Call to Order-Introductions (Turn off cell phones)

Meeting called to order at 3:03 p.m.

Present: Stephen Sweeney, Kris Johnson, Kari May, Ross Callender, Dinah Kress, Shelley Harper, Amanda Rewerts, Jesse Haynes, Roberta Bourn,Jessica Barrientos, Jennifer Kutzik, Robin Gard, Nicole Burchfield, Elena Rosenfeld, David Sanger, Seana O’Grady, Wendy Highby, Jim Duncan, Jacqueline Murphy, and attending virtually: Tim Miller, Leif Madsen, Tiffany Wick, Linda Conway, David Farnan, Christine Schein, and Dianna Fricke.

Review/Revisions of the agenda

The Board added late reports from Membership Committee, Awards Committee, and the Conference Committee.Minutes accepted as presented.There was one Executive Board Vote between meetings—IMI payment deferment.


  1. Financial Summary – Roberta Bourn

Roberta presented the statement of our financial position as of May 31; showed a deficit in the checking account of about $12,000. The conference has a large budget and CAL always counted on the conference for the majority of the annual income. There is a lot of advertising and vendor solutions to sell and sponsorships to bring in. The entire board needs to understand that.

As of today, enough conference registrations came in to pay April and May bills; as of June 7, we are even again. There was an increase in membership renewal since June 1, because when people register for the conference they see they need to be a member to get the reduced rates.

CAL staff passed out packets to help the board understand this year’s conference and to provide information for selling Vendor Solutions, sponsorships, etc.

More specific conference information will roll out on the website during June and July.

There was a question about the CoALA report—were the workshops expected to raise $500 per workshop or $500 total? Shelley said the budget for all workshops was supposed to be $1500 and they were about $13 short.

There was also a question about the financial reports, it appeared CoALA had budgeted $9000 for sponsorships; this is an error.

  1. CAL Challenges and Brainstorming Solutions

CAL staff has added website advertising, set up a legislative fund for donations, and sent out emails to try and raise funds for lobbying costs.

Amanda is applying for a grant and has started making phone calls. One problem she has run into is the state library email list is out of date. She is working with Arapahoe County to complete their institutional membership.

Kari recently met with Colorado library directors and she sent the letter and invoice by email to every public library director in the state.

Thanks to Elena –we appreciate her hard work putting together the email and request for donations to support the legislative process.

Donations from larger libraries would really help to offset the cost of the lobbyists. It takes a lot of registrations and memberships to cover that $48,000 expense.

Think about whom we do business with—we need to make phone calls and encourage and offer the options: Vendor Solutions, sponsorship, or advertising. Kari requested that we get a list together from the conference committee and staff and make an effort to take a systematic approach so we don’t miss anyone and so we don’t just duplicate work. She asked that we have a good vendor list sent to us in the next week so some good calls can be made.

Jim Duncan said that CLiC plans to provide a sponsorship but they cannot pay until after July 1.

  1. CAL Endorsement of CSL Board Training – Kari May

Kari recently met with Jennifer Kutzik (Chair Elect of the Trustees & Friends Division), Jim Duncan and Jacqueline Murphy. CLiC and CAL want to support the State Library providing board training. The State Library wants our help identifying training needs and they will provide the training to new boards or new board members for library groups across the state. This endorsement and opportunity will be mentioned on the trustee page, CLiC, and CAL websites, directing people to the State Library. This is a “best practice” and it was suggested that the CAL Board partake of this training as well.

Kari May moved that CAL endorse the State Library’s lead on library board training. Robin Gard seconded. Motion carried.

  1. CATS Bylaws – Nicole Burchfield

Nicole brought printed copies of the CATS bylaws with a small change at the top of the second page, 6th article. Nicole Burchfield moved to have the CATS Bylaws approved. Kari May seconded. Motion carried.

  1. CAL working with ALA-WO press office – Elena Rosenfeld

Elena has been contacted by Jazzy White, press officer from the Washington office of ALA. She is asking if CAL would be willing to work with ALA Washington and use their press release techniques and materials to step up how we communicate with the media, legislature, advertisers, etc.

