Call for ProposalsAccessible Technology Initiative (ATI): Faculty Advocates Incentive Program

November 9, 2016

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

The Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) Steering Committee is accepting proposals from faculty for the ATI Faculty Advocates Incentive Programto broaden the base of faculty who develop and prepare accessible instructional materials for use by students with disabilities.

Faculty advocates will be equipped with training, tools, resources, and best practices to improve awareness and communication of Accessible Technology guidelines and resources on campus. Faculty Advocates will be required to make at least one of their courses completely accessible to demonstrate to their colleagues how to use accessible instructional materials and resources effectively, and how to make their courses accessible to promote student success. They will receive $1,000 for participating in the program.

Program Description

Twenty-fiveATI Faculty Advocates will be selected to participate in this new training program (6 from CLA, 5 from CHHS, and 3 from each of the other colleges each year while funds last).Priority will be given to tenure-line faculty or lecturer faculty on contracts longer than one year. ATI Faculty Advocates will receive $1,000 to participate in the AIM Center training program and related project activities. Faculty will:

1)Commit to participating in the Faculty Advocates Incentive Program for the 2016/17 academic year (Fall and Spring semesters);

2)Participate in the AIM Center ATI training program. This program includes 5 hours of training with an AIM Center trainer;

3)Work with the AIM Center to develop a complete course set of accessible instructional materials for at least one course;

4)Prepare a presentation on accessible instructional materials for department faculty, deliver the presentation at least one time, and provide assistance to faculty interested in knowing more about accessible resources on campus such as the AIM Center;

5)Submit for verification to the AIM Center: a) presentation, b) proof of delivery, and c) information on course and curricular materials;

6)Participate in a follow-up meeting to discuss successful practices and lessons learned upon completion of the 2016/17 academic year.


You may apply by filling out the ATI Faculty Advocate Program Online Application. Please submit your application no later than Wednesday, November 30th.

The proposalof no more than 500 words should summarize your interest in and experience with accessible instructional materials and describe in detail the selected course for conversion (with catalog number, title, course description, number of students affected per semester, and a list of instructional materials utilized in the course).

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Shawna Dark, AVP Academic Technology, .