Campbell Student Leadership Council


Article 1.0 - Name

The name of this organization shall be Campbell Student Leadership Council, henceforth to be referred to as “SLC” or the “Council”.

Article 2.0 - Purpose

The purpose of the SLC shall be to:

serve the student body of Campbell Collegiate;

voice student opinions to the administration, Campbell Collegiate Community Council (CCCC) and Regina School Board;

campaign on local issues that students care about;

develop an understanding of local issues;

promote and encourage activities and events and create opportunities;

celebrate the achievements of students at Campbell;

serve as a liaison between the student body and the school administration, providing a means for student statement in school affairs;

train students in leadership;

serve as leaders for the student body, sponsoring and organizing social activities and school and community service projects;

serve as role models and ambassadors to the community-at-large, representingthe highest standards of conduct.

Article 3.0 - Powers Vested in SLC

The SLC shall have the authority to relay the opinions and needs of the students to the school administration and to the Campbell Collegiate Community Council. The SLC shall be empowered to raise funds for its activities. The SLC shall be empowered to disburse its funds following due diligence and sound budgetary procedure.

Article 4.0 - Membership

Membership in the SLC shall be limited to students currently enrolled in Campbell. The SLC shall not be empowered to deny membership on the basis of sex, race, or religion. See Appendix A for membership requirements.

Article 5.0 – SLC Structure

The SLC shall follow this structure, which shall include the following elected and appointed members:

Elected Members: 3 Grade Twelve students, 3 Grade Eleven Students, 3 Grade Ten students (in those grades during the school year in which they serve) 3 Grade Nine students (Grade Nine students to be elected in the fall of the school year by the grade nine grade group)

Appointed members: Secretary, Treasurer, Technology Rep, Yearbook Rep

Article 6.0 – Elections, Applications and Appointments
Elections, applications and appointments of candidates shall take place during the second semester of the academic year. Voters shall be limited to Campbell students in Grades 9, 10, and 11. Students who apply must be passing all of their classes and a good attendance record is required.

6.1 SLC Membership by Election

Campbell Students in Grades 9, 10, and 11 shall elect the positions of 3 Grade Twelves, 3 Grade Elevens, and 3 Grade Ten SLC Members after a public campaign for office.

Candidates may seek election through self-nomination.Applications will be signed by a parent/guardian. Elections will be conducted by secret ballot. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected to office. In case of a tie, the position would be shared between the tied students.

The President and Vice-President will be elected by the new Council prior to the end of June. Grades Eleven and Twelve students may self-nominate in the first meeting of the new SLC in June, and give a speech to provide reasons why they would like the position. The Council will then vote by an anonymous ballot for the President, and the person with the highest number of votes will become President, and the person with the next highest number of votes will become Vice-President.

6.2 SLC Membership by Application

The positions of Secretary, Treasurer, Technology Rep, and Yearbook Rep will be filled via application.

Applications will be signed by a parent/guardian. The Applications Committee will short list applicants and will interview the most qualified candidates. Final approval of selection will be made jointly between SLC Advisors, administration, SLC President, and SLC Vice-Presidents.

All candidates will be notified of the decision prior to announcement to the general student body.

6.3 Campbell Advisory Program (CAP) Elections

Each CAP homeroom will elect within four weeks of the start of the school year, a Class Representative and Alternate. Class Representatives will act as liaisons between their homeroom students and the SLC. See Appendix C.

6.4 Appointments

In the event that a position remains open, the President, in consultation with the Advisors, has the authority to appoint a student to that position.

6.5 Term of Office

All SLC positions shall have a term of office that runs from the end of June to the end of the proceeding June.

6.6 Vacancy

In the event that a SLC member resigns or is removed from council, the President, in consultation with the Advisors, will assign the role to another member from within the Council.

In the case of the President being replaced, the Vice-President shall take office.

6.7 Transition

The winners shall begin a transitional term of office as soon as they have been elected, during which time the previous members shall provide any information or training necessary to carry out the duties of the specific offices. Meetings will be held at the end of the school year in order to plan for the newschool year and to receive counsel from members of the previous year’s SLC. Full installation of the next Council shall take place prior to the beginning of the next academic year.

Article 7.0 - Responsibilities

SLC shall have the responsibility of fulfilling the purpose defined in Article 2.0.

Each SLC member shall serve as an ex-officio member of every committee of the SLC. Each member shall serve as an example of proper behaviour for the other SLC members. The SLC members shall represent their electorates and the school community to the best of their abilities at meetings and in dealings with the faculty, administration, and Campbell community. They shall attend regularly scheduled meetings, and participate in SLC activities. They shall engage in no behavior that would tarnish the reputation of this organization or of the school while on campus, in the surrounding community, or on a school sponsored trip.

See Appendix B for Member Responsibilities.