Elena, speaking as a member of the legislative committee, made the motion: The CAL Board directs that CAL work with ALA-WO to step up our interactions with the media using an advocacy toolkit. No second was needed since Elena made the motion from her committee position.

Discussion followed. It was decided that Elena would go back to ALA and tell them we are interested but we have some limitations. She will see how they respond and come back to the board with more information in August.

  1. ASIG Petition – Sheila Kreber

The Adult Services Interest Group two year term has expired so they have signed a petition to continue as an interest group. As no one from ASIG was present, Kari May moved to approve that the Adult Services Interest Group continue under the CAL umbrella as an interest group. Ross seconded. Motion carried. Kris checked the bylaws and there is no specific requirement as to when the period begins, so the two year term will begin today.

  1. Budget Addendum RA Interest Group Workshops – Jessica Barrientos

Jessica addressed the board: the Readers’ Advisory Interest Group has been floundering in the last year or so, and they would like to schedule an event to reinvigorate the group. They will work to have 50 attendees at $25 per person, so they can pay CAL $500. As long as CAL staff does not need to attend the event, expenses should be very minimal, some name badges, etc. There was discussion as to what happens if a group sets up a workshop and then doesn’t make the expected $500. Are there consequences? The $500 requirement was approved and placed in the minutes during a 2010 board meeting. It became policy at that point, although it has not been updated into the policies. Stephen said that we will ask that the policy review committee include this in the policy updates that are happening now. Kris said we need a mechanism in place so that when the board approves policy it becomes part of policy so that we aren’t required to go back through minutes looking for these things. Tim suggested that there be some type of sanction for a group that sets up an event and doesn’t fulfill the $500 for CAL requirement, especially considering the difficult financial situation we are in. As always, decisions will be made by the budget committee in the October/November time frame, when they are planning the 2014 budget (ie: consequences would come in terms of monies being budgeted for workshop type events.) Christine suggested support for workshop planning.

Ross moved that we approve the budget for the Readers Advisory Interest Group as presented. Nicole seconded. Motion carried.


  1. Treasurer Report – Chris Brogan

Shelley asked that it be formally noted in the minutes that line 12 of the CoALA budget should show that there is no line item for sponsorships (not $9000). Roberta will check with Chris, but it appears that the $9000sponsorship budget line was supposed to be for CoASL.

  1. CLEF Budget

Report in Board Packet.

  1. CASL Report – Christine Schein

The workshop will be at Farrell B. Howell School Library in Montbello (northern Denver).

  1. CATS Report – Nicole Burchfield

CATS is soliciting officer nominations for elections.

  1. ALA Chapter Councilor Report – Elena Rosenfeld

Councilor conversations continue online concerning what has happened with Verizon and national security. There will soon be a resolution.

  1. Legislative Report – Elena Rosenfeld and Dave Sanger

An RFI is out to seven companies and we are waiting for responses. We are looking for pricing and trying to find standard costs. Thanks to Roberta and CAL staff for making this happen. They will send word to Currie that Senator Pat Steadman will receive the Legislative Award this year. Kudosgo to Senator Steadman who found the money so there could be a line item for libraries.The $2 million is so important to all. At the director’s meeting there was talk about encouraging libraries to plan to report back to the legislature and to show that the money has directly impacted library services and made a difference to Colorado.Everyone needs to apply for their piece of the money and then use it to do something new or special which can be reported back. Dave suggested we could compile the information on the CAL website. The application process should begin in October and funds should be distributed by January. Jacqueline will find out if the money must be spent in 2014. Elena reminded us that details are pending. Wendy suggested this is an opportunity to get good press and said she’d be willing to help with that.

  1. CoALA Report – Shelley Harper

Shelley asked staff if they knew which online platform they would be using for online meetings and if CAL entities would have access to the platform. Presently they are setting up Go to Meeting on one month trials under different email addresses at the CAL offices. Stephen said this would probably be part of the budget process and interested parties might want to share their point of view at that time.

  1. NPIG Report – Bob Bennhoff

Report in Board Packet.

  1. CAL Leadership Committee Report – Elizabeth Kelsen Huber

Report in Board Packet.

  1. Trustee and Friends Report – Robin Gard

Robin explained that the division is hosting a free social for Friends of the Library groups to maintain contacts and build a good email list to hopefully schedule a workshop next year. Concerning the ALA Advocacy Award, it was suggested that we do an edited version of the ALA press release on CAL letterhead to send out the good news to local media. Robin will do a first draft and send it to the Legislative Committee to review.


Shelley brought a request to change the date of the August board meeting because there is a conference in Greeley the same day—a workshop for northeastern Colorado librarians of all types at the UNC campus. Two of the CAL Board members are presenting at the conference (Shelley and Christine). Discussion followed. We have rescheduled the lobbyists for our meeting on August 2. After a straw poll among board members, the board was in favor of keeping the date as scheduled. We hope the day at UNC is a huge success, but the board meeting will remain on August 2.

Late Agenda Items

  1. CAL Bylaws – Dianna Fricke

Dianna Fricke joined the meeting by phone at this point. Dianna moved to approve the revisions of the bylaws as presented in the Board Packet. As a committee motion, no second was required. Motion carried.Shelley reminded us that much of what has been crossed out and removed from the bylaws will be moved to the policy document. This cleaning up of the bylaws is helpful because changes to bylaws must be approved by membership while policies can be adjusted by the board. Thanks to Dianna for all the hard work.

Late Reports

  1. Membership – Kari May

Membership has been growing. As people are considering what you can do for CAL, we need to find someone to join Bethany on her committee of one. Right now we have 894 members, about 50 new members in the last few weeks.

Shelley said she wanted to bring something forward for discussion in light of this membership report: she is very concerned about membership for academic libraries and librarians and she says there is a strong perception among them that CAL doesn’t have much to offer them. Kari said that finding or creating that connection is the work of each association and she said that her platform for 2014 is “integration,” strengthening the position of all libraries in Colorado. Kris said that according to policy, each group has a responsibility to represent and see to their interests. She suggested bringing forward something actionable. Jesse said that it is important to say specifically what they need from CAL. Wendy said she felt this was an exciting conversation and that it led her to think about the service component that academic librarians need to fulfill. It would be great to have more academic librarians thinking about service at a wider level than just at their local university.Christine said if we are going forward with a platform of having all groups work together, we need to seriously take a look at how conference sessions are selected. Dianna agreed that she hears this as well—school librarians don’t feel that CAL supports them. Christine is in the process of drafting a letter to let people know what the benefits are and that the conference needs to be geared toward all librarians, not just school librarians but to all librarians.

  1. Special District Associations – Kari May

Kari wants to bring to our attention the trend for libraries to join the Special District Association.There is an overlap where SDA recruit memberships and we are trying to work with SDA. Library districts main benefit for them to join a Special District Association is insurance. The conversation has started. As an organization, SDA needs to understand that this is what CAL is here for as far as libraries are concerned.

  1. Conference Committee Planning Report – Seana O’Grady

Seana stated that they have structured this year’s conference precisely to answer concerns from associations, to knock down walls and do something that is fitting for everybody. The programs may not target your situation, but it will meet the needs of everyone as a person associated with libraries. The Thursday morning programs are included in the conference cost this year. Sponsorship letters are going out. Registration opened early and it appears to be helping out. Marketing efforts are out there on the social networks. Please forward.Co-chair Cecily Hurianek had to step down and Amy Long has agreed to step up as co-chair and will be Kari’s conference chair for next year.Kari shared that Elena has communicated our new conference plan on ALA sites and there has been a lot of response. We are stepping out there, but it might showcase Colorado as risk taking and innovative in a positive way.The annual business meeting for the conference will be scheduled and listed soon.

  1. Awards – Kari May

Awards nominations are open until June 15 at midnight. Do not delay! Nomination is a simple click on the blue ribbon.

ADJOURNKari motioned and Nicole seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:42 p.m. Our next meeting will take place Friday, Aug. 2 at the CAL offices in Westminster.

Respectfully Submitted, Dinah A. Kress, CAL Secretary