Calls, messaging and browsing

Choosing a plan

Mobile credit

Mobile phone advertising


Getting started

This set of digital activities is for Year 5 – 6 students. Each activity is available for download at the MoneySmart Teaching Resource Centre. The activities can be used in a variety of pedagogical settings and are suited to a range of groupings.

The learning design features branching scenarios which provide opportunities for students to role play within a scenario, make decisions on mobile phone use and then see the consequences of their actions. Through the use of status meters students are encouraged to reflect on their mobile phone use and the views of a peer group within the activity, then think about how their parents would react to the decisions they made within the scenario.

Positive behaviors are reinforced with the visual help of these data meters throughout the scenarios with references to checking with parents or other adults for advice and guidance and locating information on how to get help from your mobile phone provider or

other agencies. On completion students can repeat the activity making different decisions to change the way they use the mobile phone and improve the overall outcome of the scenario. Some scenarios feature an interactive slider which allows them to experiment with mobile phone usage to see the consequences on their plan.

Activity duration is approximately 15 minutes each, although this may vary depending on whether students are undertaking them with an adult or as a self guided activity. This set of activities can be used on a computer or iPad.

The activities have been designed to be used in any of three ways:

  • as part of the MoneySmart Teaching Primary and Secondary professional learning packages’ units of work,
  • as standalone activities for use in the classroom, or
  • as a tool for engaging parents/carers in their child’s learning at home.

Besides these Teacher notes the front page of each activity provides links to:

  • Parent notes
  • Curriculum mapping
  • National Consumer and Financial Literacy Framework mapping
  • End user specifications
  • Contact details
  • Copyright information

Links to additional MoneySmart Teaching resources

MoneySmart Teaching Primary package:

The package for Foundation to Year 6 can be found on the MoneySmart Teaching website at MoneySmart Teaching Packages.

MoneySmart Teaching mobile phone digital activities for Years 7 – 8:



Premium Services


Social Media

Go to the MoneySmart Teaching Resource Centre

Other resources

Visit MoneySmart Teaching where you will find additional resources from ASIC and a range of organisations, including units of work, videos, games and more.

Preparation and delivery

The activities have been designed for flexible classroom delivery so that teachers and students can use them in a range of ways to suit different teaching and learning needs. They can be used individually or as a suite of activities and can be used to complement existing units of work.

When instructing students on how to approach the activities it is suggested that you include the following advice:

  • In the activity you will play the role of a person within a scenario or story. You will be making decisions for that person based on what you think you would do with your mobile phone in that situation.
  • Each time you make a decision about using the mobile phone you will see how your 'friends' react in the scenario by checking the 'friend status' meter. Sometimes these friends will be happy with your decision and at other times they will disagree with it.
  • Decisions you make will affect your mobile phone's data usage. Look for the summaries of data usage as you work through the scenario.
  • You will have the chance to reflect on your decisions using the 'rate yourself' meter. At the end of the activity once you have received a final account of how you went in the scenario, you will be able to use the parent status meter to reflect on how your parents might feel about the choices you've made.
  • During the scenario there will be some advice from other people such as parents or teachers. Remember to read through this advice because this contains important information. There is also a summary at the end so you can find out more about the things covered in a scenario.

Ideas for delivery

The activities can be undertaken by students working through the scenarios solo, in small groups, or as a whole class making decisions together.

Some activities feature an account of data usage at the end. Ask students to note their data usage at the end of the activity and compare their results with other students in the class. Encourage students with high data usage to try the activity again once they have been debriefed on how to minimise data use.

When students have worked through the activity discuss issues that have arisen through the scenario such as the importance of mobile phone security, the risks of in-app purchasing, or the potential consequences of entering competitions.

Agree on some key take away messages or learnings with the class. For younger students it is suggested these should include:

  • Pre-paid mobile plans ensure that you don't spend too much money on your phone;
  • If you have a problem or if you are unsure what to do, ask a parent or another adult;
  • The mobile phone service provider should be contacted by parents/other adults to seek advice on problems;
  • If the mobile service provider is not able to resolve a problem there are agencies which can help.

Enduring understandings and deeper learnings

The five activities cover the following concepts in relation to mobile phones:

  • Informed responsible choices around mobile plans and use can save you money AND/OR pre-paid mobile plans can save you money.
  • You can access help from parents, providers or other agencies when mobile phone issues arise.
  • Data usage and spending is the responsibility of the user and can be expensive.
  • Scams, spam and cyberbullying can be avoided through secure and safe usage.

Activity topics

PLEASE NOTE: All activities are simulated within the scenarios. There is no direction or requirement to subscribe to real apps or services, make calls on a mobile phone, or send SMS messages.

Key learning areas: English, Mathematics

Calls, messaging and browsing

This activity features an interactive mobile phone usage tool. Students can see the impact that voice, text and data usage have on a pre-paid plan. In this scenario students have a $30 pre-paid plan.

Student learnings

Through this activity students will be able to:

  • investigate how different mobile phone usage may impact on credit;
  • make decisions around phone usage within plan and budget;
  • evaluate how these choices impact on a pre-paid plan;
  • find and access advice and support (through their parents/adults) from their mobile service provider if they have an issue with a mobile phone;
  • understand which agencies to contact if there are issues.

Choosing a plan

In the Choosing a Plan activity students see the mobile phone needs of four different teens and match these to a mobile phone plan. Each selection a student makes receives feedback on why a particular plan may or may not suit the teen.

Student learnings

Through this activity students will be able to:

  • understand that selecting a mobile phone plan should be based on needs and estimated usage;
  • find and access advice and support (through their parents/adults) from their mobile service provider if they have an issue with a mobile phone;
  • understand which agencies to contact if there are issues.

