
Campaign Guide

Campaign Theme:

“A Community that Shares Shows it Cares”


With Your Support … Last Year The CUNY Campaign for Voluntary Charitable Giving Raised $648,658.


Introducing the Campaign Page 1

Participating Organizations Page 2~3

Volunteers Make a Difference Page 4~5

Commonly Asked Questions Page 6~7

Key Steps to a Successful Campaign Page 8~22

The Pledging Process Page 23~24

Your CUNY Team at United Way Page 25

Sample Memos Page 26~32

Sample Agendas Page 33~34

Campaign OrganizationPage 35


  • Campaign Report Form
  • Campaign Log

Introducing the CUNY Campaign for Voluntary Charitable Giving

What is the CUNY Campaign?

The CUNY Campaign for Voluntary Charitable Giving (The CUNY Campaign) is an annual charitable fundraising drive that takes place throughout the CUNYUniversity system. Its basic purpose is for the entire university to come together and take hold of the many issues facing our city today and make a difference. The Campaign is held at 21 different CUNY locations including 6 community colleges, 13 senior colleges, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism and CUNY Central Office. All CUNY employees have the opportunity to designate a tax-deductible contribution to one or more human and community development organizations of their choice. They include CUNY-based organizations, federations (umbrella organizations with their own member agencies) and independent organizations. These organizations provide a wide range of services that benefit millions of men, women and children in our city and throughout the world. A participating organizations guide will be provided to familiarize you with the services/missions of the organizations.

How did it come about?

Many employees were tired of constantly being asked to contribute to individual charities at various times of the year. They asked for a single charity drive. The campaign is the only university-wide annual charitable fundraising drive. It is now in its twenty-seventh year.

Who is responsible for the CUNY Campaign?

The “Steering Committee” and a Chairperson appointed by the Chancellor is the governing body of The CUNY Campaign. The Steering Committee represents the different colleges within the CUNY system (i.e. 4-year colleges, 2-year colleges, graduate school of journalism, and central office). Their responsibility is to oversee the operation of the campaign, set the rules and guidelines that all organizations wishing to participate must follow. United Way of New York City has been hired as manager and fiscal agent to carry out the rules and guidelines as determined by the Steering Committee.

Who decides which charities are eligible to be part of the CUNY Campaign?

Each organization must meet certain criteria to be approved by The CUNY Campaign for Voluntary Charitable Giving Steering Committee for participation in the campaign. For instance, proof of the following must be provided:

  • Non-profit status [form 501(c)(3)].
  • Governing Board of Directors that meets regularly.
  • Current Audited Financial Statements.
  • New YorkState Office of Charities Registration.

Who decides how the contributions are distributed?

CUNY employees may designate their contribution to any approved charity of their choice. Contributions that have not been designated to any particular charity will be equally distributed amongst all of the charitable organizations participating in this year’s campaign as determined by the CUNY Steering Committee.

Employees can choose their charities by reviewing a brochure or looking online at this site


Participating Organizations

The CUNY Campaign consists of one CUNY Scholarship Fund, independent non-profit organizations, and federations (“umbrella” organizations with their own member agencies). The categories are further described below:

University Organizations

Provides child care, cultural, social and economic intellectual growth to the communities it serves.

Independent Organizations

A cross-section of organizations that provide services addressing affordable housing, community development, health and human services, poverty, youth, and much more.

America’s Charities (800) 458-9505

Helping you help others. America’s Charities addresses community needs through member charity services impacting health, human service, education, human and civil rights, the environment.

Asian American Federation (212) 344-5878

Serves New York’s Asian American community by voicing common concerns, advocating for responsive policies, and offering management assistance to membership of 35 human service agencies.

Community Health Charities of New York (800) 724-3840

A group of over 50 national and local charities dedicated to research, patient services and health education for various diseases and disorders.

Community Works of NYS, Inc. (800) 808-2225

A cooperative fundraising effort among community based nonprofit member organizations dedicated to improving services and our communities statewide.

Earth Share of New York (800) 822-9567

Your gift is shared among the environmental organizations listed herein and helps preserve, protect and defend the environment.

Global Impact (800) 836-4620

Founded in 1956, Global Impact supports over 50 U.S.-based international charities providing disaster relief, health care, education and economic opportunities to the world’s poorest people.

Hispanic Federation (212) 233-8955

A membership organization, which strengthens Latino agencies in order to meet the needs of Hispanics in the tri-state area.

Independent Charities of America (800) 477-0733

Feeding the hungry. Sheltering the homeless. Protecting the children, and healing the sick. America's finest Charities. Working with donors to share—the American Way.

