Campus Location:Georgetown, WilmingtonEffectiveDate: 2018-51

CourseNumberandTitle:PTA 211 Clinical PracticeI



PTA 102

PTA 205, PTA 206

CourseCredits andHours:4 credits


13 clinicalhours/week

CourseDescription:This courseis theinitial comprehensiveclinical experiencein a physical therapysettingfor application oflearnedclinical skills on patients under thesupervision ofalicensedphysical therapistor physical therapistassistant (per State PracticeAct).

RequiredText(s):Obtain current information at or visit the bookstore. (Check your course schedule for the course number and section.)

Additional Materials:Per clinical site requirements.


Disclaimer:SeePTA Clinical Education Manual/PTA Program Manual


1. Integrateclassroom and laboratoryskills to prepare for clinical practice. (CCC 2, 4,5; PGC

1, 2, 3, 5, 6)

2. Exhibit professional behaviors requiredfor an initial comprehensive clinicalexperience. (CCC3, 4; PGC 6)

3. Conductprofessional communication in the clinical setting.(CCC1, 3; PGC 4, 6)

4. Formulate professional relationships in the clinical setting.(CCC3, 4; PGC 1, 6, 8)

5. Obtain necessarymedicalinformation through data collection. (CCC 2; PGC 3,5)

6. Provideatreatment rationale forselected impairments and disorders. (CCC 2; PGC 3,5)

7. Implementand modifyacomprehensive treatmentplanbased on physical therapistplan of care.(CCC2; PGC2, 3, 5)

8. Develop problem solving and critical thinking skills in the clinical setting. (CCC 2; PGC 2, 3,5)

SeeCore Curriculum Competencies(CCC)and Program Graduate Competencies(PGC)at the end of thesyllabus. Course objectives arecoded to the competency(cies)theydevelop.


Upon completion ofthis course, the student will:

1. Integrateclassroom and laboratoryskills to prepare for clinical practice.

1.1Discuss theimpact of clinical policies andprocedures on successfulparticipation as a physical therapistassistant in the first clinical practice course.

2. Exhibit professional behaviors requiredfor an initial comprehensive clinicalexperience.

2.1Discuss the role ofthe physical therapist assistant in relation to thephysicaltherapistin the deliveryof qualityhealthcare.

2.2Abidebythe facility’s policies, procedures (safety,emergencies etc.) and timelines

(work schedule, paperwork, etc.).

2.3Adhereto ethical and legal standards ofpractice.

2.4Exhibit initial organizational and timemanagement skills.

2.5Exhibit an appropriateattitude about self and patient care.

2.6Maintain professional demeanor in allsituations while also maintainingabalance between professional andpersonal life.

2.7Seek and respond tofeedback appropriately.

2.8Participate in clinical seminar activities at the college.

2.9Assess one’s own performance, and identifygapsin knowledge.

2.10 CompleteStewards ofChildren Trainingpriortobeginning ofclinical hours.

3. Conductprofessional communication in the clinical setting.

3.1Useprofessional and effectiveoral communicationskills with academic andclinical instructors, physical therapists, othermembers ofthe healthcareteam and patients and theirfamilies..

3.2Useprofessionalnonverbal communicationin the classroom and clinic.

3.3Use appropriate writtencommunication skills includingbasicsubjective, objective, assessment, plan (SOAP)note writingfor electronic and/or hardcopymedical records.

3.4Conduct patient andcaregiverinstruction directed bysupervisingphysical therapist based on plan ofcare.

4. Formulate professional relationships in the clinical setting.

4.1Develop effective and therapeuticrelationships with patients and families with awareness for patientadvocacy.

4.2Develop effective relationships with academic and clinical instructors.

4.3Develop effective relationships with physical therapists(PTs) and othermembers of the healthcareteam.

4.4Identifytheculturalandpersonaldifferencesofothersandidentifywaystofacilitate therapeuticoutcomes.

4.5Delegate to supportive personnel appropriately.

4.6Discuss with supervising physical therapistunexpected patient response totreatment.

5. Obtain necessarymedical informationthrough data collection.

5.1Employinitial skillin obtainingpertinent information from themedical chart and via patientinterview in orderto identifythe patient’soverallstatus.

