January 12, 2009
Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance
A regular scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of Olympia Community Unit School District No. 16, held in the cafeteria of Olympia North Elementary, was called to order by President Laura Cremeens on January 12, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. with the following Board members and Administrators present: Laura Cremeens, Sondra Hayes, Steve Matter, Trena Glenn, Curt Morr, Kevin Frazier, and Carolyn Hansen; Superintendent Brad Hutchison, Business & Operations Manager Andrew Wise, Olympia High School Principal Lance Thurman, and Olympia North Elementary Principal Fred Shears.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Kevin Frazier.
Recognition of Visitors
Board President Cremeens welcomed all visitors and asked them to introduce themselves. Visitors included OEA Co-President Joan Tracy, OEA representative Deb Martin, Benchmark Construction Management representatives Mike Pflederer and Jason White, BLDD Architects representative Barbara Meek, Pantagraph reporter Patti Welander, and community members Barnard Argo, Carolyn Argo, Mike Hayes, and Alissa Hayes.
Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Kevin Frazier, seconded by Sondra Hayes, to approve the Consent Agenda that included:
A. Approval of Agenda
B. Approval of Minutes, including Executive Session, from the December 8, 2008 regular Board of Education meeting
C. Approval of Minutes from the December 8, 2008 Property Tax Levy Public Hearing
D. Approval of Bills and Financial Reports
E. Approval of a 2-year contract between Olympia C.U.S.D. #16 and All-American Sports Posters for the purpose of sports schedules poster production
F. Confirmation of the resignation of Terry Melick – OHS Volleyball Coach effective January 5, 2009
G. Approval of the Financial Audit Contract between Olympia C.U.S.D. #16 and Gorenz & Associates, Ltd. in the amount of $12,090 for the year ending June 30, 2009
H. Approval to keep Executive Session minutes of the Board of Education meetings closed to the public for the period of January, 2008 through December, 2008 and the destroy any audio recordings of Executive Session older than 18 months
I. Employment of Samantha Meridith as School Bus Aide effective January 20, 2009
J. Approval of the following athletic volunteers effective for the 2008-2009 season:
1. Cynthia Scott – OMS Volleyball
2. Darrel Dubree – OHS Softball
3. James Malone – OHS Swimming
K. Confirmation of the resignation of Carol Engel – Special Education Aide effective January 9, 2009
Committee Reports
Mike Pflederer of Benchmark Construction Management provided the Board with a monthly construction update which included a tour of the new Olympia North facility. Mr. Pflederer noted that the project remains on schedule and is approximately 70% complete. He commended everyone involved for their cooperation in not only the new North project, but in the remodeling/updating projects at the other Olympia buildings as well.
Board member Curt Morr, also a member of the Administrative Buildings & Grounds Committee, noted that preparation for the move at Olympia North would begin during the end of the current school year. He also noted that the committee was reviewing roof work to be conducted throughout the District during the summer of 2009.
Board member Sondra Hayes reported that she had been the Board representative at the January 5 Olympia Advisory Council meeting. During the OAC meeting, elementary principals, Nicole Rummel and Laura O’Donnell shared a presentation regarding the use of Professional Learning Communities within the buildings which allows teachers to collaborate and discuss suggested PLC practices that are developed to benefit all students. Mrs. Hayes reported that OHS Principal Lance Thurman reviewed MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) information which is being used to guide needed instruction. She also shared that OMS Principal Todd Dugan announced an increase in this year’s attendance rate.
Superintendent Brad Hutchison shared a review of Tri-County’s collaboration with The Baby Fold and Hammitt School which concentrates on professional staff development and individual child consultation.
Administrative Reports
Business & Operations Manager Andrew Wise announced that budgeted expenditures are still “right on target”. Dr. Wise noted that he continues to watch the budgeted revenue very closely as both the state and nation are experiencing major financial difficulties.
Dr. Wise reported that several projects were completed during the winter break including the removal of debris due to the winter snow/ice storms. He commended the custodial/maintenance crews who worked on these projects and also recognized the faculty/staff of Olympia North for their cooperation during the major construction work.
Principal reports highlighted a pilot program being used at Olympia South for a cashless lunch program and the implementation of a Intro to Multimedia Tech class at OMS. 8th grade students from this class have redesigned the website for the Village of Hopedale and have also developed and maintained school calendars for both Olympia and Christian Life Academy.
Superintendent Hutchison provided the Board with copies of IASB-recommended Board Policy revisions. He also provided the annual tentative Certified Seniority List and an updated enrollment report which showed a 23 student increase compared to the September 26, 2008 enrollment. Superintendent Hutchison shared recommended course changes for OHS which consisted of changing the name of Social Studies to World History and allowing Bio-Diversity (previously Bio ll) to become an upper level elective. He also provided the Board with information regarding a pilot calendar which would list Board activities/due dates.
Superintendent Hutchison and OHS Principal Thurman provided the Board with a 5-year ACT comparison of 12 area districts. These results are used to determine which areas are in need of improvement and which similar districts could provide helpful program ideas.
Other Business
Board member Carolyn Hansen asked the Board to review the District’s current Mission, Vision, Values, & Goals and shared possible strategies and techniques for updating Olympia’s plan. This will be discussed further at the January 21 Winter Board Retreat.
Board member Hansen also shared that the Olympia Marching Spartans received a rating of “3rd overall” in the Holiday Liberty Bowl competition and received 9 out of 11 trophies.
Superintendent Hutchison announced that petition packets for Board candidate are still available. The last day nominating papers can be filed with the Administration Office is Monday, January 26 at 5:00 p.m.
Action Items
A motion was made by Sondra Hayes, seconded by Steve Matter, to approve the purchase of furniture associated with renovation and repair from Virco in the amount of $9,763.09.
Discussion. Vote: Hayes (aye), Matter (aye), Cremeens (aye), Glenn (aye),
Morr (aye), Frazier (aye), Hansen (aye). Motion carried 7-0.
A motion was made by Carolyn Hansen, seconded by Kevin Frazier, to approve the OHS course changes for the 2009-2010 school year as presented by Principal Lance Thurman.
Discussion. Vote: Hansen (aye), Frazier (aye), Cremeens (aye), Hayes (aye),
Matter (aye), Glenn (aye), Morr (aye). Motion carried 7-0.
Opportunity for Public Input
There was no public input.
Executive Session
There was no Executive Session.
A motion was made by Kevin Frazier, seconded by Sondra Hayes, to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
President, Board of Education Secretary, Board of Education
January 12, 2009
There was no Executive Session.