University Senate


May 2, 2005

Call to order 3:00 p.m. Beers Lecture Hall

The meeting agenda (attached), copies of the constitution, the most recent list of senators and the minutes of the April 18, 2005 organizational meeting (attached) were distributed.

The minutes of the April 18, 2005 meeting were approved.

No additions were made to the agenda.

Roll call was taken. 58 Senators were present.

The Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation was not represented on the list of senators. A senator will be added from that department.

1. Election of officers: President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer

The list of candidates for the respective offices was read and ballots were distributed. Nancy VanArsdale, Bob Moses and Sandy Kelley counted the ballots. The candidates were as follows:

President: Joe Cavanaugh

Vice President: Joe Miele, Mike Southwell, Bobby Fleischman

Secretary-Treasurer: Maryrose Wilson

A second ballot was necessary for election of VP since there was not a clear majority on the first ballot. The second ballot included Joe Miele and Bobbie Fleischman.

Election results:

President: Joe Cavanaugh

Vice President: Bobby Fleischman

Secretary-Treasurer: Maryrose Wilson

2. Election of the at-large member to the Executive Committee

Nominees were accepted from the floor and were as follows:

Kathleen Duguay

Joe Miele

John Abbruzzese

Mike Southwell

A second ballot was needed. The second ballot included Joe Miele, John Abbruzzese, Mike Southwell. Joe Miele was elected as the at-large member of the Executive Committee

3. Committee make-up

The senate committeesmembers will be nominated by the Executive Committee subject to senate approval. Senators were encouraged to study the bylaws to understand the responsibilities of the various committees

4. Tentative summer meeting

The proposed summer meeting date is July 19, 2005, time to be determined. That date follows the Board of Governors meeting on July 14, 2005.

5. President’s Report

Dr. Dillman suggested some matters for the senate to consider early in its deliberations and activities:

·  Strategic Management material has been distributed campus-wide. Dr. Dillman asked that the senate give serious consideration to this material.

·  Dr. Dillman requested that schedules and class availability be addressed by the senate.

6. Finalize Constitution

Some minor changes and corrections were made to the constitution and bylaws, all of which were in the copy distributed at the meeting. Some additional spelling and grammatical corrections were suggested.

Several issues were considered regarding changes to the constitution:

1.  Whether wage earners could have a representative on the senate. .

2.  The bylaws provide no committee to focus on academics.

3.  Whether the constitution should define the responsibility of the senate relative to policy formation.

4.  Whether language is needed in section 6.11 to define when the University Senate Evaluation Committee would get started and whether it should cease to exist after issuing its report in May of 2006.

The spelling and grammatical changes will be made to the constitution. The other issues can be considered through the deliberation and amendment process.

Motion: Cavanaugh/Hausfather

It is the consideration of this body that the Constitution and Bylaws, dated May 2, that were circulated at the beginning of this meeting, including the grammatical corrections that have been suggested, should be the official Constitution and Bylaws for the University Senate. Carried unanimously.

The next meeting of the senate is July 19, 2005, with final time to be designated. The agenda will be distributed in a timely fashion. The meeting will include an update from Dr. Dillman following the Board of Governors meeting.

Motion to adjourn- Hausfather/Sanders- adjourned 4:30

Respectfully submitted:

Maryrose Wilson


University Senate

May 2, 2005


Call to Order: 3:00 p.m. in Beers Lecture Hall

1. Minutes of April 17, 2005

2. Election of Officers; President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer

3. Election of At-Large member of the Executive Council

4. Finalization of the Constitution

5. President’s Report

6. Committee Make-Up

7. Tentative Summer Meeting Date (post July 14)

Motion to Adjourn

Attendance May 2, 2005

Hauth, John / APSCUF / y
Milewski, Raymond / APSCUF / y
Wilson, Terry / APSCUF / n
Loffredo, William / APSCUF / y
Godich, Marcia / APSCUF / y
Kimm, Haklin / APSCUF / y
Kelberman, Paula / APSCUF / n
Meyers, Ron / APSCUF / y
Davis, Shala / APSCUF / y
Vitello, Ralph / APSCUF / n
Hu, (Shawn) Shixiong / APSCUF / y
Razzano, Kimberly / APSCUF / y
Hogan, Neil / APSCUF / n
McCorkle, Michael / APSCUF / n
Cavanaugh, Joseph / APSCUF / y
Braman, Gary / APSCUF / y
Gibbons, Elizabeth / APSCUF / y
French, Otis / APSCUF / y
Gray, Mary Tod / APSCUF / y
Weatherston, Martin / APSCUF / n
Elwood, John / APSCUF / y
Crotty, Patricia / APSCUF / y
Griswold, Phil / APSCUF / y
Miele, Joe / APSCUF / y
Allen, Mary Beth / APSCUF / y
Rogers, Elaine / APSCUF / n
Muller, Ray / APSCUF / y
Scala, Gina / APSCUF / n
Ackerman, Robert / APSCUF / y
Sheska, Jerry / APSCUF / y
Sickels, Brian / APSCUF / y
Snyder, Carey / APSCUF / y
Smeaton, Patricia / APSCUF / n
Greenawalt, Nancy Jo / APSCUF / y
Fleischman, Robert / APSCUF / y
Dwyer, Gregory / APSCUF / y
Mash, Kenneth / APSCUF / y
Truschel, Jack / APSCUF / y
Abbruzzese, John / APSCUF / y
Hylton, Ramona / APSCUF / y
VanArsdalle, Nancy / APSCUF / y
Graham, Patricia / APSCUF / y
Duguay, Kathleen / APSCUF / y
Wilson, Jeff / APSCUF / y
Dillman, Robert / ADMIN / y
Borland, Ken / ADMIN / y
Staneski, Richard / ADMIN / y
Del Giorno, Julie / ADMIN / y
Sanders, Isaac / ADMIN / y
Hawkes, Peter / ADMIN / y
Kilker, Mark / ADMIN / y
Hausfather, Sam / ADMIN / y
Fagin, James / ADMIN / y
Moses, Robert / State Sys Man / y
Southwell, Michael / State Sys Man / y
Wilson, Maryrose / State Sys Man / y
Everitt, Carole / NURSING / y
Benson, Todd / SCUPA / y
Sandt, Kim / AFSCME / y
Newhart, Patricia / AFSCME / y
Peitz, Allison / STUDENT / y
Papay, Mary / STUDENT / n
Drago, Caroline / STUDENT / y
Arnold, Lindsay / STUDENT / y
Ruiz, Robert / STUDENT / y
Iser, Lindsay / STUDENT / n
Higgins, Scott / STUDENT / y
Martin, Becky / STUDENT / y
Mercuri, Rachel / STUDENT / y