NC Title III Application, 2008 Page 1 of 9
Funds are available 2008-2010(27 months)
DUE by Friday, May 16, 2008
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) eligible to receive Title III fundsmust agree to spend those funds to educate Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. [In order to be eligible, LEAs must identify and report a sufficient number of LEP students to generate a planning allotment of more than $10,000.]
LEA plans are designed to meet federal and state requirementsin order to ensure that LEP students acquire academic English language proficiency and achieve the challenging academic standards for all students in North Carolina.
The ten items in this application reflect the requirements of Title III of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and correlate with the ten items on the NC Title III Monitoring Instrument.
*Those applying in consortium must share all funds (104 and/or 111); such funds are to be spent by the fiscal agent to carry out goals written and described in this application by and for the entire group.
*Answer all questions listed under numbers 1-10 completely and in short answer or bulleted lists.
*Please remember to address each specific question under every numberand under every bullet.
*Please type directly into the document, save your information, then fax, email, or mailONE COPY to Joanne or Glenda.
Joanne Marinoor Glenda HarrellESL/Title III Consultants
NC Dept. of Public Instruction
Raleigh, NC 27699
Fax: (919) 807-3823
1. LEAs (Local Educational Agencies) must describe proposed language instructionalprograms and methodologiesthat will be developed, implemented, and administered to meet the needs of their LEP students.Sec. 3115 (a)
A. What are or will be proposed language instructional programs and methodologies for LEP students in your district? Give a brief definition or explanation of each. (Pull-out ESL, Sheltered Instruction, Dual Language, Developmental Bilingual, Immersion, etc.)
Program/Methodology: ______Description: ______
Program/Methodology: ______Description: ______
Program/Methodology: ______Description: ______
B. List each proposed language instructional program/methodology from the previous item and the researcher(s) who support(s) it. (example: SIOP Model – Short, Echevarria, and Vogt). These programs and methodologies must be the same as those listed under item A above. Do not define program models in this item. If you listed 3 programs in letter A above, you must list those same 3 programs here.
Program: ______Research Support:______
Program: ______Research Support:______
C.Who do you consult for research and/or information? University partners, national organizations, directors of other bilingual/ESL programs, NCDPI, and/or other?
2. For recipients of Significant Increase PRC 111 funds only:
LEAs with a significantincrease in immigrant children,as documented by the February 1, 2008 Immigrant Student on-line data collection, may be eligible to receive PRC 111 funds. LEAs that qualify for these funds will be notified.[LEAs may be eligible for PRC 111 and/or PRC 104 funding.] If your LEA is eligible, explain how your system will use those funds to provide enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children. Sec. 3115 (e)
3. Describe how your LEA is accountable for meeting the North CarolinaAnnual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) for progress and proficiency approved on August 25, 2003, as well as AYP for the LEP subgroup at the district level. Sec. 3116 (b)(2-3)(A,B,C)
A. Summarize your current AMAO status in the following tables. Items with an asterisk (*) are optional, but be prepared to include multiple years of data in your project application from this point
forward. If it is very difficult to find some of this data, answer as best you can and include any necessary explanations in the comments section.
(A.1) Count of LEP and Monitored Former LEP Students in 2006-07: List the number of all students in your LEA, as well as identifying the number of LEP direct-served and consultative-served students.
Note: In the future you will be asked to report the number of MFLEPs for whom you provided monitoring services.
School Year / Total # Schools / Total # ALL Students / Total # Schools with LEP Services / Total # Direct-Served LEP Students / Total # Consultative-Served LEP Students / Total # LEP Students / Total # Year 1 MFLEPs Exited Spring 06 / Total # Year 2 MFLEPs Exited Spring 052004-05 / * / *
2005-06 / * / *
Comments (Optional): ______
(A.2) Count of LEP students retained (did not progress to the next grade) in 2006-07: (This includes students who were placed in a “transitional” class, i.e. a special Kindergarten class for students who were not moved to Grade 1 for the 2007-08 school year.) The intent of this item is to compare the incidence of grade retentions of LEP students compared to non-LEP students.
2006-07 / Gr. K / Gr. 1 / Gr. 2 / Gr. 3 / Gr. 4 / Gr. 5 / Gr. 6 / Gr. 7 / Gr. 8 / Gr. 9 / Gr. 10 / Gr. 11 / Gr. 12# All Students
# All Retained
% of ALL Retained
# Not LEP / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / *
# Not LEP Retained / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / *
% Not LEP Retained / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / * / *
# LEP Retained
% LEP Retained
Comments: (Optional) ______
(A.3) Indicate the number of LEP students who met EOG proficiency and the number of LEP students who did not meet EOG proficiency in 2006-07 for each category. Do not include LEP students in this chart who were exempt from the Reading and Writing EOGs. Also, do not include these Year 1 NCCLAS students in the Math or Science EOG columns.