Article 8.0 Voting

In order to pass an issue through the Student Leadership Council, it must be voted upon, and a majority of the voting members must be in favor of it. All elected and appointed members shall have voting privileges.

In order for a vote to occur it must be called by the SLC President or by motion (and subsequent seconding) by the SLC members. A quorum must be present in order to call a vote. Two-thirds of the SLC members must be present in order for a meeting to have quorum.

For normal business, a simple majority vote is required for approval.

Article 9.0 - Impeachment

A member may be removed from council if s/he has not fulfilled her/his duties or has damaged the effectiveness of the reputation of the Student Leadership Council. Impeachment of a member requires a petition signed by a majority of the members of Campbell SLC submitted to the SLC Advisors.An ad hoc committee shall then be formed to coordinate the impeachment proceedings. At a special session, it shall be decided whether the member’s offenses warrant removal from the office. A 2/3-majority vote of the SLC members present at the session shall be necessary to remove a member from Council.

In egregious circumstances, the Principal and SLC Advisors, following due process, are empowered to remove or to reinstate SLC members.

Article 10.0 SLC Advisors

SLC Advisors shall consist of Campbell teachers and/or Campbell administration. Their participation with the SLC is a voluntary extra-curricular activity. The Advisors shall organize and supervise SLC elections, applications, and appointments.

In egregious circumstances, the Principal and Advisors shall have the authority to annul any Student Council decision, Constitutional Amendment, or Bylaw Amendment that is potentially damaging to school order or the school community.

Article 11.0 - Ratification

A simple majority in favour of ratification by the Campbell Student Body shall be necessary to adopt this constitution of the Student Leadership Council.

Article 12.0 - Amendment

12.1 Constitution
Amendments to this Constitution may originate in the Council or through petition in writing by ten students. Proposed amendments must be conspicuously posted for a period of two weeks before action or adoption. Adoption requires at least a 3/4 vote of the full Council. Council will vote within six weeks of posting an amendment.

12.2 Bylaws
By-Laws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the full Council.


Section 1.0 - Meetings

1.1 Frequency

The SLC shall meet once every week,at the beginning of each school year, and on any extraordinary occasions as called by the SLC President or Advisors. No meetings shall be called on Final Exam weeks.

1.2 Accountability

Meetings are open to attendance by interested parties. Spectators must be acknowledged by the SLC President to address the SLC.

1.3 Decorum

Rules on how the Council should operate at meetings and how SLC Members should treat each other both at and outside meetings.

Only one person should talk at a time. There should not be any background chatting.

Respect each other.

Respect each other's views.

No racism.

No sexist comments.

Take job seriously.

Work together with each other.

Keep focus.

Respect each other's beliefs.

Every member of Council should attend meetings. Send apologies if unable to attend and catch up on what you miss.

Seek to understand - break down barriers and work together.

If you have something to say, join in and participate.

No offensive language.

Be on time.

Section 2.0 – Member Roles and Responsibilities

2.1 Roles and Responsibilities by Position

Role / Responsibilities
President / - To chair meetings of the Council
- To liaise with all committees and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Council
- To appoint ad hoc committees as required
- To represent the student body at various events, both within and outside the school
- To liaise with Campbell administration regarding upcoming Council events and to discuss concerns affecting Council
- To liaise with the Campbell Collegiate Community Council as a representative of Campbell students
Vice-president / - To chair Council meetings in the absence of the President
- To act as a deputy of the President and to carry out such duties as may be assigned to the Vice-President by the President from time to time
- To liaise with Campbell Collegiate Community Council as a representative of Campbell students
- To liaise with Grade 9 CAP reps
- To act as the Grade 9 liaison to the SLC
Treasurer (Appointed) / - To keep accurate records of all monies received and paid out.
- To receive all SLC revenues and to approve bills for payment by the Board Office
- To present a full financial report to the Council on demand
Secretary (Appointed) / - To keep minutes of Council meetings and to keep records of all business conducted by the Council
- To act as official correspondent for the Council
- To address the student body through the announcements
Yearbook Rep (Appointed) / - To inform Yearbook committee of SLC activities
- To document activities of the SLC for inclusion in the Yearbook
- To update hallway calendar
Alternate Education
(Elected by students in the program) / - To represent students in the Alternate Education program
Technology Rep
(Appointed) / - To provide technology support for SLC events
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Members / - To work with committees to publicize upcoming events and functions
- To use social media to support events- To provide students with opportunities to support local and international charitable initiatives
- To coordinate fundraising activities in support of charitable initiatives
- To work with the Council to support Arts events
- To work with the Council to support Theatre events
- to work with Council to support all school events
- To work with the Council to support Music events
- To work with Council to support all sporting events
- To co-ordinate committees and delegate tasks necessary for SLC fundraising initiatives
- To maintain the Council’s presence on social media
- To participate on SLC committee work

2.2 CAP Classroom Reps

The CAP Classroom Reps shall be the voice for their respective CAP classes and shall report to their CAP classes on SLC activities.