Local Independent Charities of America (800) 876-0413

We share your gift among local independent charitable organizations helping children, the poor, the ill, the disabled, the elderly and others in need.

Neighbor To Nation (877) 841-6839

People in deed serving people in need, in our local communities, throughout America and the world. Providing life-sustaining assistance and hope for the future.

United Way of New York City (212) 251-2500

Mobilizes diverse community resources to have a measurable impact on critical health and human service challenges in New York City’s five boroughs.


Volunteers Make a Difference

Every year, through The CUNY Campaign, staff and faculty pool their talents for the common good to raise money for charities charged with improving the quality of life for people in need, who at anytime could be a family member or friend.

Why is your leadership so valuable?

At the grassroots level, you serve as a role model for our city's youth, young adults, as well as for your peers. Through The CUNY Campaign, the support given to these organizations, battling society’s greatest social, health and community problems proves that together we can help accomplish the greater good.

At the core of The CUNY Campaign for Voluntary Charitable Giving are volunteers, like you. By donating your time and talents, volunteers enable the campaign to operate efficiently, minimizing administrative costs.

Employee campaigns are vital

All of the money raised through The CUNY Campaign comes from individual employees, who contribute through voluntary payroll deductions or check donations at theworkplace. This means that your role in the campaign is especially critical. The funds you raise will help support an immense array of services offered by The CUNY Campaign agencies.

Impact of Your Gift

Youth and Character Development

Your gift invests in our children through enriching social and recreational programs such as daily after-school centers.

Education/Job Training

Your gift promotes self-sufficiency by linking the unemployed and underemployed to programs such as GED classes.

Healthy Families

Your gift provides support systems enabling parents to access child-care and family service programs such as, initiatives for women and families and early intervention learning programs for children under five.

Emergency Support

Your gift obtains food, clothing, shelter and financial assistance for individuals and families suddenly confronted with unforeseen events.

Healthy Related Services

Your gift provides access to health care programs, community education, elderly services, programs to support the sick and needy, and services for the physically challenged.

Community Investment

Your gift builds on New York City’s vast individual and collective resources by creating information and referral services, volunteer opportunities and community services that help serve our community’s most disadvantaged.

Environmental Causes

Your donations help preserve, protect and defend the environment.

International Causes

Your contributions go to further global support including disaster relief, education, healthcare, and economic opportunities for the poor.


Commonly Asked Questions

Does The CUNY Campaign save charities money?

Yes. By agencies joining together in The CUNY Campaign, substantial savings occur for all agencies. The costs associated with workplace campaigns are tremendous when incurred on an individual basis. By combining the efforts of all the charities, the cost for one campaign is distributed among over 1,100 agencies, in equal proportion to the money they receive; therefore, no one agency is charged more than they receive. In fact, agencies get a greater return on their investment than in any other fundraising activity. In addition, gifts through payroll deduction give charities a steady stream of income throughout the year. This enables them to plan and implement programs better, and provide more services to the community.

I do not like some of the charities in the CUNY Campaign. Will my gift go to them?

No. Your gift will only go to those charities you designate to receive money. The CUNY Campaign is designed to give donors the ability to say where their money goes. If a donor does not designate their gift, it will be divided among all the organizations participating in the campaign, based on the designations they receive. The code 0100 may also be used to divide your gift equally among all participating agencies.

Is there a difference between United Way and the CUNY Campaign?

Yes. The CUNY Campaign offers The City University of New York employees a choice. The CUNY Campaign is made up of over 1,200 different international, national and local organizations. Donors decide where the money goes when they designate their gifts. The United Way is one of the participating organizations in the campaign. The only time United Way receives money through The CUNY Campaign is if a donor designates their gift to United Way. The United Way is treated exactly the same way as any other participating organization in the campaign.

The United Way of New York City manages the campaign for CUNY.

Why should I give to The CUNY Campaign when I do not use any of the agencies’ services?

A better question is whether you could be using any of the agencies’ services. Most people simply do not know how much the over 1,200 organizations have to offer families and individuals. Check the index of agencies for programs that might apply to you now or in the future. You might also recognize one or more agencies that have touched your life in the past, or the life of a family member, friend or co-worker.

I already give to a Charity, why should I give to The CUNY Campaign?

That’s great! Chances are, however, that your favorite organization is listed in The CUNY Campaign brochure. You can continue to give to that group with the ease of payroll deduction. In addition, giving through payroll deduction ensures a steady stream of income for your favorite charity throughout the year. This enables them to plan effectively in meeting the needs of their clients.

