The Administrative Council of the University of Ljubljana Scholarship Fund announces today, on the 19th November 2007, in accordance with Article 4 of the Rules for the Awarding of Scholarships for theInternational Student Exchange from the University of Ljubljana Scholarship Fundestablished on the 21 November 2006,


for International Student Exchange for summer semester of study year 2007/2008.


Scholarships from the University of Ljubljana Scholarship Fund are intended for the funding of short term student exchanges with Institutions of Higher Education of other countries.

Scholarships are awarded to students who hold a student status at a foreign university, which has an agreement for student exchanges with the University of Ljubljana and students of the University of Ljubljana. Scholarships cannot be awarded to students for the first year of study.


The Administrative Council is offering approximately 80 monthsof scholarshipsupportto eligible students in the amount of 400 € per month for the summer semester of the academic year 2007/2008, which amounts to the total of 32.000 €.

Preference will be given to the following regions:South East Europe, specially to the Higher Education Institutions that have signed bilateral agreements on student exchanges with the University of Ljubljana.


Regular students of the University of Ljubljana and students of other foreign universities, which have an agreement for student exchanges with the University of Ljubljanain the current year or a longer time period, may also apply for a scholarship.

Applications for scholarships for the summer semester of the academic year 2007/2008 have to be submitted by candidates by 21 December 2007.


Thecandiates have to submit the followingdokuments withthe application:

-Proof of enrolment in the current academic year at their University,

-List of the passed examinations and Grade Point Average score

-Short resume,

-A Motivation letter, namely a personal statement outlining why the candidate has enrolled for study and reasons for choice of the particular study program and selected Institution for thestudy,

-Recommendations from two professors; each recommendation is to be placed in its own sealed envelope and signed by itsauthor along the edge of the seal of the envelope; such signature is to be taped over with clear adhesive tape.

Candidates must send their application together with all supporting documents to:

Komisija za štipendije, Univerza v Ljubljani, Kongresni trg 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Additional information related to the selection procedure for scholarships is available by the coordinator:

Mrs. Majda Černjavič,

phone number ++ 386 1 2418 642,

electronic mail: .


After the expiry of the due date for submission of applications, the Committee for Scholarships willexamine the applications latestby 15 Junuary 2008 and determine if they are timely, correct and complete.

Late applications will be returned unopened to the applicants by the Committee.

The Committee for Scholarships will make a selection among the candidates whoseapplications were subbmitted in time, were correctly completed and satisfy the criteria from Article 7 of the Rules for the Awarding of Scholarships for International Student Exchange from the University of Ljubljana Scholarship Fund, which are available on the University of Ljubljana website:

The candidates will be notified about Committee’s decision and will be asked to send latest by 15 February 2008, a proof that they satisfy the criteria for enrolment in a higher year of study at their home Facultyand a confirmation of acceptance for study at the host University.


The Committee will notify candidates of its selection within 8 (eight) days of making their decision. The decision of the Committee is final.

A Scholarship Agreement will be made with the selected candidates.

Ljubljana,19th, November 2007

President of the Administrative Council

University of Ljubljana Scholarship Fund

prof. dr.Ivan Svetlik