Grade in 2006-07 / Total # LEP Students / EOG Rdg# Prof / EOG
# Not Prof / EOG
# Prof / EOG
# Not Prof / Writing # Prof / Writing # Not Prof / EOG
Science # Prof / EOG
Science # Not Prof
Gr. 3
Gr. 4
Gr. 5
Gr. 6
Gr. 7
Gr. 8
Comments: (Optional) ______
(A.4) Indicate the number of LEP students who were eligible for the NCCLAS in 2006-07. Year 2 NCCLAS students are included in this table AND in the previous table.
Grade in2006-07 / Total # LEP Students taking NCCLAS / # Students in Year 1 of NCCLAS / # Students in Year 2 of NCCLAS
Gr. 3
Gr. 4
Gr. 5
Gr. 6
Gr. 7
Gr. 8
Comments: (Optional) ______
(A.5) Indicate the number of LEP students who met EOC proficiency and did not meet EOC proficiency in the 2006-07 school year for each of the following End-of-Course Tests.
English I / Algebra I / Biology / US History / Civics/Economics# Students Met Proficiency
# Did Not Meet
Total # LEP Students
Comments: (Optional) ______
B. List the types of ongoing assessments utilized to monitor the progress of LEP students in all grades and subjects. These formative assessments are conducted during instruction to measure how students are learning and progressing on a daily basis. The results of these assessments help the teacher adjust instruction to meet the specific needs of students. Examples include various types of portfolios, student demonstrations, journals, teacher-made tests, and meaningful homework.
Note: Do NOT include EOCs, EOGs, IPT, standardized tests, or other State-mandated tests.
C.What is the process for sharing data that is illustrative of LEP student performance (thereby contributing to AMAOs) with administrators, ESLteachers, and content teachers? How will your LEA identify and assist students, including students in Grades K-2, who are having difficulty meeting academic standards?
D.How will administrators,ESL teachers, and content teachers collaborate to empower studentsto meetacademic standards? Are administrators, ESL teachers, and content teachers aware of individual LEP students’ strengths and weaknesses? Provide some specific examples how this will occur.
E.How will the LEA assure that all LEP students are assessed annually for English language proficiency? Describe the collaboration between Title III staff and testing/accountability staff to train test administers, ensure an appropriate testing environment, conduct testing, disseminate results, and archive data.
4. Describe the promotion of parental and community participation in programs for LEP students. Sec. 3116 (b)(4-5)
A. Describe how parents and community members participate in class and school activities. Include opportunities that support student achievement, such as appropriate family projects, student/parent created newsletters, reading logs, including parents as guest speakers or activity helpers, and student-led portfolio reviews.
Parent/Teacher conferences and allowing parents to come at any time are certainly good practices, but they are not sufficient to answer this question completely.
B.Describe how parents and community memberswill be involved in the decision-making processthat occurs when the Title III application is created, reviewed, and revised to meet the needs of students. For example, you may share the program design, results and implementation strategies in a comfortable setting; engage participants in meaningful discussion and utilize their feedback. This might occur as a series of sessions throughout the school year and/or as a function of a Parent Advisory Board.
C.Describe how parent and community participationis feasible and accessible.
5. Consult with teachers, researchers, school administrators, parents, and other education-related community groups in the development and completion of this grant. Sec. 3116 (b)(5)
A. Who will provide input within your LEA?
B. Where and how often will you meet to discuss the development and completion of this Title III grant?
6. LEAs must certify that teachers of LEP students in language instruction educational programs are fluent in English and have sufficient oral and written skills. Sec. 3116 (c)
Describe in sufficient detail how your LEA will satisfy this requirement, including the use of rubrics for evaluating oral and written responses. College degrees, licensure, VIF assurances, being a native English speaker, or being born/educated/trained in the US are not enough to sufficiently address this item. There must be additional steps completed by your district in order to meet this requirement.
7. The LEA completed the on-line annual Performance Report in fall of 2007. Sec. 3121 (a)
8. LEAs are required to provide high quality, on-going professional development to teachers, administrators and school personnel. In addition, community-based organizations must be invited to such training opportunities. Sec. 3115 (c)(2)
A.How will you trainESL and contentteachers to utilize the English Language Development Standard Course of Study (ELD SCS)?
B.What opportunities are provided for teachers to integrate content, language acquisition, and the ELD SCS to make the North Carolina Standard Courses of Study accessible to LEP students?
C.List the professional development goals and activities provided by the LEA for the 2008-2009 school year. Include training for ESL teachers, classroom teachers, administrators, teacher assistants, counselors, parents and/or other education staff.
