Call for Cities and regions to
Participate in Co-Cities PRIME
Application Form
Dissemination level
Co-Cities is a Pilot Type B Project funded by the
European Commission, DG Information Society and Media
in the CIP-ICT-PSP-2010-4 Programme
Co-Cities PRIME: Call for Cities 1 I 5
We apply for participating in the Co-Cities PRIME initiative:
Contact Person[1]:Address:
E-Mail: / Phone:
Additional contact Information:
- Please give some basic information on the city – location, population, public transport availability, ..
<Please insert your description here>
- Introduction to your city’s traffic management stakeholders - organisational point of view: Please give an indication on which partners are / would be involved in the activity and an evaluation of their interest to participate and cooperate with the Co-Cities project.
<Please insert your description here>
- Description of current systems: Please give an indication on what ITS systems are currently operating in your city, what is the coverage and what are the main technical and functional specifications. An example is stated below:
ITS System / Data Owner / Coverage/Dimensions / Technical / functional specifications / available data / Status
City A: Public Transport Management System / 120 bus lines, 5 subways, covering the whole Area of Town A. / Available data: Static timetables on all lines, real-time information for subway / Operational
Parking Management Systems / 50 Parking Garages in the area of Town A / Real Time information on available spaces and tariffs / Operational
<please insert your descriptions and add as many columns as necessary>
- Please check the information services you want to implement and describe the data that is currently available
☐Location Based Services: Parking / Parking data available in the following format / detail, ...
Please fill in:
☐Multimodal Journey Planner / <Please insert your description>☐Location Based Services: Public Transport
☐Location Based Services: Traffic information
☐Location Based Services: Parking information
☐Location Based Services: Point of Interest
☐Feedback Services / <please insert which feedback you would be interested in>
By signing this application form:
- I agree that my contact details are being forwarded to partners in the consortium of Co-Cities, to be used only in the context of my participation in the PRIME initiative and deleted afterwards.
- I confirm that I am in the position to state the interest of the implementation of the CAI in the city indicated above and that I am available for any further information. If I am not in the position to declare this interest I have attached a letter of interest from the city administration.
General terms:
The information about your city provided is only made available to partners in the Co-Cities consortium and will not bemade publicly available. This application form is not a legally binding document and neither a contract nor an obligation to transfer any money. Any financial commitment is formulated and signed separately.
Co-Cities PRIME: Call for Cities 1 I 5
[1] If you are not working in the city administration, please describe your relation to the city administration.