Camp Wired Computer Programming
The Computer Lab is on the 2nd floor. The Medina Room is on the 3rd floor. All classes run from 9:30am -11:00am. If you have a USB Flash drive bring it when class is in the Computer Lab. (optional) Also bring a headset or earphones when in the computer lab if you have them.
Classes are taught using the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system and Microsoft Office 2010 software. This Program runs year round and starts at the Beginning in September. All are welcome.
Dec. 4 -(Medina Room)–Introduction to theInternet- Does it feel like everybody is using the Internet but you? Believe the Internet would be too confusing? Discuss your online options and understand the lingo.When you leave class you can impress your friends and family with your comprehension of the difference between World Wide Web and the Internet and much more. A great class for the beginner! -Presentation, Discussion and demonstration
Dec. 11- (Computer Lab)–Interactive Internet 101-We will be using the GCF Learnfree website to go thru the Internet 101 series course.-Hands-On Class Activity, highly recommend bringing in headphones.
Dec. 18- (Community Room A & B)–Camp Wired Annual HolidayParty -Come join us for our Annual Holiday gathering. We will have Holiday Music, food & beverages and play some Holiday printable games with one another. This is more a time to congregate and enjoy one another’s’ company.
Dec. 25 – Happy Holidays! NO CLASS Library is closed
Jan. 1–Happy New Year NO CLASS Library is closed
Jan.8–(Medina Room) –Google: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Everyone's Favorite Search Engine - Ready to take your Google-ing to a whole other level? You'll get a behind-the-scenes look at how Google really works, learn little-known Google tools and tricks that will change the way you search, and even see what Google has up its sleeve in the not-too-distant future. You'll learn about the various Google products like YouTube, Picasa, Google Maps… - Presentation, Discussion and demonstration
Jan. 15- (Computer Lab)-Virtual Online Shopping Outing –Shopping online can be fast, fun, and convenient! Learn guidelines for shopping safely online and get tips on great sites for browsing, finding product reviews, and making purchases. –Demonstration, Handouts given and Hands-On Class Activity
Jan. 22- (Medina Room)–Be an Online Detective-You might be surprised at what information you can find about yourself or other people on the Internet. The class will show you which websites are best for tracking people down and where you can find public record information (including foreclosures, new home buyers, and new businesses) on the Internet. - Presentation, Discussion and demonstration
Jan. 29- (Computer Lab)–Navigating the Medina County Library Website - Want to be able to check your library card from home? Want to place items on hold? Want to renew your books, but the Library is closed? Learn to get around the Library Website & see all the hidden features and tools at your disposal. - Handouts given and Hands-On Class Activity
Feb. 5- (Medina Room) –Email 101-This class will go over the various Email providers, their differences, email terminology, learn how to sign up for a free email account. We also will teach you basic email terms and how to read and send email, how to do attachments, address books, CC, BCC, question and answer session. Those without an Email address will be able to get one set up. Presentation, Discussion and demonstration
Feb. 12– (Computer Lab) –Be aWeather forecaster for a day – Students will analyze different weather conditions before creating their very own first-person report from the eye of a storm to present in class.- Handouts given and Hands-On Class Activity
Feb. 19- (Medina Room) -Social Media Simplified- Don’t know a hash tag from a check-in? Befuddled by tweets, likes, and pins? Never fear! We’ll decode Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and others—you’ll learn which ones to try, how to share, and what to skip. Presentation, Discussion and demonstration
Feb. 26- (Computer Lab)-Experience being in a Live Chatroom with your classmates with CHATZY- Chatzy is a free private chat service online. You can create your own chat room and share it with family or friends, for a place to go chat. No experience necessary. Instructor will create the Chatroom, you just join in.** Note:(Email account is necessary to participate and receive the Chat invitation, please remember your password to get to your Email)-Hands-On Class Activity
Camp WiredDecember/January/February2014 - 2015 schedule