Call Out for Sites for Minerals Areas of Search form
Newcastle City Council is undertaking a Call out for Sites to inform the emerging Development and Allocations Local Development Document (DALDD). If you would like to submit a site(s) that you consider is suitable for;
- Minerals area of search.
Please consider the minerals areas of search methodology when submitting sites for consideration.
Please use a separate form for each area of search and return the form(s) to Planning Policy by 29 February 2016. Where possible include a site plan with a red line boundary. The Form can be emailed to
Please note that the information submitted to Council will be within the public domain.
Contact DetailsI am the:Landowner ☐ Agent ☐ Operator/Developer ☐Other ☐
Name: / Organisation:Address:
Telephone: / Email:
Client Details (if different to above)
Name: / Organisation:
Telephone: / Email:
Site Description
Site name: / Site location:
Site address:
Site OS Grid Reference / Easting: / Northing
Site area (ha):
Data Protection and Freedom of Information
We need your permission to hold your details on our database.
I agree that the planning section of Newcastle Council can hold my contact details. I understand that they will only be used in relation to strategic planning policy matters and that data received may be disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.
Signed / Date
Nature of Development
Please provide details of the following:
An estimate of the reserve present:(cubic metres/tonnes)
The anticipated yield or output:
(cubic metres/tonnes)
Requirements for any associated
processing plant:
The suggested use or restoration
scheme following extraction:
Proposed development/material to be extracted:
Sand and gravel / ☐ / Soft sand / ☐ / Silica sand / ☐ / Clay / ☐ / Other:Any relevant planning history (including pre-apps and current/expired planning permissions):
Please provide details of the likely transportation requirements, including outline of proposed vehicular access routes to and from the site to the strategic network and average daily HGV movements:
Opportunities and Constraints
Please specify relevant mitigation measures to reduce the impacts of the proposal on:
LandscapeBiodiversity (including designations and protected species)
Cultural heritage (including archaeology, listed buildings, conservation areas, etc)
Townscape, recreational areas and public rights of way
Natural resources (including agricultural land/soils and water resources including water quality and flood risk)
Details of opportunities for environmental enhancement and community benefits
Climate change and mitigation measures should also be identified and considered where applicable
Indication of direct employment either created or safeguarded by the proposal