What is the impact of been a Trustee at CASP
Being a trustee at CASP will enable you to gain a wealth of experience volunteering for a charity, meeting other trustees, staff, other supporters from the community and making important decisions as to the way forward for the future sustainability of CASP.
One of the rewards of being a trustee is that through your care, commitment and dedication the contribution and decisions you make will be appreciated and will make a positive difference to the lives of families in a positive way.
Through becoming a Trustee you will give CASP the essential leadership on finance strategy and management CASP need in this present climate of uncertainty.
What is in it for you as a volunteer?
Opportunity for self-development, possibly learn new skills, keep skills sharp, or use existing skills in new ways.
Regardless of your age or career level, becoming a trustee at CASP could lead to a new professional paths. It could be a way to learn more about therole of a Trusteeparticularly in a not for profit charity.
Become a Trustee at CASP will provide the opportunities to network with people from across your community of Southwark, including many with whom you may otherwise not have had contact.
Lifelong learning includes hands-on experiences and knowledge as a Trusteeof a childcare charity. This can include learning about working in a child care environment ranging from budget setting, preparation of financial reportto face painting at fundraising fun days.
Lastly, atrusteecan contribute unique skills, experiences, and perspectives. For example, you might be great at maintaining our IT equipment or website as a communication tool as well as an advert of our services for new families.
In addition to professional networking, a trustee at CASP can be a fun, meaningful way to make new friends. New to the community? Looking to branch out socially? Simply looking for something to do with new people?
Becoming a Trustee at CASP is one of the best ways to make a difference in the local community. A trusteewill make a real and lasting difference to the day to day, week to week, year to year life of CASP. Their enthusiasm and wealth of knowledge will be greatly appreciated by the organisation.
Other information
As a trustee you will help to make a difference in supporting to shape the future for CASP, in a highly competitive industry, in its delivery of a comprehensive out of school provision for primary aged children. Being a trustee at CASP is also an exciting and challenging role with the opportunity to support CASP’s mission to provide the best child-care provision for parents under increasing competition.
Applications are welcome from a wide range of individuals who have a broad appreciation for the work of child care organisations and a commitment to promoting good standards, together with strong skills in leadership, strategic and analytical thinking, influencing and communication.
Camberwell After School Project 2016