Calvin Coolidge Elementary School

PTO Minutes

May 7, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 9:18 AM. All board members were present, except Liz Duffy. Flag Salute lead by Margaret Hogan. PTO Board introduced. Minutes were read, motion to pass Nadine Vaiana (1st) Jeanette Park (2nd) and approved.

3rd VP

·  Kindergarten Presentation.

·  Mrs. Needleman thanked PTO for Media Center donation, Theme Day, and for Staff Appreciation Day and gifts for all Coolidge Staff.

Mr. Iasiello’s – Eisenhower Middle School Principal

·  Mr. Iasiello addressed PTO.

·  Discussed current 5th Grade transition to middle school.

·  Principal has met with incoming 6th Grade parents several times. The goal of Eisenhower is make kids and parents feel welcome and feel like part of the Eisenhower family.

·  Executive functioning skills and organization discussed.

·  Mr. Iasiello is working on students taking Chrome books home next year and insurance issues.

·  Discussion of Google classroom being the free online learning portal used by Eisenhower.

·  Cycle classes and TIEE time reviewed.

·  Discussion about Robotics program for 7th graders and electives including Digital Imaging and Design.

·  Sue Dobson, Eisenhower Guidance Counselor spoke to PTO. Topics addressed: How Teaming works. Kids are welcome to walk around building to explore over summer, please contact Sue Dobson to arrange time. Students will be using Google calendar. Lessons on study skills and organization will be given to students.

·  Eisenhower PTO President spoke to PTO. Topics included: Gym clothes/Spirit Wear (sizes available to see in Eisenhower lobby, there will be no exchanges or returns.) Frost Valley trip, School Supplies (suggested parents only buy a few folders and backpack w/computer sleeve for 1st Day of school). President thanked PTO.

President Report:

·  Nomination Committee Vote: 2015-2016 Proposed Executive Board: President: Nicole DiMasi, Treasurer: Jill Deyer, and Economy Shop Chair: Dawn Costantino. PTO voted and passed. Congratulations 2015-2016 PTO Board.

·  Numerous thank-you’s to all the members who have help throughout the month. Check the Cougar Connect for a list.

·  Theme Day Discussion on district wide elementary proposal to move to every other year. Coolidge PTO opposed to idea.

·  Bike Rally was a success. Thanks to Wyckoff PD, chairs, and volunteers

·  Wellness Fair was held on April 15th. Thanks to staff, chairs, and volunteers. Kids loved the food.

·  Thanks to those who helped out and participated in Dad’s softball.

·  Plant Sale pickup on May 7th.

·  May Dinner will be held on Thursday, May 14th at Macaluso’s. Please to drop off all baskets to chairs.

·  School Supplies for next year can currently be ordered online.

·  Improvements: Movie Night projector purchase. Proposal to share cost of $2,000 with Wyckoff Recreation center. Rec will store projection system. PTO voted and motion passed.

·  Wish list items discussed and Budget distributed.

·  Field Day: Megan Aylward spoke to PTO. Reviewed what day entails. Volunteers needed.

1st VP Report:

·  Volunteers needed for all upcoming spring events.

2nd VP Report:

·  Next big fundraiser is May Dinner.

Economy Shop Report:

·  Town wide Garage Sale on May 16th (May 17th rain-date). There is small registration fee.

·  Economy Shop is in need of a Board for next year. Please consider.

·  Shop closed week of May 28th. Many upcoming sales.

·  See PTO site for more details or contact Sharon Haji or Dianne Poppe.

Principal Report:

·  Mr. Famularo spoke about PARCC testing wrapping up.

·  Peace Pole installation mostly complete, awaiting refurbished pole. Thanks PTO.

·  Thank you for all PTO sponsored events.

·  Looking forward to end of year activities.

·  Follow-up on Mr. Iasiello’s presentation and collaboration. 5th Grade students currently using Chrome books and are prepared for transition to Eisenhower. 4th Grade will be using Chrome books next year.

·  Tablet initiative discussed.

·  Mr. Famularo introduced new budget secretary.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:30 AM.

Respectfully submitted by Margaret Hogan