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How to Use Pronouns 5 – we, us, our, ours, ourselves
word type: / subject pronoun / object pronoun / possessive adjective / possessive pronoun / reflexive pronounposition: / before verb / after verb / before noun / after noun / after verb
I / me / my / mine / myself
you (singular) / you / your / yours / yourself
he / him / his / his / himself
she / her / her / hers / herself
it / it / its / - / itself
we / us / our / ours / ourselves
you (plural) / you / your / yours / yourselves
they / them / their / theirs / themselves
Fill in the gaps using we, us, our, ours, or ourselves:
1. That’s ______in the photo – behind the gate.
2. The science experiment that went wrong had to be ______, didn’t it?
3. ______’ve been waiting for you here all day.
4. We painted the whole wall ______.
5. It’s ______turn to play on the tablet!
6. Dora put her song online, so I’ve uploaded ______too.
7. On Tuesday ______’re going to Cromer.
8. We had taught ______to read German.
9. The football coach never picks ______.
10. ______hope you have a good birthday.
11. I don’t know where ______taxi has got to.
12. Snow was falling all around ______.
13. ______tent has got a hole in it.
14. The best argument in court was ______, in my opinion.
15. We surprised ______by coming first in the race.
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