Mobile credit

An interactive tool allows students to explore mobile phone usage and its impact on mobile credit. In this scenario students have a $30 pre-paid plan which includes credit, texts and data. Once students have explored, they provide advice to other teens within the scenario to reinforce learning.

Student learnings

Through this activity students will be able to:

  • recognise that mobile use is reflected in monies owed either through a bill or a pre-paid account;
  • make decisions around phone use within plan and budget (downloading apps, music, browsing the internet, voice vs. text, topping up a pre-paid mobile, locking your phone);
  • evaluate how these choices impact on a pre-paid plan;
  • find and access advice and support (through their parents/adults) from their mobile service provider if they have an issue with a mobile phone;
  • understand which agencies to contact if there are issues.

Mobile phone advertising

This scenario allows students to explore how people find out about different models of mobile phones. They watch a television advertisement, hear from friends and talk to their parents, then access feedback on each of these options.

Student learnings

Through this activity students will be able to:

  • identify key features used in advertising to influence consumer decision making in the mobile phone market;
  • identify how advertisers seek to influence consumer decisions around mobile phone purchases;
  • evaluate other sources of information on mobile phones including their peers and parents/other adults;
  • distinguish between their ‘needs and wants’;
  • find and access advice and support (through their parents/adults) from their mobile service provider if they have an issue with a mobile phone;
  • understand which agencies to contact if there are issues.


Different security issues are explored in this scenario including giving away personal data by entering a competition, subscribing to a 'dodgy app' that steals data, and leaving a mobile phone unattended in a public place. Students are provided with opportunities to respond to each security issue and see the potential consequences of their decisions such as extra mobile charges, theft from a bank account and cyberbullying.

Student learnings

Through this activity students will be able to:

  • recognise and avoid spam and scams;
  • secure a mobile and reflect on the potential consequences of an unsecured mobile phone;
  • practice safe and responsible behaviours in using a mobile phone;
  • find and access advice and support (through their parents/adults) from their mobile service provider if they have an issue with a mobile phone;
  • understand which agencies to contact if there are issues.

Where to go for help

The following table is available at the end of this document as a separate printable handout for easy reference.

Issue / First point of contact / Still need help?
Cyberbullying / Parents/school / Kids Helpline
1800 55 1800
Mobile handset problem / Mobile service provider / (Where the handset is supplied as part of a contract)
1800 062 058 or through their website at
(Where the handset is bought outright by the consumer)
Fair Trading or Consumer Affairs in the consumer's state.
Phone plan issue / Mobile service provider / TIO
Post-paid account billing or pre-paid account issues / Mobile service provider / TIO
Premium services / Premium service provider / TIO
Theft – bank account / Banking provider
Theft – mobile hand set / Mobile service provider / Local Police
Service problem / Mobile service provider / TIO
Scams / ACCC via the ScamWatch website at or 1300 795 995.
Spam / ACMA Spam SMS service 0429 999 888 (standard rates charged by your mobile provider will apply)

21st Century Skills

Life for children in the 21st Century is much more complex than it was for children of any other age, and it is getting more complex. Today’s children need four generic skills to enable them to grow into mature, well functioning adults. These are:

  • Ways of thinking: Creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making and learning
  • Ways of working: Communication and collaboration.
  • Tools for working: Information and communications technology (ICT) and information literacy.
  • Skills for living in the world: Citizenship, life and career and personal and social responsibility.

These skills are embedded within the five activities which have been designed to support the development of consumer and financial literacy skills in primary school.


Additional MoneySmart Teaching resources

For teaching:

  • Go through the teaching resources at
  • Visit to view expert videos and read more about ASIC’s MoneySmart Teaching initiative.
  • Contact the MoneySmart Teaching team at mailto:

For your personal money management:

  • Go to and subscribe to ASIC’s personal learning program for teachers, ‘Financial Health for Teachers’, or email your request to subscribe to .
  • Visit the MoneySmart website for consumers at It has calculators, tools and tips to help you make the most of your money.
  • To find out more about mobile phones visit:


Australian Competitions and Consumer Commission (ACCC) promotes competition and fair trade in markets to benefit consumers, businesses, and the community. We also regulate national infrastructure services. Our primary responsibility is to ensure that individuals and businesses comply with Australian competition, fair trading, and consumer protection laws - in particular the Competition and Consumer Act 2010.

Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) is the peak industry body representing Australia’s mobile telecommunications industry.AMTA members include mobile Carriage Service Providers (CSPs), handset manufacturers, retail outlets, network equipment suppliers and other suppliers to the industry.

Cybersmart is a national cybersafety and cybersecurity education program managed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) as part of the Australian Government'scommitmentto cybersafety. The program is specifically designed to meet the needs of its target audiences of children, young people, parents, teachers and library staff.

Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) is a free and independent agency that provides assistance to consumers and small businesses who have not been able to resolve a problem with their landline, mobile or internet service provider.

Issue / First point of contact / Still need help?
Cyberbullying / Parents/school / Kids Helpline at
1800 55 1800
Mobile handset problem / Mobile service provider / Where the handset is supplied as part of a contract go to Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO)
1800 062 058 or through their website at
Where the handset is bought outright by the consumer go to Fair Trading or Consumer Affairs in the consumer’s state.
Phone plan issue / Mobile service provider / Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO)
Post-paid account billing or pre-paid account issues / Mobile service provider / Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO)
Premium services / Premium service provider / Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO)
Theft – bank account / Banking provider / Mobile service provider
Theft – mobile hand set / Mobile service provider / Local Police
Service problem / Mobile service provider / Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO)
Scams / ACCC via the ScamWatch website at
or 1300 795 995.
Spam / ACMA Spam SMS service 0429 999 888
(standard rates charged by your mobile provider will apply)

Note: State and territory consumer protection agencies can provide you with information and advice about your rights and options.