides of the issue, analyze the arguments and reach a conclusion. You will create a power point instead of an essay with a maximum mark 70% of the regular essay mark. You MUST complete the statement of intent to do this project!

General Expectations:

  1. Research:
  • You will use a minimum of one alternative source (book, eBook, database)
  • You will collect the information necessary for the bibliography and record it prior to any notes from that source. If you’re unsure what information is required please check either with Mr. McKillop or use the web site son of citation machine.
  • You will use a minimum of 5 sources for the major essay, or 3 sources for the minor essay or poster. You may use any sources you wish as long as they are reliable.
  • You will NOT use Wikipedia
  • You will NOT just print off entire articles or pages and call this notes
  • You will hand in your jot notes for marking on the assigned day
  1. T Chart:
  2. You will now organize your research into a T Chart of the two sides
  3. You will organize the information by grouping facts into sub categories called major arguments
  4. You will have at least 3 major arguments for both sides
  5. You will hand this in on the date assigned or at the latest with your poster I will NOT mark your power point without this!
  1. Power Point:
  2. Positions and conclusion will be in paragraph style
  3. A bibliography done in APA format – again suggested that you use the site son of citation machine to assist with this. Also remember what has been taught in class.
  4. Will be written in formal English this means no: slang terms, no contractions and very few abbreviations.
  5. Your Title slide will have your title as well as your name, my name, class, and due date
  6. Both sides of the argument will be clearly identified using section headers as will the analysis
  7. Slide titles should show the argument being discussed in that slide
  8. Points for each argument will be done in bullet point form
  9. Analysis will be done in bullet point form
  10. You MUST cite any quotations being used in the power point in APA format
  11. Including Title, Section Headers, and Bibliography you will have a minimum of 14 slides though those that are looking for close to 70% should like have 20 or more slides


Once you have selected one of the topics from the list below it will be your job to develop a thesis statement that will allow you to examine it from two polar opposite sides.

  1. Should Canada allow Quebec to separate
  2. Should Canada be banning / controlling firearms from the general public
  3. Is free trade a good thing for Canadian citizens
  4. Is global warming a serious threat to Canada
  5. Should fur trading or seal hunting be allowed
  6. Should treaties be abolished in Canada
  7. Should the Indian Act be abolished in Canada
  8. Does the Canadian Justice System treat First Nations differently
  9. Should Canada continue to allow legalized gambling
  10. Should people who attended Residential Schools be compensated
  11. Should First Nations be allowed to have self-government
  12. Topic of your choice approved by Mr. McKillop

Bibliography Information required:

  • Books


Author’s Full Name

Year of Publication

Publication Company


  • Encyclopedia

Name of lead editor

Article Title

Year Published

Name of Reference Work – encyclopedia


Publishing Company


Volume Number

  • Web Page

Full name of author

Date of publication – last updated

Title of Web page

Date accessed

Web site title


  • On-Line Encyclopedia

By line name

Title of article

Date of Publication

Name of encyclopedia

Publishing company

Publishing city

Date accessed


Statement of Intent to do Essay Alternative

By completing this form the student is expressing an interest in completing the essay alternative project as described with this assignment package. To be eligible to do the alternative project this form must be fully completed and returned to the teacher prior to handing in the research notes. Students may switch back and do the full essay project at any point prior to handing in the final product without penalty. Please note that if you decide to switch back to the full essay project you should seek assistance from the teacher as the various steps are designed to give students feedback prior to handing in the final product.

Students completing the alternative essay project may only a maximum mark of 70% compared to the full essay project.


I ______wish to complete the alternative essay project and understand that I can NOT receive a mark of 100% by doing so.


Student Signature


Parent Signature


TAG Teacher Signature

Mark: ______/20 Jot Notes

______/40 Organizer

Excellent / Good / Adequate / Limited / Poor
Jot Notes / 20
Sources used are very relevant to topic. Used a wide variety of sources. Notes taken are logical and easily traced back to their source. Used one alternative source. Used 6 or more sources / 16
Sources used are very relevant to the topic. Has sufficient sources but they are limited in type. Notes taken are logical and easily traced back to their source. Used 5 sources / 12
Used relevant sources, however relied too heavily on an encyclopedia. Notes taken are logical but it is unclear as to what is their source. Used 4 sources or used Wikipedia. / 8
Used relevant sources. Notes have been taken but not with regard to how the essay will be written. Used 3 sources or more than 1 encyclopedia. / 4
Used inappropriate sources or only used one or two sources. Notes have been taken but are few or without any regard to how the essay will be written.
Organizer / 40
Have created an easily read well thought out and logical point form version of your essay that shows excellent understanding of all sides of your topic. All points may be tracked back to their source. / 32
Have created an easily read well thought out and logical point form version of your essay that shows a good understanding of all sides of your topic. All points may be tracked back to their source. / 24
Have created an easily read point form version of your essay that shows an understanding of your topic but is in need of some improvement before final draft. Most points may be tracked back to their source. / 16
Have created an easily read point form version of your essay that shows an understanding of your topic but is in need of much improvement before final draft. Some sources may be tracked back to their source. / 8
Have created a point form version of your essay that shows little understanding of your topic or that for other reasons requires a great deal of improvement before final draft. No sources may be tracked back to their source.

Please note that while a good mark in the above items is a good indicator it does NOT guarantee a good mark on the final essay.

