Tab Foldable Project:
You may use your notes, book, and the Internet to complete this task. You may work in groups, but each person will turn in a completed foldable.
Instructions to make foldable:
1. Take three sheets of the large 11x17 paper
2. Fan them out about 1 – 2 inches apart, so there are ‘tabs’ on the end of the papers.
3. Fold the paper over so that there are six tabs.
4. Staple the top.
5. Label the top of the foldable “1920’s”
6. On the second tab, label it “Inventions”
7. On the third tab, label it “Culture”
8. On the fourth tab, label it “Art”
9. On the fifth tab, label it “Prohibition”
10. On the sixth tab, label it “Random Facts”
· On the Inventions tab, list five major inventions that came out of the 20’s and describe what they did. Include at least 2 pictures.
· On the Culture tab, list at least one change in dress, music, daily life, and architecture. Define these changes and include a picture of each one.
· On the Art tab, describe two artists: a brief biography, the styles that they used and include a picture of each artist and artwork.
· On the Prohibition tab, include the following information:
o Definition of prohibition, what amendment made alcohol illegal?
o What did people think about prohibition? (Both sides – for and against)
o How did people get around prohibition? (Where did they go to drink? What did they drink?)
o When did prohibition end?
· On the Random Facts tab, list ten random facts that came from the 1920’s.
Rubric for grading Foldable:
Content / Answers show a complete understanding of the concepts. / Answers show a satisfactory understanding of the concepts. / Answers show a basic understanding of the concepts. / Shows a lack of understanding of the concepts.
Completion / All sections answered in complete sentences with no grammatical errors. / Most sections are answered in complete sentences, with 1-2 grammatical errors / Some sections answered in incomplete sentences, 3 or more grammatical errors. / Missing sections or not completed.
Construction / Layered book is put together neatly with little or no mistakes and easy to read. / Layered book is put together neatly, few mistakes. / Layered book is put together poorly with missing tabs and many mistakes found. / Layered book is missing parts, most words are misspelled, hard to read.