National FFA Alumni


Can Hunger – Million-Can Challenge!


Mail or Fax to:

National FFA Alumni Association

Attn: Scott Morfeld

6060 FFA Drive, PO Box 68960

Indianapolis, IN 46268-0960

317-802-5267 (Fax)

Sponsored by:

A special project of the

National FFA Foundation

Can Hunger – Million-Can Challenge!

Learning to Do, Doing to Learn

Earning to Live, Living to Serve

- National FFA Motto

The National FFA Alumni Association in partnership with Toyota would like to introduce the “Can Hunger – Million-Can Challenge!”. This special project will provide service-learning opportunities and connect communities through regional canned food drives.

Expected outcomes for the Million-Can Challenge include:

·  An event hosted by a state FFA Alumni Association in each of the 12 Toyota regions involving the state’s FFA, FFA Alumni, Team AgEd and local Toyota dealerships.

·  $3,000 in WLC and SLC scholarships awarded by National FFA Alumni at regional events.

·  Recognition in local communities of FFA, FFA Alumni and Toyota.

·  Provide hands-on opportunities for FFA and FFA Alumni members to participate in service learning activities.

·  Collection of 1 million cans in the fight against hunger.

What are the National FFA Alumni’s responsibilities?

·  Provide an onsite representative to facilitate the event.

·  Provide promotional signage - before and during the event.

·  Provide suggestions for games and activities.

·  Provide a sound system.

·  Provide food and drink for all who attend.

·  Provide promotional materials for all who attend.

What are the host states’ responsibilities?

·  Act as the point of contact for the state with National FFA Alumni.

·  Communicate and promote the project to fellow states within the designated Toyota region.

·  Recruit volunteers to cook and serve food.

·  Set-up and clean-up of event, staff registration booth and supervise activities held at the event.

·  Transport the collected goods to the identified recipient.

The National FFA Alumni and host state will work cooperatively to:

·  Identify site selection for the event in agreement with Toyota.

·  Determine local recipient of canned goods collected from the Million-Can Challenge state hosted event.

Can Hunger – Million-Can Challenge! Application

Mail to: National FFA Alumni, Attn: Scott Morfeld, 6060 FFA Drive, PO Box 68960, Indianapolis, IN 46268-0960 or Fax to: 317-802-5267

Application must be received no later than August 15, 2007

All food drives must be scheduled between September 15, 2007 and March 15, 2008

State / Contact
Phone / Contact
Mailing Address
State Alumni President / Signature
State FFA Advisor or Executive Secretary / Signature
State Ag Teacher
Association President / Signature
# of Alumni Affiliates in State / # of Alumni Members in State
# of FFA Chapters in State / # of FFA Members in State

A. Write a brief overview of your service project and what you hope to accomplish.

B. How will this project benefit your state FFA chapters and alumni affiliates?

C. How do you plan to include local Toyota dealers in this project?

D. What are some possible state-level events (FFA or agriculture related) at which this project could coincide? Examples include: State Fair, FFA or Alumni Convention, etc.

E. How do you plan on involving Team AgEd?

F. What organization(s) will benefit from this project? Please specify the recipient.

Examples include: Food banks, pantries, etc.

G. How do you plan to promote & publicize the Million-Can Challenge? Examples include: newspaper, newsletters, community events, etc.