WSI Board Meeting

July 21, 2017

Campbell County Aquatic Center, Gillette, WY

Attendees: Phil Rehard, Holly Campbell, Cindy O’Dwyer, Teri Oursler, Clint Beaver, Kiesa Geyer, , Taylor Baldacci, Ryan Brinda, Wendell Robison, Ward Anderson, Sarah Akasmit, and Danette Baldacci.

Call to Order

Meeting was called to order at 2:10 by Phil Rehard.

Approval of March Minutes as revised

A motion to approve the minutes of the March 3, 2017 board meeting was made and seconded. No discussion was held. Motion carried

Treasurer's Report

WSI financials were presented and discussed and are incorporated herein by this reference.

Top 5 Weekend

Phil reported that this is a swimposium year and that USA swimming would be providing 4 clinics: Elizabeth Bisel is the athlete clinician, and there will also be a parent clinic, an officials clinic, and a club development clinic. Discussion was held regarding marketing these clinics to all of the clubs in the LSC. Sarah and Danette to make a handout to be distributed around the pool during the state meet and at the HOD meeting.


Kiesa reported that there were 49 athletes attending senior zones and 8 athletes attending age group zones. She will not be attending this year but chaperones have been named and credit cards authorized appropriately. All pre-summer state qualifiers have paid for their trip and a zones meeting will be held on Sunday to hand out swag.

National Convention

Convention is in Dallas, TX. Phil encouraged all those attending to make travel reservations through Susie Rodriguez as soon as possible. Mark Miller, Ryan, Taylor, Cindy, and Danette expressed interest in attending.


There are several positions up for election this fall including General chair, Admin vice chair, and secretary. Please encourage clubs to nominate people to fill these positions.

State Bids

Gillette and Laramie submitted bids for winter state to be voted on at House of Delegates.

State Dates

Discussion was held that the date change in High School season may impact our winter state meets. Our policies and procedures, Section IV, A indicate that “The Winter State Meet shall be held the weekend following the Wyoming High School Boys State Swimming & Diving Championship taking into account the dates of any USA Swimming zone or sectional championships.” Since Boys High School Season championships are a week earlier this year, that would move our Winter championship meet up. After discussion, Cindy made a motion that WSI Winter Championships be held the first full weekend of March. The motion was seconded and subsequently passed.


Next Meeting November 11, 2017 at top Five weekend.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:40.