5.2Applybasicdata collection skills that include butarenot limited to:


b.Joint rangeofmotion c.Posture

d.Balance e.Gait


g.Skin/tissue integrity h.Girth


j.Righting/equilibriumreactions k.Palpation

l.Endurance m.Vital signs


o.Patient mentation and cognition p.Fine andgross motor skills


5.3Assist PT with data collection.

5.4Identifyinformation obtained bypatient questionnaires.

6. Provideatreatment rationale forselected impairments and disorders.

6.1Describeetiology, pathology, signs, symptoms, and management ofselected diseases/disorders.

6.2Identifyandprovide sound rationale, indications,and contraindications forpatient care as written in the plan of caredeveloped bythe supervisingphysical therapist.

7. Implementand modifyacomprehensive treatmentplanbased on physical therapistplan of care.

7.1Employsafety(bodymechanics,guarding, universal precautions, etc.) andbasic competencein the administration ofphysical therapyinterventions includingbut not limited to:

a.Therapeutic exercise b.Massage

c.Modalities (superficial heat/cold, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, biofeedback, traction, compression, hydrotherapy)

d.Assistivedevices e.Transfer training

f.Gaitand balancetraining g.Developmental activities


i.Topical agents used withmodalities j.Wound management

k.Infection control

l.Functional/activities ofdailyliving(adl) training

7.2Employwound caretechniques includingtypes ofwounds, dressings, medications, and

PT interventions.

7.3Explain shortwavediathermy, infrared, ultraviolet,hyper baricoxygen, and fluromethanespray.

7.4Implementa comprehensive treatment program toward achievement of therapeutic goals.

7.5Recognize activities, positions, and postures that aggravate or relievepatient signs and/or symptoms, and considerwhen itis necessaryto consult supervising physical therapistabout patient status or response to treatment.

7.6Based onapatient’s responses to treatment, identifysuggestions for appropriate modifications to the goals andplan ofcare.

8. Develop problem solving and critical thinkingskills in the clinical setting.

8.1Identifyand state patient problems, includingtheirlevel of functional status.

8.2Increase abilityto raiseand articulate relevant questions.

8.3Analyze whereone’s knowledgebaseis lacking.

8.4Assess one’s own performance.

8.5Identifyappropriate resources to develop solutions for clinical problems.

Evaluation Criteria/Policies:

Students must demonstrate proficiency on all CCPOs at a minimal 75 percent level to successfully complete the course. The grade will be determined using the DTCC grading system:

92 – 100 / = / A
83 – 91 / = / B
75 – 82 / = / C
0 – 74 / = / F

Students should refer to the Student Handbook ( for information on the Academic Standing Policy, the Academic Integrity Policy, Student Rights and Responsibilities, and other policies relevant to their academic progress.

Core Curriculum Competencies (CCCs are the competencies every graduate will develop):

  1. Apply clear and effective communication skills.
  2. Use critical thinking to solve problems.
  3. Collaborate to achieve a common goal.
  4. Demonstrate professional and ethical conduct.
  5. Use information literacy for effective vocational and/or academic research.
  6. Apply quantitative reasoning and/or scientific inquiry to solve practical problems.

ProgramGraduateCompetencies:(The competenciesevery graduatewilldevelopspecific to his/hermajor.)

1. Workunderthesupervisionofaphysicaltherapistinanethical,legal,safeandeffective


2. Implement PT interventions within theplan of care.

3. Perform specificdatacollection techniques relatedto theplan of care.

4. Demonstrate effective communication in thephysical therapyenvironment.

5. Formulateappropriatejudgmentsandmodificationtotheprogramwithinthepatient’splan

of care.

6. Demonstrate effectiveinteractions andprofessional behaviors.

7. Participate in career development activities.

8. Exhibitacommitmenttothephysicaltherapyprofession,physicaltherapypatients,andthe community.

Disabilities Support Statement

The College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. You are encouraged to schedule an appointment with your campus Disabilities Support Counselor if you feel that you may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability. A listing of campus Disabilities Support Counselors and contact information can be found at or visit the campus Advising Center.