Camp Concord – State Line Baptist Assembly, Inc.
A Ministry of Concord Baptist Association
121 S. Mecklenburg Avenue
South Hill, VA 23970
Phone/447-7240, Fax: 434-447-7241
Reservation Application Form for Individuals/Groups not a part of Concord Baptist Association
Please reserve Camp Concord for use for the following date (s):
1st Choice ______2nd Choice ______3rd Choice ______
Church or Group Name Address
City State Zip
Contact Person
Name Address
City State Zip
Phone Fax E-mail
Expected time of arrival Departure Time
Number expected to attend Type of activity planned
Composition of Group: Adults (18+) Campers
Reservation Fee: Non-refundable reservation fee must accompany this application (see rates below for fees). Your reservation is not guaranteed without this fee. Fee is then applied to total fees for reservation. Group is responsible for all damages incurred during stay. Contact the Concord Baptist Association Office to make reservations and for any questions.
Supervision: There must be adequate adult supervision at all times. A minimum of one adult for every 10 children or youth is required.
Cancellation Policy: A three week notice of cancellation is expected or deposit will be forfeited. Contact the Concord Baptist Association Office so other groups on the waiting list can be contacted.
***Camp Concord does not provide medical insurance for outside groups. If a group member is injured while using Camp Concord their own medical insurance would be required. Outside groups are defined as groups not affiliated with Concord Baptist Association.
Weekend Rates - $60.00 for a group of 1-30 people (per night)
$5.00 per additional person for groups over 30 people (per night)
Non-refundable reservation fee - $60.00
Weekly Rates - $300.00 for a group of 1-30 people staying five (5) nights
$10.00 per additional person for groups over 30 for five (5) nights
If 6th night is preferred, contact the Concord Baptist Association Office for information.
Non-refundable reservation fee - $100.00
Staff Cabin - $25.00 per day additional
Commitment: I have read and agree to the camp policies attached. I have enclosed the appropriate payments.
Signed: Date
Mail reservation form along with your check (made payable to State Line Baptist Assembly, Inc.) to:
State Line Baptist Assembly, Inc., 121 S. Mecklenburg Avenue, South Hill, VA 23970
A Ministry of Concord Baptist Association
1. Any individual or group desiring use of the camp must make written application to State Line Baptist Assembly. Fee charges are listed on the application for reservation.
2. State Line Baptist Assembly/Camp Concord will not be held responsible for any accident or injury incurred while at the facility.
3. Groups using the camp should be accompanied by adult leadership in the ratio of at least one adult to each 10 campers. Groups using the waterfront must be supervised by adults. ALL SWIMMING, BOATING, OR FISHING IS DONE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
4. FIRES ARE TO BE BUILT ONLY WHERE FIRE RINGS ARE PROVIDED. They must always be attended and extinguished with water.
5. Smoking is not permitted on Camp Concord premises.
6. Furniture is not to be taken outdoors from any building, or moved from one building to another without specific permission.
7. Ball playing is not permitted inside of buildings.
8. Before groups leave, the facilities must be checked and left in the same condition as when they arrived. (Trash swept up, garage collected in bags and taken to dumpster, bathrooms cleaned, cabins swept and straightened, lights turned off, doors and windows closed.) Sponsoring groups, or institutions, will be billed for ANY DAMAGE INCURRED BY THEIR USE OF THE CAMP. Any damage, or equipment loss, is to be reported to the Camp Caretaker.
9. Living trees and shrubs must not be cut down, or damaged in any way. NO carving on trees. NO animal dens are to be destroyed.
10. NO ALCOHOL BEVERAGES, DRUGS, OR FIREARMS will be permitted on the camp property at any time.
11. The SPEED LIMIT in the camping area is 10 MPH. No 4-wheelers or motor bikes are allowed.
The camp management welcomes suggestions of ways we can improve service to you.
State Line Baptist Assembly, Inc.
121 S. Mecklenburg Avenue
South Hill, Virginia 23970