Ball State University-City of Muncie

Campus-Community Coalition

Meeting Minutes - February 26, 2009

Members in attendance: Matthew Bailey, Larry Beck, Karl Beeler, Eldon Buck, Gene Burton, David Fried, Jerry Friend, Mitch Isaacs, Anna Lamb, Ann Lee, Mayor Sharon McShurley, Kathy Smith, Julie Sturek, Steve Watkins

Minutes were approved for the January meeting.

Discussion Items:

The vision statement, mission statement, and program objectives were reviewed.

Karl asked if we wanted to use a committee/work team structure. The group was in favor of this structure and members stated their preference for which of the four work teams they would like to serve on:

Speaker Series

Larry Beck

Mitch Isaacs

Community Projects

Anna Lamb

Kathy Smith

Julie Sturek


David Fried

Steve Watkins

From Campus to Neighborhood

Eldon Buck

Gene Burton

Ann Lee

For those of you not listed on a work team, please email Ann Lee your work team preference at .

Eldon mentioned that Comcast has offered to provide the equipment for the Public Access Channel 60, but that producers were needed. Mayor McShurley is currently working on finding producers and has been in contact with BallStateUniversity.

David is working with SGA on a community service project scheduled for the weekend before finals to hold a collection point for students to drop off what they don’t want to take home. Those items will then be picked up by Goodwill. Hot dogs and drinks may also be provided. Mitch also suggested a possible yard sale tied to this event with the proceeds serving as a donation to an organization in the community. Possible locations were also mentioned, including a campus parking lot or the park by St. Francis. Steve suggested finding community members who could donate their time and use their trucks to pick up large items that need to be dropped off. We can work with the Muncie Sanitary District to trash any items that are not able to be donated. This event could eventually become a tradition. Campus Community Coalition voted to co-sponsor this event.

Eldon shared that the Saturday after graduation from 8:30 - 11:30 is a clean-up event in the neighborhoods. David’s GA and Eldon will try to work together so that services aren’t duplicated.

Karl showed the video “Moving Off Campus”. This video is from Virginia Tech and is designed to help inform students about making good decisions when preparing to move off campus and once they are living off campus. The funding for this video was from the Parents’ Group at Virginia Tech. Karl is hopeful that we might also be able to get funding from the Parent Advisory Council at Ball State.

Reactions to the Video:

-The video demonstrated the goals of why CCC started.

-There is a housing fair in the fall that is organized by the Family and Consumer Science department. We could try to generate buzz about the video at this event.

-Peer conversations are impactful.

-Prefer the student acting.

-The Student Legal Services attorney is excited about this idea.

-We could get our issues and ordinances included in the video.

-Virginia Tech isn’t really sure how effective the video has been.

-It would work better than a flyer or meeting. It’s more accessible and meaningful.

-Students can link to it anytime and we could track the number of viewers.

-Mitch asked if landlords would be willing to give discounts for an online orientation that included the video. Eldon thought something might be done.

-David had suggested a tutorial through housing.

-Steve suggested asking Marsh to co-sponsor with discounts/coupons for students.

-Karl shared that Kay Bales feels that a video like this makes sense.

Karl encouraged CCC members to attend city/community meetings.

Mayor McShurley encouraged parental involvement in the leasing process, and students a list of important contacts. She feels that communication is the key. She also mentioned that the city website is being updated and it might be possible to post the CCC notes.

Karl shared that WesternWashingtonUniversity has a great model for CCC.

Minutes submitted by Ann Lee