Call for participation in the Fundamental Rights Platform
Application form
When you have completed the form please send it to together with the registration certificate of your organisation in your country. Please save the file as PDF before submitting it.
Please note that the list of successful candidates will be made publicly available as participants of the Fundamental Rights Platform. Please read our Data Privacy Statement.
1. OrganisationName of organisation (in original language):
Address of the Head office:
Date of Registration:
Registration No.:
Registered with:
2. Type of organisation
i. non-governmental organisation dealing with human rights
ii. trade union
iii. employer’s organisation
iv. social organisation (e.g. organisations providing help for people in need)
v. professional organisation (e.g. nurses association; bar association)
vi. church, religious, philosophical or non-confessional organisation
vii. university or other academic institution
3. Are the activities of your organisation directed at the:
i. Local level
ii. National level
iii. Regional level
iv. European level
v. International level
4. Primary Contact Person – COntact Details
Email: / Email 2:
Telephone No:
Address: / Postcode:
City: / Country:
5. Second Contact Person – COntact Details
Email: / Email 2:
Telephone No:
Address: / Postcode:
City: / Country:
6. Organisation’s main activities / mandate
7. Is your organisation active in at least one of the areas of the Agency’s Multiannual Framework 2013-2017? (Please number these areas 1-5 according to your priorities, where 1 is the highest priority)
a. Access to justice
b. Victims of crime, including compensation
c. Information society, respect for private life, data protection
d. Roma integration
e. Judicial cooperation, except in criminal matters
f. Rights of the child
g. Discrimination based on grounds
h. Immigartion, integration, visa, border, asylum
i. Racism, xenophobia and related intolerance
8. Does your organisation have a commitment and a proven record of working for the protection and promotion of fundamental rights? Please provide examples.
9. Describe your organisation’s specific expertise, proven experience and engagement in matters within the remit of the FRA.
10. Does your organisation have the ability and capacity to act as a link between your own constituency, national and European networks and the FRP? Please explain how.
11. How will you make the work of the agency known? Please give concreate proposals.
12. Please indicate those areas on which you would be interested in being consulted by the FRA? (Please number these areas 1-5 according to your priorities, where 1 is the highest priority)
a. Access to justice
b. Victims of crime, including compensation
c. Information society, respect for private life, data protection
d. Roma integration
e. Judicial cooperation, except for criminal matters
f. Rights of the child
g. Discrimination based on grounds
h. Immigration, integration, visa, border, asylum
i. Racism, xenophobia and related intolerance
By submitting this application, I agree that the information was completed accurately and truthfully to the best of my knowledge.
I confirm that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the Code of Conduct for participants in the Fundamental Rights Platform and the Data Privacy Statement.
EU Agency for Fundamental Rights
Schwarzenbergplatz 11,1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 580 30878 Email: