Canada – A Peacekeeping Nation
CBC Digital Archives Webquest
Use the CBC Digital Archives related to peacekeeping to complete your Webquest. Consider the following as you complete your research:
Should Canada continue to operate peacekeeping missions despite the high cost and potential harm to our peacekeeping forces?
To Begin…
- Read the overview of peacekeeping from Veterans’ Affairs
- Go to CBC Digital Archives – War and Conflict
- Select peacekeeping and explore the various radio and video clips to answer the Webquest questions. Be sure to scroll down below the clips to read “The Story” section to get the full picture.
- You may also want to use the official UN Peacekeeping website
1. Why was the first armed UN peacekeeping mission dispatched? Check out this clip to get started
2. Where have UN peacekeepers been deployed?
3. Go to the UN Peacekeeping website and identify two missions in which Canadian peacekeepers were deployed. What were some of the jobs that Canadians performed?
1. What countries have contributed soldiers to peacekeeping forces?
2. Go to the UN website and analyze the current operations map. What patterns do you notice?
3. Choose any two current peacekeeping missions. Make sure they are on two different continents. Identify where the mission is taking place, what the conflict is about and what countries have deployed peacekeepers to the region.
4. Choose one current mission that involves Canadian peacekeepers (different than question 3). Identify what the conflict is about and where it is taking place, the role of peacekeepers in the conflict and why you find it important and/or interesting.
Looking Forward
1. Identify some current views on the future of UN peacekeeping.
Your Views – Critical Thinking Follow-Up
Now that you have leaned more about Canadian and global peacekeeping missions abroad as well as Canada’s involvement with foreign aid in other countries, respond to the following questions:
Write a personal response to the question below. Be sure to support your opinions with sound evidence and examples.
1. In your opinion, should Canada continue to operate peacekeeping missions despite the high cost and potential harm to our peacekeeping forces?
2. Judge whether or not you think Canada has a moral responsibility to assist other countries in need (eg. peacekeeping, foreign aid, relief, ODA etc.). Carefully consider the benefits and drawbacks of international involvement and support your answer with specific examples from your unit 2 notes and Webquest.