
Campus Dining 2018-2019



140 PLUS $175 MEAL PLAN:

This Flex plan is a combination of 140 meals per semester, 9 meals per week on average, in the Olsen Student Center Dining Hall and $175 worth of points to use in the Mustang Grill or in the Spoonholder Cafe. These declining balance points will work the same as cash. You can purchase food for yourself or anyone else in the Mustang Grill or the Spoonholder Cafe with your points and you can take the food with you. The price of this plan is $2,205.00 per semester.

120 PLUS $250 MEAL PLAN:

The Flex plan is a combination of 120 meals per semester, 8 meals per week on average, and $250 worth of points. Everything applies same as above. The price of this plan is $2,205.00 per semester.

19 PLUS $25.00 MEAL PLAN:

The 19 meal Plus 25 plan offers 19 meals per week in the Olsen Student Center Dining Hall plus $25.00 worth of points to spend in the Mustang Grill or in the Spoonholder Cafe. The price of this plan is $2,205.00 per semester.

14 PLUS $75.00 MEAL PLAN:

The 14 meal Plus 75 plan offers 14 meals per week in the Olsen Student Center Dining Hall plus $75.00 worth of points to spend in the Mustang Grill or in the Spoonholder Cafe. The price of this plan is $2,205.00 per semester.

All of the meal plans will have the option of purchasing extra points if you would like to purchase more during the semester. Excess points from first semester can be used during second semester; however you must use all of your points by the end of the academic year.


If you are allergic to specific kinds of foods, please tell the Food Service Manager and the campus nurse so that we can help you with your dietary needs.

SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS: If you are working off campus or doing an internship, you may make special arrangements to obtain a sack lunch or eat after regular hours in the snack bar. See the Food Service Manager.