1. Call to order: 6:02pm
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. So move: Alyssa
  4. Second: Lee
  5. Passes
  6. Officer Reports
  7. President: Tyler Walters
  8. This weekend we down to Harrisburg for Advocacy Day. I was extremely disappointed by the turnout from the campus. It was very disorganized and most people were very unprepared. We need to start speaking up more and getting our voice out there. I have some plans for Advocacy Day next year. We need to work together and start sending more people from our departments.
  9. A petition has started to keep President Barton’s Presidential status, and have the Interim title removed. I did write a letter to cabinet requesting for him to remain president. He does not say yes to everything, but he says yes to things that are possible and that is what this university needs. Please take a look at it.
  10. We are thinking about doing a Lip Sync Battle. In order to do this, we need 57 students who are willing to do a lip sync on their own under the hashtag “#loveMU”. I will be staying after the meeting to talk about that if you are interested.
  11. Elections will be 1st week of April, voting is open to the campus. You must have completed who semester on SGA prior to running for E-board, and President and Vice must have taken 45 credits before running. See me in the next few weeks if you are interested. I encourage you to campaign for yourself. I will be running again, I encourage to run against me. If you are interested in being Treasurer see Lee.
  12. We are currently looking at insurance for the Rodeo.
  13. President round table will be next week at 8:30 PM. We do have an agenda.
  14. Frank will be having a fireside chat soon.
  15. Vice President: Caroline Hutchison
  16. Thank you to all who came out and helped with our recruitment table in lower, it seemed to be pretty successful. We had a decent amount of people sign up to receivemore information, which is encouraging.
  17. We are making headway on Spring Fling planning. Still in the process of finding an artist and trying to plan other things.
  18. We will have another Spring Fling Committee meeting tonight
  19. Treasurer: Seung-Ho Lee
  20. SGA Balance: $77,822.30
  21. COF Balance: $359,742.08
  22. Budget workshops and budget hearing coming soon.
  23. COF Report: NR
  24. Parliamentarian: Duncan Espenshade
  25. Bylaws will be updated on the website soon.
  26. Administration committee will be meeting today.
  27. Bylaws will be voted on in New Business.
  28. PR Director: Kyle Cannon
  29. Have a new avenue for printing, physical distribution will resume next newsletter.
  30. If you want anything put on social media, email me.
  31. Secretary: Libby Anderson
  32. Food Advisory Council meets next Tuesday at 12:15 in Upper Manser.
  33. Please continue to read the minutes or I will have to read them at the meetings.
  34. Send me your favorite city in the United States when you have read the minutes.
  35. Director of Technology: Alyssa Osten
  36. The website has been updated and it looks a lot cleaner.
  37. Please email me if you catch anything on the website.
  38. If you would like to promote anything on the digital sign out front, see me. You do not have to see me, there is another route if you prefer.

Committee Reports