Name: ______

Mark: ______/20 Alternative Jot Notes (maximum is 70%)

______/ 40 Alternative T-Chart (maximum is 70%)

Excellent / Good / Adequate / Limited / Poor
Jot Notes / 14
Sources used are very relevant to topic. Used a wide variety of sources. Notes taken are logical and easily traced back to their source. Used 4 or more sources / 12
Sources used are very relevant to the topic. Has sufficient sources but they are limited in type. Notes taken are logical and easily traced back to their source. Used 3 sources / 10
Used relevant sources, however relied too heavily on an encyclopedia. Notes taken are logical but it is unclear as to what is there source. Used Wikipedia. / 8
Used relevant sources. Notes have been taken but not with regard to how the essay will be written. Used 2 sources or more than 1 encyclopedia. / 4
Used inappropriate sources or only used one source. Notes have been taken but are few or without any regard to how the essay will be written.
T Chart / 28
Shows an excellent understanding of both sides of your issue; information has been organized in a very persuasive manner / 24
Shows a good understanding of both sides of your issue; information has been organized in a logical manner / 20
Shows an understanding of your topic but is in need of some improvement before the final product; information has been organized according to major arguments / 16
Shows some understanding of your topic but in need of significant improvement before the final product; there has been an attempt to organize the information / 8
Shows only a little understanding of your topic and is need of a great deal of improvement before the final product; there is no attempt at organization beyond the pros and cons if that

Please note that while a good mark in the above items is a good indicator it does NOT guarantee a good mark on the final power point.

NAME: ______

Final Mark: ______/ 160 Essay Final Draft

Exceptional / Good / Adequate / Limited / Poor
Organization / 20
Effectively organized in logical and creative manner;
creative and engaging intro and conclusion / 16
Strong order and structure; inviting intro and satisfying closure / 12
Organization is appropriate, but conventional; attempt at introduction and conclusion / 8
Attempts at organization; may be a “list” of items; beginning and ending not clear / 4
Lack of coherence; confusing; no identifiable beginning or ending
Citing Sources & Bibliography / 30
Precise bibliography; sources cited properly and when necessary / 24
Bibliography demonstrates some minor errors; sources cited / 18
Bibliography shows some errors in style; sources cited sparingly / 12
Bibliography has repeated errors in style; too few sources cited and not fashioned according to format / 6
Bibliography, if completed, contains numerous errors; sources are few, if any, and cited incorrectly
Positions / 50
Two or more positions thoroughly presented; comprehensive, relevant and accurate explanation of positions / 40
Positions presented; relevant, accurate, clear explanation / 30
Positions presented to some extent; some imbalance in positions; some information missing or gaps in explanation / 20
Positions partially presented; weak information; shows lack of relevant detail / 10
Positions incomplete; ineffective explanation (minimal information)
Analysis and evaluation / 50
Demonstrates thorough examination of data; shows advanced degree of comparison and contrast. Thorough evaluation follows logically from analysis of two positions / 40
Skillful examination; shows strong degree of comparison and contrast. Evaluation follows logically from analysis of two positions. / 30
Adequate examination of data; adequate degree of comparison and contrast. Evaluation adequately follows from analysis of two positions. / 20
Some examination of data; some comparison and contrast. Evaluation somewhat follows from analysis of two positions. / 10
Minimal examination of data; minimal comparison and contrast. Evaluation does follow from analysis of two positions.
Spelling & Grammar / 10
Few or no spelling or grammar errors including informal English / 8
Some spelling or grammar errors including informal English but does not impact on reading / 6
A large number of spelling or grammar errors including informal English but does not impact on reading / 4
Spelling or grammar errors including informal English are having a noticeable impact on reading your essay / 2
Spelling or grammar errors including informal English are making your essay very difficult to read

Minimum of 1500 words long (approximately 5 pages)

NAME: ______

Final Mark: ______/ 160 Power Point Project (maximum mark is 70%)

Exceptional / Good / Adequate / Limited / Poor
Organization / 14
Effectively organized in logical and creative manner;
No errors; attractively displayed / 12
Strong order and structure; Minimal errors; nicely displayed / 10
Organization is appropriate, but conventional;Some errors; logically displayed / 8
Attempts at organization;Significant number of errors / 4
Lack of coherence; Large number of errors; display is confusing
Citing Sources & Bibliography / 21
Precise bibliography; sources cited properly and when necessary / 18
Bibliography demonstrates some minor errors; sources cited / 15
Bibliography shows some errors in style; sources cited sparingly / 12
Bibliography has repeated errors in style; too few sources cited and not fashioned according to format / 6
Bibliography, if completed, contains numerous errors; sources are few, if any, and cited incorrectly
Positions / 35
Two or more positions thoroughly presented; comprehensive, relevant and accurate explanation of positions / 30
Positions presented; relevant, accurate, clear explanation / 25
Positions presented to some extent; some imbalance in positions; some information missing or gaps in explanation / 20
Positions partially presented; weak information; shows lack of relevant detail / 10
Positions incomplete; ineffective explanation (minimal information)
Analysis and evaluation / 35
Demonstrates thorough examination of data; shows advanced degree of comparison and contrast. Thorough evaluation follows logically from analysis of two positions / 30
Skillful examination; shows strong degree of comparison and contrast. Evaluation follows logically from analysis of two positions. / 25
Adequate examination of data; adequate degree of comparison and contrast. Evaluation adequately follows from analysis of two positions. / 20
Some examination of data; some comparison and contrast. Evaluation somewhat follows from analysis of two positions. / 10
Minimal examination of data; minimal comparison and contrast. Evaluation does follow from analysis of two positions.
Spelling & Grammar / 7
Few or no spelling or grammar errors including informal English / 6
Some spelling or grammar errors including informal English but does not impact on reading / 5
A large number of spelling or grammar errors including informal English but does not impact on reading / 4
Spelling or grammar errors including informal English are having a noticeable impact on reading your essay / 2
Spelling or grammar errors including informal English are making your essay very difficult to read

Minimum of 14 slides long