D.Describe how community-based organizations (local churches, local businesses, non-profit organizations, or other agencies) and parents are made aware of professional development opportunities.
9. LEAs must consult with nonpublic schools to identify their LEP students and provide equitable participation of eligible students within the LEAs attendance area.Sec. 3214 (h)(2)(A,B)
A.How have you invited private schools in your LEA to participate? (Phone calls, e-mails, letters mailed to schools, district-wide meetings for federal programs, etc.) Maintain documentation.
B.Are you serving private school students in your ESL program? If so, provide details.
10.Assure that parents of LEP students will be informed in a language they understand of their child's eligibility for participation in a bilingual/ESL program within 30 days of the beginning of the school year or within 14 days for students who enroll after the beginning of the school year.Sec. 3302 (a)(1-8) and (b)
Describe how parents will receive timely and meaningful notification of their child’s eligibility for and recommended participation in program services. Indicate where documentation of parent notification will be maintained.
Statement of Assurances
This document must be signed by the LEA Superintendent and received at the NC Department of Public Instruction
on or beforeFriday, May 16, 2008.
These two pages may be sent separately so theSuperintendent can sign the hard copy.
- Payments to be received under No Child Left Behind, Title III and its authorization (U.S.C. 6801 et seq., Sections 3101, 3102, 3114-3116, 3121-3129, and 3141) will be used solely for services benefiting children of limited English proficiency, consistent with the purposes, requirements, and other conditions of use as stipulated under this program.
- The number of limited English proficient (LEP) students generates a minimum of $10,000 for the LEA.
- Title III funds will be used to supplement and not supplant funds from non-federal sources.
- As applicant, this district or consortium will abide by all assurances published under the above law with regard to all statutes related to nondiscrimination and other compliance features listed in the federal Standard Form 424B as revised for Non-Construction Programs, the federal Certification Regarding Lobbying, and the Federal Certification Regarding Drug-Free and Tobacco-Free Workplace Requirements.
- The participation of this district or school in this program will be conducted in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws and all requirements set forth in policies and procedures as issued by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.
- All supporting documents for expenditures under Title III will be maintained on file in the business office of the school district in an orderly manner to permit expenditures audit and will be made available to appropriate officials upon request.
- Non-public schools in the local education agency (LEA) will be contacted yearly and given an equitable opportunity to participate in the planning and development of the programs funded under Title III for the benefit of LEP children attending non-public schools.
- Local parents, teachers, administrators, supporting personnel, and other groups as may be deemed appropriate by the LEA or charter school will participate systematically in the design, planning, and implementation of the Title III program.
- Programs, strategies, and activities under the Title III grant will be scientifically-research based.
- The LEA will provide the following information to parents of LEP children selected for participation in a language instruction educational program via a uniform notification process in a language the parent can understand (3302):
- Reasons for LEP identification
- Level of English proficiency
- Method of instruction
- How the program will meet the educational needs of the child
- Specific exit requirements
- Expected rate of transition out of ESL; expected rate of graduation
- Their rights to remove the child from ESL or to decline ESL services from the start
- The failure of the LEA to make progress on annual measurable achievement objectives for their children.
- The applicant will comply with Title VI, Section 601, of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (race, color, national origin); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (handicapped); Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1971 (sex); the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.
- Funds will be used to build LEA capacity to continue to provide high-quality language instruction educational programs for LEP students once the subgrants are no longer available.
- All teachers in a Title III language instruction educational program for limited English proficient children are fluent in English and any other language used for instruction.
- To produce quality teachers in every classroom, the LEA will plan, implement, and evaluate an ongoing professional development program for all teachers who have LEP and immigrant students in their classrooms.
- The LEA will comply with the statutory mandate for reporting the adequate yearly progress made by LEP students in language and academic content.
- The LEA will providefor an annual Reading or Language Arts assessment in English of all LEP children whohave been in the United States for three or more consecutive years.
- The LEA will assess annually the English proficiency of all LEP children.
- Evaluations will be used to determine and improve the effectiveness of the LEA Title III program and activities for LEP and immigrant students.
- Evaluations will include a description of the progress made by children in meeting North Carolina academic content and student academic achievement standards for each of the two years after LEP students no longer participate in a Title III language instruction educational program.
- If the LEA fails to make progress toward meeting annual measurable achievement objectives for two consecutive years, the LEA will develop an improvement plan that will ensure it meets those objectives.
All information contained in this application is true and correct, and the school board of the local school agency (or agencies if the application is for a consortium) named in this application has/have authorized me as its/their representative.
*I hereby certify that all facts, figures, and representations made in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.