Adrian Norridge Housing Research Bursary
Call for Research Proposals
Deadline: 09.00 Monday 7th May 2018
Clúid Housing is pleased to announce a competition for the seventh Adrian Norridge Housing Research Bursary, established in honour of Clúid’s founder, Adrian Norridge. The bursary aims to support applied research on housing issues that will be of relevance to the social housing sector in Ireland.
Part V and other developer-led AHB housing initiatives
The primary research objective is to evaluate theeffectiveness of the development processes involved in the delivery of social housing through Part V of the Planning and Development Acts 2000 –2017 and other developer-led AHB social housing initiatives.
Background to the proposal
Clúid Housing was established in 1994 and has grown to become a major provider of social housing in Ireland with over 6,400 social rented homes across the country, and a continuing ambitious development programme that aims to provide some 2500 new homes over the next three years. Further information on Clúid Housing can be found at
In general, Part V of the Planning and Development Act 2000 as subsequently amended, provides that up to 10% of most new housing developments can be reserved for social housing. There are a number of ways in which this requirement can be complied with. The default option is that alocal authority can obtain up to 10% of land in a housing development at ‘existing use value’ rather than ‘development value’ for the delivery of socialhousing. However the option most commonly used is the transfer of units on site, where the developer builds the Part V dwellings, which are then sold to the local authority or AHB.
Part V has a number of interlocking aims:
- By enabling local authorities to purchase land at existing use value, it ensures that some of the betterment value that arises from granting planning permission is captured for the community as a whole.
- It contributes to the development of mixed tenure communities
- It provides that the supply of social housing is related to the supply of private housing
- It gives opportunities for new social housing in areas that would otherwise be too expensive for social housing
The table below shows that delivery of social housing under Part V had a slow start, (which was due in part to the fact that some planning permissions were exempt from Part V). It also shows the impact of the slump in construction following the economic collapse in 2008.
Construction output is now beginning to increase again so we can expect an attendant increase in the delivery of social housing under Part V can be expected. So as this gathers momentum, it is now timely to review Part V’s operation.
The main focus of the research will be social housing delivery through Part V. However, the delivery of social housing through other partnership arrangements between developer and AHBs have enough elements in common with Part V to merit a separate examination, with the same aim, that is, to evaluate their effectiveness.
Research tasks
As stated above, the primary research objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of the development processes involved in the delivery of social housing through Part V of the Planning and Development Acts 2000 – 2004 and other developer-led AHB social housing initiatives.
The research will aim to identify blockages, barriers, obstacles and inconsistencies that inhibit the effective operation of these delivery mechanisms, and to make recommendations that will aim to improve their effectiveness and efficiency. There will be a particular emphasis on developers and AHBs like Clúid that work with a number of different local authorities.
The research will focus on delivery of social housing through Part V, and will also examine other partnerships between AHBs and developers such as developer design and build, and developer turnkey.
Key issues to be explored will include:
- The development of partnerships between AHBs and developers for the delivery of Part V and the role that local authorities play in this.
- The extent to which different options for complying with Part V are used, and in what circumstances.
- The quality of relationships between AHBs and developers and the ability to ensure design quality and fitness for social housing occupancy.
- The extent to which the physical appearance, accessibility and amenity of the social housing dwellings is ‘tenure blind’.
- How problems with defects can be minimised for AHBs through joint quality control measures.
- Examination of the differing and sometimes conflicting timelines of local authorities, developers and AHBs when finalising Part V agreements.
- In the case of developer-led schemes, where the relationship between the developer and the AHB is, in contrast to Part V, established on a voluntary basis, what can be done to maximise their effectiveness and efficiency.
- An analysis of the cost of social housing delivered through Part V compared with social housing directly procured or constructed by an AHB or local authority.
It is important to stress that although a primary aim of Part V is to assist in the creation of sustainable communities through the development of mixed tenure (i.e. mixed income) communities, the focus of this research is the development process, rather than an assessment of the extent to which it contributes to the development of sustainable communities.
