Crow Wing County 4-H Federation
January Secretary Minutes
January 23rd, 2017 at 6:30pm
Call to order by President Rylie Young
Flag Pledges
Secretary’s report- approved as read, motion by Frank Danielson,
Treasurers report- Current Balance- $48,391.37
Roll Call
- Baxter Sandpipers- Helped lay wreaths with Wreaths for the Fallen at Fort Ripley cemetery in December, and had their awards program/holiday party in January
- Long Lake Beavers-Had January meeting, as well as Christmas party, went to a waterpark and played laser tag.
- Eagles-Had lock in, 12 attended, cupcake wars, watched movies, had dance party, doing session for project day.
- Black Bear- Community service activity, show cutting party, potentially host community level, hosting session for project day, helping at hills mission in Nisswa at super bowl party.
- Daggett Brook- Had winter party, working on project day
- Daggett Drifters-Had Christmas party, played games, going to memory care unit.
Committee Report-
Awards/records- Updated records are online
Fundraising- Fruit and meat sales are under way, Club packets can be picked up tonight. Independent members had their forms sent on Jan 19th. Everything is due from Club Leaders to the Extension Office by March 1. Sell, Sell, Sell!
Dog PDC- Met Dec. 9, have year planned, and set dates for show, and orientation, met last Friday to work on project day. Have a Knowledge bowl
Horse PDC- Next meeting is January 24th at Land services building, worked on restructuring, working hard last few months, junior drill team
Livestock PDC- Next meeting is January 26th at Land services building,
Performing Arts PDC- Have not met, share the fun is May 7th, in late afternoon
SS/W PDC- Look at Agenda, have been busy, raising funds for a trailer, got$7,900 grant, have about $11,500 to purchase a trailer, potentially hosting an orientation, and talking about fees at next meeting.
Ambie Report-Meeting monthly, theme for lock in, is Out of this World, meeting Sunday night, Ambi Christmas party was in December, played laser tag, and approved new shirt.
PC Report (Courtney)-Extension website is up to date, 95.5% reenrollment of adult volunteers, goal to reach- 90 adults, youth re-enrollments is around 75%. Zach S. talked about BLU, registration, and information on Extension Website, Extensio office hours are11-5pm M-Th, County Calendar is a google calendar, can subscribe to it.
Old Business
State Fair Premiums-Last meeting talked about using the $6 for transportation, instead of sending out checks. Some youth would like to see an option on the state fair registration, or potentially writing a large check to clubs, for each member that goes instead of sending out individual checks. It would be difficult to add an option to the paperwork. Frank Danielson made a motion to send checks to clubs instead of kids, Cindy T seconded, Teri Butler asked about independents, would be going down from about 70 checks to about 15 checks. Frank Danielson amended motion to include independent member paid their check directly, Teri Butler seconded, amendment passed. Original motion, entire motion passed.
Project Bowl- Dairy, Dog and Rabbit. Coaches need to be keeping attendance, coaches must be screened adult volunteers and all youth must be reenrolled before practicing
Kirsten Schroer talked about CWFI Inauguration, left last Monday,and stayed at a hotel, and had a briefing about what was going to happen, flew to DC on Tuesday. Listened to speakers, got to run own mock election, Aaron Sopelle was selected to run for the president. Kentucky was the largest delegation, Minnesota was second, followed by Florida. Had a lot of fun. Went on a ship for an inauguration ball. Coming to next Federation meeting to present as a group.
New Business
Project Day- Feb 4th @ Land Services building, Deadline to register is January 27th
Fruit Sales-We will need helpers at County Garage, Interim will coordinate. Similar process as previous years. Deadline for turn in to club leaders, is 27th of February, March 1st deadline to extension office. March 25th is delivery/pickup
Intern Update- Applications are now available online
Animal ID’s- Market Beef ID’s due February 15th
Animal ID’s- Tags are available, Ids are due May 15thon 4honline or Extension office
Junior Ambassador retreat-look at agenda, Zach talked about how he and Courtney, filled out a grant application from Crow Wing Power. Asking Federation for $200 for lock in, Jami Becker made motion to donate money to lock in, seconded by Susan Y, motion passed.
Food license is good to go.
Next federation meeting is April 24th, at 6:30pm Land services Building
Meeting adjourned- Cindy T made motion, Kirsten S seconded, motion passed 7:40 Pm
Respectfully Submitted by Federation Secretary Rachel Danielson