Minutes of PCC Meeting held on Tuesday 26thJanuary 2016at 7.30pm

Present: Deirdre Aldhous,Richard Aldhous, Stan Anniss, MorciaBooton,Maggie Garratt, Lucy Hemmings, Revd Bob Kenway, Jane Ridgwell, Jack Robinson, Penny Spencer, Graham Spencer, Kevin Wells and guest Liz Roberts

Apologies:Jonathan Billings,John Dawson, Isabella Gage, Julian Miller

Minutes of PCC meeting held on 12thNovember 2015 agreed and signedand notes of Finance Meeting held on 9th November 2015 also agreed and signed.

Matters Arising: All will be covered by Agenda

Group Ministry:The move from a team to a group ministry within Marden Vale Benefice will be on hold until the new Archdeacon is in post.

Associate Priest: The job description and details are being finalised prior to adverts being placed on February 5th and 12th,with the closing date a month later.

Deanery: A deanery party was held on 1st December; RD Vicky Burrows held her last service at RWB on January 3rd. Bob is now Acting Rural Dean. Next Deanery Synod is scheduled for February 18th. The collation of the new Archdeacon will take place on January 22nd at St John’s, Devizes at 7pm.

A special report: following the meeting of the Churchwardens and their deputies with Bishop Ed, the PCC was given this information – the bishop suggested that he meet with Bob and Sadie, which he did. With reference to lay worship and LLMs, the matter of vocation was raised and it was suggested that someone come to speak about this within the parish. Stephen Dawson has requested that Miriam Longfoot review all tasks undertaken by the Admin Office. Sadie’s job is to be formalised and a job description worked out. A pay structure will be detailed. Sadie will in future be line managed by Jane Ridgwell and the PCC kept informed, as part of their responsibility. Bob is being encouraged to delegate more jobs. Those joining the PCC should be aware that there are jobs involved and they may well be encouraged to perform tasks within their skill set.

The meeting was a useful exercise and Bishop Ed very helpful and supportive.

Safeguarding Policy: the policy should be renewed annually after the APCM, when it should be agreed and ratified. Safeguarding training will take place in church on April 18th for all those working with children and young adults.Deirdre will be putting an explanatory flow chart and poster in each of the churches and Church House.

Proposal:The safeguarding policy should be agreed Proposed by Richard Aldhous Seconded by Maggie Garratt All PCC members in favour

Renewing Hope Groups: The Prayer and Discipleship Group, represented by Liz and Kevin, gave a full report of their progress and future plans. The report covered various areas but the main focus was on small groups within the church and how these might be identified, encouraged and supported; with the leaders of the groups meeting together for mutual support and to promote small group ministry within the churches

Liz mentioned that there might be a dramatic performance of St Mark’s Gospel in the Autumn. In the absence of any arrangement being made for ecumenical Lent Groups via the Calne Partnership of Churches, the Prayer and Discipleship Group will look into this.

Group 4: Youth, children and schools. The music workshop for children to enjoy singing ‘Joseph and the Amazing TechnicolourDreamcoat’ has been postponed until the Spring, to coincide with Calne Spring Sing.

Schools: The Deputy Head of Holy Trinity Academy has been appointed as the new headteacher.

Treasurer’s and Financial Working Group’s Report:The financial situation appears quite positive at the moment as there has been an upturn in giving in the last few weeks. More money has been received from collections taken at baptisms, weddings and funerals. The gift aid claims have been sent in regularly and have been noted. Gift Aid must be covered by the amount of tax an individual actually pays during a year. The diocesan quota was paid in full again last year and we have a certificate to prove it! The share will necessarily be increased to help with the cost of training and recruiting more clergy. A meeting has yet to be arranged to sort out the outward giving plans for the parish. Looking into the possibility of buying or hiring a new photocopier for Church House, a quote from Toshiba has been received via ‘parish buying’ No decision has yet been made. Regular metre readings are now being made; the next few dates for readings to be taken are Feb 21st, March 20th and April 24th.

Updates from the parish: Holy Trinity - Jack Robinson and Jane Ridgwell are looking for grants to help with funding of works that need to be completed, and to establish whether Downland Construction’s quote of £7,684.17 adequately covers the required scope.A metal grid over the gulley and replacement downpipe and guttering have to be added in. Goldman’s have quoted £255 for screed and vinyl flooring.

Proposal: Nature’s Way should be awarded the contract for maintaining the Holy Trinity churchyard. Proposed by Stan Anniss Seconded by Kevin Wells All PCC members in favour

A working party of volunteers will meet in the Spring to trim and tidy. There may be badgers, dormant at present, in the churchyard. The application for closure of part of the churchyard has yet to be submitted; it is proving to be quite a complex procedure. Holy Trinity will be taking part in the RHS ‘In your neighbourhood’ category of South West in Bloom.

St Peter’s – received an anonymous donation of about £2000 in June or July of last year. Extended monitoring of movement in the walls/window at St Peter’s has shown that it is not significant, therefore redecorating can now be considered.

St Mary’s Buildings Group: There will be strategy meeting to discuss what might be done to improve the situation within the church buildings and Church House and, more importantly, why these changes should be made. The faculties for the displaying of the Ashbee picture and the poppy are about to be sent off. Prints of the heating system drawings have been placed in the O & M file in St M’s boiler room. A quote has been received for repairs to the wainscoting in Church House small meeting room and stairwell, to overcome damp and damage problems.

Directory update – Morcia has emailed all those that she is able to establish whether they would like their name and details included in the Parish Directory.

Friends of Holy Trinity AGM Tuesday February 9th. On Saturday April 16th there will be an auctioneer at Holy Trinity who, for a fee, will value up to three items per individual. The famous Holy Trinity Strawberry Cream Tea will take place on Saturday June 11th. On September 17th, there will be a jazz concert featuring Craig Milverton, to be held in Marden House.

St Peter’s AGM will be on March 2nd (tbc)

FOSM – Valentine’s Quiz night on February 12th. AGM in May. The programme for the rest of the year will be discussed in February. There will be some form of ‘hustings’ re the European Referendum.

Calne Partnership – Elizabeth Hitchens is the new Chair for 2016-7 and Ann Gell will act as secretary. This Christmas was successful; next year, there are plans to try and create the largest Nativity scene, to be entered in the Guinness Book of Records. The Bible Society are willing to sponsor the attempt, as the fee for having the GBofR ratify a record is £6,000.

AOB: Howard Marshall (Calne Mayor) reported that he was unable to use Holy Trinity as a venue for teenagers to practise music as there are no toilet facilities.

Date of next meeting: Thursday March 10th