Is the administrative cost for the campaign very high?

No. On average 93% of every dollar donated will go to the designated agencies.

How do agencies get to be a part of The CUNY Campaign?

An application process is held for any agency wishing to be part of The CUNY Campaign. This includes agencies that CUNY employees have requested (via the section on their pledge forms) to be invited to apply.

How can I be sure that a contribution to a specific agency is sent there?

Just check the box on the pledge card that states “I would like the designated nonprofit organization(s) to acknowledge my gift” and provide your address. The agency to which you designated money will send you an acknowledgment.

Why should I have money taken out of my paycheck?

Payroll deduction is a painless way of making a significant contribution. Over the course on 26 pay periods, your deduction really adds up. The CUNY Campaign also offers the choice of lump sum payments instead of payroll deduction if you prefer.


Key Steps to a Successful Campaign

Review everything here before you start the process of planning your campaign. The more you understand the process, the greater your success. Outlined here is a brief summary of what you will need to know to run the campaign.

The ask

  • The most common reason people do not give is quite simply because they were never asked.
  • The campaign coordinator is the point person at his/her particular college.

Review previous campaign results

  • The first step in a successful campaign involves reviewing your college’s previous campaign. This will help you get an overview of your responsibilities. It will also enable you to learn from the experience of others. A discussion of last year’s campaign with the previous Campus Coordinator will help you assess what worked and what did not for the college.

Recruit key people (“Captains”) to help run the campaign

  • The general rule is to have 1 captain for every 15 to 20 employees. Captains are the key communicators of the campaign message to the campus community. It is important that you can depend on them to be enthusiastic, personable and equipped to answer commonly asked questions from potential donors. Education is the most powerful tool. (A training session should be set up to help facilitate training for the captains).

Get an accurate list of the total number of full time staff and faculty from the personnel office

  • This will allow you to divide the staff up among the captains. If possible, a list sorted by department will allow you to match whole departments with captains in those areas.

Plan and organize key meetings

  • The key to any successful campaign is the ability to reach as many people as possible. This is done mainly by bringing groups of your peers together to learn about the campaign and how they can support it. A very important figure in the setting up of a campaign meeting is the attendance of the President. A visible and written endorsement from the President for a unified all-inclusive campaign works to better share the value of the campaign to the campus community.
  • Find out when each department meets and request to be placed on the agenda for 5-10 minutes.


Monitor the progress of the captains

  • Track every aspect of the campaign. Have all captains meet with you once a week to give you an update on their successes, problems and concerns. This will give you an opportunity to monitor the sentiment of the campus community, and thereby adjust your strategy accordingly. It will also lend support to captains who are having similar issues.
  • At these meetings, have the captains return any pledge forms they have collected to date. This will allow you to know weekly exactly where the campaign stands. In addition, this will allow you to keep a close handle on any check donors.

Here are some guidelines for handling contributions:

  • Keep a running tally of all contributions.
  • Originals of the payroll deduction pledge forms should be forwarded to your payroll office for input.
  • Copies should be turned into the CUNY Campaign Office.
  • It is important that employees are aware that they must signtheir pledge forms in order to authorizepayroll deduction.
  • Checks should be made payable to The CUNY Campaign and forwarded to the CUNY Campaign Office within two weeks of receipt of the check.
  • Do not hold checks for more than two weeks.
  • Include all contributions in your final report.

Reporting final results

  • Use the Campaign Report Form provided by The CUNY Campaign Office to report final campaign results. The completion of this form along with your signature is vital. Without it, none of the payroll deduction pledge forms can be processed. The information will also be helpful to your college for planning next year’s campaign.


Key Points for Successful Captains

Campaign Captains are the key communicators of the campaign message to the campus community. It is important that you are enthusiastic, personable and equipped to answer commonly asked questions from potential donors. Education is the most powerful tool. Outlined here is a brief summary of what you will need to know to be successful.

Know the facts

  • Read the brochure, ask questions.
  • Be familiar with the facts and other materials about The CUNY Campaign.

Make your own pledge first

  • You will find it is easier to ask others for a generous gift if you have already made your contribution.

Call on the people you know best, first

  • This will build your pattern of success and give you positive examples of giving to which you can refer.

Be yourself

  • Explain what The CUNY Campaign is all about.
  • Do not use pressure.
  • Do not fabricate facts.
  • If you are unsure of an answer, check and get back to them.

Ask for a pledge face-to-face

  • Speak with the person you are calling on face-to-face. It is the best and most personal way

of enlisting the support of others.