2.3 SLC Advisors

SLC Advisors shall be a teaching member of the faculty, and their participation with the SLC is a voluntary extra-curricular activity. The Advisors shall organize and supervise SLC elections, applications, and appointments.

In egregious circumstances, the Advisor/Principal shall have the authority to annul any Student Council decision, Constitutional Amendment, or Bylaw Amendment that is potentially damaging to school order or the school community.

2.4 Committee Chairperson(s)

Chairperson(s) of all committees shall be members or appointees by the SLC. S/he shall also call and preside at committee meetings and see that committee goals and purposes are met.

Section 3.0 Ad Hoc committees

The Council may form AdHoc committees as needs arise.

Section 4.0 - Filling of Vacated Positions

The Vice President shall assume the responsibilities of the President in the event that the President should vacate his/her office.In the event that a member other than the President should vacate his/her position, the President shall appoint a new member from within the Council to the role.

Section 5.0 - Rules of Order

Meetings will follow Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 6.0 - Amendment of By-Laws

The By-Laws of the constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the entire Council.

Appendix A: Criteria for SLC Candidates

Candidates must be passing all classes.

Candidates must be available to work on SLC activities after school on occasional days.

The President and Vice President must be in Grade 11 or 12 during the school year in which they will serve.

The Secretary, Treasurer, and must be in grade 10, 11 or 12 during the school year in which they will serve.

The Secretary, Treasurer, and Technology Rep must be in grade 10. 11, or 12 during the school year in which they serve.

All candidates must give a two-to-three minute speech in front of the student body prior to election. Candidates may support their speech with a 30 second video.

Candidates must familiarize themselves with the SLC Constitution.

Both the candidate and his/her parent/guardian must sign the application form.

Candidates must have two teacher signatures in order to run for an office.

Candidates will be required to have individual conferences with the advisors and a current SLC member prior to the election.

All candidates must submit an application form prior to election.

Election guidelines

All speeches (no draft copies) must be in by ____. If your speech is not in during this time frame, then you will not be able to run. Speeches will be scrutinized by a team of Advisors so that they answer the following questions:

a. What position you are running for?

b. What leadership abilities you possess that will help you in this position?

c. What you can do in the position to help all students at the school?

d. Why should students vote for you? (Not why they shouldn't vote for someone else).

e. Do you show good judgment in the speech? (i.e.: not putting others down, no profanity, and so on).

f. Do you show the ability to work hard and handle the multi-tasking required to be an SLC member? Is this conveyed in the speech?

Any A/V presentations must also be in by _____ in advance of elections. The total length of your A/V presentation must not exceed 30 seconds. If your A/V is not in, you will not be able to show it. The SLC Advisors team must also approve your A/V presentation.

Here are some of the rules that we have developed that make the SLC elections run smoothly and fairly:

-campaigns must be positive, must address your strengths, no put downs of others, and portray Campbell in a positive manner

-campaigns cannot interfere with classroom teaching

-no candy or any other treats given out before or during elections

-posters can be hung around the school prior to the election. They are to be taken down right after elections. (Please recycle all posters). You may place up to 5 bristol board sized posters and 20 letter sized posters.

-during the speeches, students can not bring in any students or adults from outside Campbell or Grade 12 Campbell students to endorse the candidate.

-you will be given a time limit for your speech/presentation. Go under your time limited and everyone will be happy. Go over your time limit and we will have to call time on you. Rehearse the timing of your speech with someone well in advance.

-stick with the speech you have submitted.

-students enjoy being entertained, but they are truly interested in having the best student leadership representatives possible. Your speech matters - think hard about it!

SLC Elections 20XX: Nomination Form

Name: ______

Homeroom: ______Current Grade: ______

Address: ______

Email: ______Phone: ______

Check the box beside the position you are running for:

If elected, I will count on these five students (signatures) to support me in my portfolio:

1) ______2) ______3)______

4) ______5) ______

Two Teacher Signatures (one of which will serve as my teacher-mentor in my portfolio):


Parent/Guardian signature: ______

Please attach your resume and/or letter discussing your leadership abilities to this form. Forms are due to teacher-advisors by noon Monday, May 11th. An all candidates meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 12th at noon in the library.

SLC Elections 20XX: Application Form

Name: ______

Homeroom: ______Current Grade: ______

Address: ______

Email: ______Phone: ______

Check the box beside the position you are applying for:

Yearbook rep
Technology Rep

If elected, I will count on these five students (signatures) to support me in my position:

1) ______2) ______3)______

4) ______5) ______

Two Teacher Signatures (one of which will serve as my teacher-mentor in my position):


Parent/Guardian signature: ______

Please attach your resume and/or letter discussing your leadership abilities to this form. Forms are due to teacher-advisors by noon Monday, May 11th. An all candidates meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 12th at noon in the library.