The research will involve seeking the views of key stakeholders including but not limited to, AHBs, developers, local authorities, and the Department of Housing Planning and Local Government. In addition researchers may wish to examine a number of case studies that will illustrate some of the issues that have arisen in stakeholder interviews.
Applications are invited from academic researchers, independent researchers, research consultancies, housing organisations or other voluntary bodies wishing to undertake research.
The amount awarded for the research will be a maximum of €15,000. The final bursary amount will be awarded in line with the merit of the proposal and on the basis of the proposed budget outlined in the application form. Applications can be for sole funding from Clúid, but proposals for projects that have already received other financial support will also be considered.
The bursary amount is all-inclusive, i.e. no additional payment is available for expenses or other disbursements. In particular if VAT is applicable the total research cost, inclusive of VAT must be a maximum of €15,000. Clúid Housing will however cover the costs of publishing the research report and a public launch. Payment of the bursary will be in 3 stages, linked to the approval of the progress report and completion of the final report. Details of disbursement will be agreed with the researcher selected.
The recipient of the bursary will be responsible for ensuring that any taxation that is applicable is paid in full.
Research proposals
All applications must be submitted using the attached application form. This includes:
- Information on the principal researcher (contact and background information, current curriculum vitae) and any co-researchers, if applicable.
- Applicant’s understanding of the research topic (max 750 words)
- Details of the methodologies to be applied (max 750 words)
- Proposed budget
- Brief list of current other support for this proposal, if any (grants, awards, etc.)
Evaluation criteria
Evaluation criteria will include:
- The extent to which the proposal addresses the primary research objective
- The relevant experience and research record of the applicant
- The applicant’s understanding of the research topic
- The strength of the methodological model and proposed analysis
Applications will be assessed by the Clúid Housing Research Group.
Successful applicants will be required to supply a current tax clearance certificate.
It is envisaged that the contract will be awarded in May2018; the research will be completed by the end of the year, for publication soon afterwards. The nature of the launch will be agreed nearer the time.
Reporting and output
The recipient of the bursary will be required to submit a brief progress report (3-6 pages) mid-way through the grant period and to attend review meetings with the Research Group as required. The final output will be a research report of publishable standard.
Application Submission
Proposals must be submitted using the attached application form. The deadline for submission is 09.00 Monday 7th May 2018.
An electronic copy of the application should be submitted to:
Simon Brooke
Head of Policy
Clúid Housing
159 – 161 Sheriff Street Upper
Dublin 1
Further information
If you have any questions regarding the application process or questions of clarification on this Call for Proposals, please contact Simon Brooke, Head of Policy, Clúid Housing, by email only .
Adrian Norridge Housing Research Bursary
Part V and other developer-led AHB housing initiatives
Please include details of all researchers who will be involved in the study. Copy boxes if necessary.
- Principal Researcher Details
Title / First name / Last name
Telephone / Fax / Email
- Co-researcher(s) Details (if applicable)
Title / First name / Last name
Telephone / Fax / Email
Title / First name / Last name
Telephone / Fax / Email
Current employment Please state position and companyStart date of current employment
Last employment Please state position and company
Academic qualifications Please include any qualifications and dates obtained
Area(s) of research expertise
Relevant research studies or publications completed in the last 5 years
NameCurrent employment Please state position and company
Start date of current employment
Last employment Please state position and company
Academic qualifications Please include any qualifications and dates obtained
Area of research expertise
Relevant research studies or publications completed in the last 5 years
Current employment Please state position and company
Start date of current employment
Last employment Please state position and company
Academic qualifications Please include any qualifications and dates obtained
Area of research expertise
Relevant research studies or publications completed in the last 5 years
Understanding of the research topic – maximum 500 words.
Detailed research proposal– This should include methodologies to be applied, main work tasks and a tasks/time chart that includes dates for submission of interim and final reports- maximum 750 words
Proposed Expenditure
Type / Description / Costs (EURO)Travel
Research expenses
Including daily rates for researcher(s) where appropriate
An electronic copy of the completed application should be submitted to:
Simon Brooke
Head of Policy
Clúid Housing Association
159 – 161 Sheriff Street Upper
Dublin 1
Closing date 09.00 Monday 7th May 2018