  1. University Committee Reports
  2. Academic Affairs Committee: NR
  3. University Senate:
  4. Meeting this Thursday.
  5. Student Affairs and Administration committee SAAC: NR
  6. Academic Planning: NR
  7. CCSI:
  8. Talking about raising the t-shirt amount to $12 per shirt.
  9. No one is buying t-shirts at athletic games, looking at creative ways to make revenue.
  10. Administration: NR
  11. Administration and Elections Committee:
  12. We had elections at the meeting.
  13. We are having a meeting on the 29th of March at 8 AM.
  14. Tech committee: NR
  15. Recruitment: NR
  1. House of Representatives
  2. ACDA:
  3. NR
  4. BSU:
  5. We are playing a Black History Jeopardy game at the next meeting.
  6. Community Service Club:
  7. Have a date soon for our Papa V’s fundraiser.
  8. Meeting with grounds to see about a location for our garden.
  9. Computer Science Club:
  10. Starting to hold events soon.
  11. We are meeting next week on Tuesday.
  12. Geoscience Club:
  13. We have the Black Forest Trip March 24-25.
  14. White Water Rafting Trip April 13-14th.
  15. Earth Day is April 22nd.
  16. History:
  17. NR
  18. HSSGA:
  19. NR
  20. Hydroponics:
  21. Seedlings are growing and we are going to be transferring them to a different system.
  22. IFC:
  23. NR
  24. International Student Organization:
  25. We are having our first event at the end of March.
  26. Our budget is in process.
  27. Men for Progress:
  28. We are switching our Advisor currently.
  29. Hosting a Living in Color party at the Hut this Saturday. Anyone is welcome from 10 PM -1 AM.
  30. Panhel:
  31. NR
  32. Psychology Club:
  33. We are setting up a school supply drive.
  34. Social Work Club:
  35. We had 6 people at the food pantry this week.
  36. Our new logo was approved.
  37. We requested to put an ad up for the Pantry.
  38. SVA:
  39. Representative Baker will not be attending Red Friday anymore.
  40. The Women’sAuxiliary wants to join Red Friday to serve sides with the chicken.
  41. Old Business
  42. Motion to revisit bylaw changes.
  43. So moved: Alyssa
  44. Second: Caroline
  45. Passes
  46. Motion for the following bylaw changes:
  47. XIX. Added (11/28/17) Article VI: Elections, Section 1, Subsection F, “The candidates of President and Vice-President will submit their preferences on who they wish to serve on the executive board to the SGA body prior to the election of the executive board.”
  48. XX. Revised (11/28/17) Article VI: Elections, Section 1, Subsection C. Added “Parliamentarian, Secretary, Director of Public Relations, Director of Information and Technology”
  49. XXI. Added (11/28/17) Article VI: Elections, Section 1, Subsection G. “During the last COF meeting in March, the meeting prior to the SGA election, COF must vote to approve the candidates for Treasurer through a simple majority vote. A candidate for Treasurer who does not receive a simple majority in COF will be unable to run for office.
  50. XXII. Removed (2/27/18) Article I: Senate, Section 3, Subsection B, Subsection C, Subsection D, Subsection E, Subsection F, “Meet with student organizations’ counterparts at least once per semester.”
  51. XXIII. Removed (2/27/18) Article I: Senate, Section 3, Subsection B, Subsection D, Subsection E, Subsection F, “Meet with the SGA Advisor on a bi-weekly basis.”
  52. XXIV. Added (2/27/18) Article VII: Executive Board Removal, Section 2, Subsection A “In an instance wherein, the entire executive board of the Student Government Board should resign, or be removed, the senior most senator will act as the interim-President until a new executive board is elected.”
  53. XXV. Added (2/27/19) Article VII: Executive Board Removal, Section 2, Subsection B “In an instance wherein, the entire executive board of the Student Government Association should resign, or be removed, the elections for a new executive board will be held at the next available Student Government Association meeting. “
  54. Passes
  55. Motion to approve the request for $3,421.80 for M. Shaker to speak for Women’s Awareness Month.
  56. Passes
  57. New Business
  58. Motion to approve $2,225.28 for Chemistry Club.
  59. Passes
  60. Motion to sponsor $2,500 for Big Event Shirts.
  61. So move: Anthony
  62. Second: Michael
  63. Passes
  64. Senator Comments
  65. “Students Recruit Students”, this is something Senators should work on
  66. More information on the Motions would be very helpful for SGA
  67. Faculty Representative (Dr. Ranney)
  68. Do not be afraid to speak up when you are not the majority. Voice your dissent and why you are in opposition of something. You have the right to make that discussion known.
  69. Come to West Side Story this week and support Kyle who is playing as Tony.
  70. Faculty Advisor (Frank C.)
  71. NR
  72. Announcements
  73. Disagreement and opposition is encouragement.
  74. Please try to focus on bylaw changes during the actual policy meetings.
  75. It was disappointing how lacking SGA representation at Advocacy Day.
  76. Spring Fling committee and COF stay after the meeting.
  77. Public Q & A
  78. None
  79. Adjournment
  80. So move:Lee
  81. Second: Alyssa
  82. Passes