Meeting: November 2, 2015

Attendance: Susan Smith, Les Gray, Kevin Bugg, Anna Crisp, Brad Rogers, Drew Dull, Allan Plaster, Jenny Fulton, Heather Jones, Jill Lindstrom

Call to order 7:15 by Kevin Bugg

Raffle Update provided by Jill Lindstrom - a couple volunteers needed to pull numbers, Dave will handle unsold tickets, all tasks are assigned and on schedule.

Principal report - Mr. Bass - no report

AD Report - (Allen Plaster) No JV Football tonight, State Playoff Soccer Wednesday 1st round here, if we win we play Saturday, Varsity away Friday night, should get 2 - 3 home games, Winter sports started today, Basketball (Dec 1 Mary Garber), Swimming, Wrestling, December very busy month. JV home vs NW. Appreciate all the folks who attended Thursday night for the televised game - last play of the game is up for the play of the week - if we win we get in for play of the month/year - winner gets $1K.

Treasurer’s Report: (Brad Rogers) Income still strong, $3200 concession, $2200 for LaRue Memorial, EagleWear $1666, still looking for cash from Fundraising tickets, $250 Lions Banner, Concession expenses $240 for inspection fees, EagleWear credit card fees, $730 sales tax(Sept) Net income $7663.66. Balance General Fund $29,682.02 - $17,048 team funds, margins on concessions and EagleWear good. Owe $7K on the PA system no word yet from the county on their part; looks like we are getting $20K will be determined later. Motion made by Jenny to approve and Les second report be accepted as submitted

Committee Reports

Concessions (Les Gray) Strong sells so far this year; $92 from Kona Ice roughly $400 for the year; Playoffs 13th will need Lacrosse & 20th Baseball to man 8-10 per half, if it goes 3 games Les is not available. Blank banner made to say you can advertise here to be put up in the gym. Got sponsorship from Budget Blinds as they saw the banner when they were here.

Memberships (Kevin Bugg) 149 off to strong start - Goal for the year: 300

Sponsorship - Chasing money - 3 sponsors for football are still outstanding $8K. Baseball has some outstanding as well.

Eagle Wear (Lisa Bugg) - Sells light Thursday night - cart will be back in the office, sales pick up during playoffs and Christmas.

Team Report:

Softball: Jenny wanted an update status of the blinds - need a sliding window for the PA system. Putting up the netting $1900

Old Business:


New Business:

Hall of Fame request for $1K by Alan Plaster Les Gray made motion we approve and Kevin 2nd the donation.


Respectfully Submitted,

Angela Shue