Call for Proposals


ReMAP – Call for Proposals

The following is an outline of ReMAP’s research program competition cycle for new commercialization proposals. Applicants must submit a full application by September 29, 2016 to . Once funded, research projects and associated budgets are assessed annually through in-depth progress reviews. The network strives to ensure that its decisions are fair and objective and that they are seen as such. No committee member with a conflict of interest may participate in the review of a proposal.

1. Review of New Proposals

New proposals will be reviewed based on the following assessment criteria:

1.  Scientific and technical merit

2.  IP potential (i.e. patents, disclosures, licensing)

3.  Industry readiness and commercialization potential

4.  Market assessment

5.  Team expertise and project management

Ranking Scale:

Range / Descriptor / Range / Descriptor
4.5 – 5.0 / Outstanding / 2.5 – 2.9 / Needs Revision
4.0 – 4.4 / Excellent / 2.0 – 2.4 / Needs Major Revision
3.5 – 3.9 / Very Good / 1.0 – 1.9 / Seriously Flawed
3.0 – 3.4 / Solid / 0 / Not Acceptable

1.1. Review Procedure for the Peer Review Panel

The ReMAP Network receives all proposals and verifies them for completeness. The proposals are then forwarded to the Peer Review Panel (PRP), a committee of global industry leaders and subject matter experts, for detailed review as per the criteria outlined above and the BL-NCE Program Guide. Each panel member is assigned to one or more themes which match their area(s) of expertise, and is asked to give specific comments regarding proposals falling therein.

1.2. Review Procedure for the Joint Steering Committee

Following the feedback of the PRP, the project proposals are reviewed by the Joint Steering Committee (JSC), which is comprised of the ReMAP Technology Development Committee and the ReMAP Adoption & Commercialization Committee. The JSC will assess and rank projects based on commercialization potential, technical feasibility and adoption by the global market. Funding will be allocated on a top-down basis: the highest-ranked project will be funded for what is deemed to be an appropriate amount, followed by the second-ranked project, and so on. Funding will cease when the entire budget has been allocated in this manner. Once a funding plan has been drafted, it is sent to the Board of Directors (BoD) for final review and approval.

1.3. Review Procedure for the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for reviewing the breakdown of funds assigned by the Joint Steering Committee and either approving or rejecting it. In the case of rejection, a clear and amendable reason must be provided. The funding plan is then returned to the JSC for further discussion and review, after which it is sent back to the BoD for feedback. This process is repeated until the final funding plan is approved.

1.4. Funding Decision and Notification

A notification of award will be sent to successful applicants. Awards may be granted with conditions, which will be communicated clearly to the applicant. Successful applicants will be required to engage with ReMAP as a network partner. To join the network, the applicant will enter into a Network Agreement (see Network Agreement Template) via Joinder Agreement (see Annex 15 of the Network Agreement Template). The Network Agreement outlines rules of engagement.

IP, licensing, and other more complex issues in the project itself will be dealt with in the Project Agreement (see Project Agreement Template).

Applicants not funded will receive a letter via email indicating the results of the review.

2. Annual Review of Funded Projects

Even though most projects are funded over a multi-year schedule, funds are awarded on an annual basis with projects and associated budgets subject to an in-depth annual progress report prior to renewal. ReMAP reserves the right to withdraw funding if the project has clearly failed to meet its progression goals or has not shown reasonable signs of development towards achieving the desired outcome.

Project Proposal Form

Project Partner / Name / Company
(name and address) / Contact information
(phone number and email)
Project Lead
Partner 1
Partner 2
Partner 3
Partner 4

A. Project Overview

1.  Project Title:
2.  Provide an expanded project summary suitable for public dissemination and for use in press releases (~ 150 words).

B. Scientific and Technical Merit – Why project is important/critical

1.  Provide a synopsis, background, and overview of the research project. What differentiates it from other global initiatives?
2.  Explain how the project will meet the needs of and address a gap in the industry.

C. IP Potential (patents, disclosures, licensing) – Value of results and industrial relevance

3.  Proposed innovation and intellectual property:
4.  Identify current status and ownership of existing intellectual property specific to the project.
5.  What is the expectation of the program regarding title to intellectual property developed as a result of the project? In view of this, please describe the strategy to protect the IP that may be developed or advanced via this project (inventorship determination, IP ownership and financial responsibilities [one and/or all parties], licensing options, continued R&D options, publication, and student considerations).

D. Industry Readiness and Commercialization Potential

6.  Indicate TRL (Technology Readiness Level) and progression by year – ReMAP is currently targeting projects that are TRL 6+.
7.  Explain how the project will remove barriers to commercialization; describe where the project or technology is on the path to commercialization and what the next steps are to advance it.
8.  Explain how the project will significantly contribute to the commercialization of sustainable and economically viable practices, process, or projects.
9.  Describe the immediate market/customer opportunities.
10.  Comment on how this project may be the catalyst for developing/strengthening collaborations between research and industry.
11.  Comment on how this project will create and maintain HQP (highly qualified personnel) jobs. How many jobs are expected to be created and/or maintained?

E. Team Expertise & Project Management

12.  Company/Partner Information:
What is the company’s corporate status/ownership and if applicable, when was it incorporated? Describe its Canadian operations, products, sales, number of employees, and innovation track record. If the company is pre-revenue, briefly describe how much has been invested to date by founders, family, angel capital, venture capital, etc.
13.  Research Management:
Introduce the project team and explain roles and responsibilities.
14.  If the commercialization team differs from the project team, identity the commercialization champion/industry executive and their expertise (academic, business, commercialization, etc.).
15.  Project Plan Summary:
Include estimated start and completion dates, key deliverables (milestones) and anticipated target dates of each.
16.  Activity Schedule:
Milestones / Description of Activities/Outcomes / Start Date / End Date

F. Funding

17.  Please fill out the embedded spreadsheet with proposed budget/allocation of ReMAP funding.
Complete Funding Spreadsheet
18.  Relationship to other research support (currently held):

G. Expectations and Accountability Requirements

By submitting a project plan to ReMAP, you agree to:

•  focus on meeting industry needs and project deliverables

•  manage the project to meet timelines, milestones and budget

•  submit reports (monthly, interim, final) and expenses as required to meet federal/program and claims reporting requirements

•  allow your story/experience to be shared via success stories, press releases, media coverage (you will retain authority to approve content)

•  profile the ReMAP brand as required by ReMAP

•  track and record person hours and lab hours spent on this project

H. References

Insert any supporting documentation, research papers, data sheets, etc.

[Project Name and Date of Application] Page 5 of 6