DIGI-MODES Information & Data


Page 1Cover

Page 2Contents

Page 3Introduction

Page 4AmTOR

Page 5Clover

Page 6Hellschreiber Modes

Page 7MFSK Modes

Page 9MT63

Page 10PacTOR

Page 11PSK31

Page 12RTTY

Page 13 Image Modes

Page 14Advanced Digital Modes

Page 15Modes & Frequencies

Page 21Glossary & Software


Communication technologies that are specifically designed to improve "live" HF keyboard operation can now be achieved which previously only theory, too complex, or too costly to implement to be practical. Thanks to the generosity of radio amateurs with programming knowledge, and to the Internet, new and powerful communications tools are available to all hams.

The evolution and wide spread use of the Personal Computer that include a digital sound card for Digital Signal Processing and FFT software techniques, is allowing radio amateurs to use these tools to develop new modes of digital communication.

The distinguishing features of live HF digital operation today are the use of lower power, compact or indoor antennas and courteous operating techniques. Crowding on a single band like 20 metres is partly to blame for this issue. Fortunately, the new digital modes are designed to improve performance for a wide range of operating conditions.

The main advantages are:

  • High sensitivity (low power required40 Watts into a dipole)
  • Very robust communications (useful in poor conditions QRM)
  • Narrow transmission bandwidths
  • Error correction codes usingFFT techniques used
  • Greater immunity to TVI and EMC
  • Computers allow automatic operation and logging
  • Digital modes help with amateurs with hearing and speech disabilities, and poor hand coordination.

Most of the modes mentioned here have a complete section devoted to them. When reading the mode summaries, please note the baud rates and bandwidths used. This short paper only presents information and data, with plenty of references for further reading and operating. Armed with this data, I hope to encourage radio amateurs to learn, try to outand enjoy these new digital modes!


SiTOR-B (Sea Teletype Over Radio) revamped to AmTOR (Amateur Teletype Over Radio), being the first amateur modeusing Error Correction Codes. In the early 1990’s this revolutionised Radio TeleTYpe (RTTY).

AmTOR Summary:

Symbol Rate100 baud

Typing speed6.6 CPS (66 WPM)

ITU-R description400HF 1B


Modulation2-FSK (Frequency Shift Keying)

Average Power50% (ARQ) Amplitude Request Repeat

100% (FEC) Forward Error Correction

Protocol (Mode A)Synchronous Connected ARQ CCIR 476-4

Protocol (Mode B)Synchronous Unconnected ARQ CCIR 476-4

Character Set Moore 4:3

There are commercial selective-calling versions of Mode B, known as SelFEC and NavTEX marine broadcasts on MF are readily copied with AmTOR. More modern ARQ modes like Pactor are now replacing AmTOR.


Clover is a PSK mode which provides a full duplex simulation. It is well suited for HF operation (especially under good conditions). The original modem was named CLOVER-I, the latest DSP based modem is named CLOVER-II.

Clovers key characteristics are band-width efficiency with high error-corrected data rates. Clover adapts to conditions by constantly monitoring the received signal. Based on this monitoring, Clover is an advanced communications mode, or rather, a family of modes, designed in the early 1990’s.

Clover Summary:

Symbol Rate31.25 baud

Typing speedapprox 3-50 CPS (30-500 WPM)

ITU-R description500HJ2DEN or 500HJBEN


Modulation8, 4, 2-FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) or

2-ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying)

Average Power50%

ProtocolSynchronous Connected ARQ with FEC coding

Protocol Synchronous Unconnected FEC coding

Character Set ITA-5 ASCII (any 8-bit code)

ModeDescriptionData-Rate (bps)Protocol

16P4A16-PSK, 4-ASK750ARQ, FEC

8P2A 8-PSK, 2-ASK500ARQ, FEC




2DPSM 2-PSK diversity62.5FEC

Hellschreiber Modes

This was developed in 1927, by Dr Robert Hell as Hellschrieber (‘Bright-Writer’). Reuters and other press agencies continued to use it throughout World War 11 until the 1960’s, when it was replaced by the Telex Service. China, Japan, Russia, Greeceand Arabic speaking peoples with ideographic languages used variants of Hellschreiber until the mid1990’s when they were finally replaced by FAX. It was first used for Amateur use in 1979.Today Feld-Hell is the most widely used mode.

Feld-Hell Summary:

Symbol Rate122.5 baud

Typing speed2.5 CPS (25 WPM) using original font

ITU-R description350HA1C or 350HJ2C


Modulation2-ASK (ON-OFF Keying, CW)

Average Power22%

Protocol Quasi-Synchronous unconnected scanned image

Character Set User selectable fonts

Multi-Tone-Hell Summary:

Symbol Rate0 - 20 baud

Typing speed2 - 3 CPS (20 - 30 WPM) font dependent

ITU-R description200HF1C

Bandwidth100 - 200Hz

ModulationMFSK (7, 9, 10, 12-FSK)

Average Power80% (concurrent) 50% (sequential

Protocol Non-Synchronous unconnected scanned image

Character Set User selectable fonts

PSK-Hell or FM-Hell Summary:

Symbol Rate105 or 245 baud

Typing speed2.5 CPS (25 WPM) font dependent

ITU-R description210H/490HJ2C or 210H/490HF2C

Bandwidth210 or 490Hz

Modulation2-PSK (DPSK)

Average Power80%

Protocol Non-Synchronous unconnected scanned image

Character Set User selectable fonts

MFSK Modes

The first MFSK modes were used by governments and diplomatic services. Namely Piccolo 1957 developed by the British Foreign Office. Coquelet used by French, Belgian and Algerian military and diplomatic services. They were generally equipped with encryption units. The modern MFSK16 mode was developed in 1999, for MS Windows and sound card, using FFT techniques by Nino Porcino IZ8BLY, along with MFSK8, Throb and FSK441. These modes do not require special synchronous modulation, due to the built-in software FFT detectors.

MFSK16 Summary:

Symbol Rate15.625 baud

Typing speed4 CPS (40 WPM)

ITU-R description316HF1B


Modulation16-FSK (coherent phase)

Average Power100%

Protocol Synchronous unconnected bit stream with FEC

Character Set Extended 8-bit X-ASCII translated to Varicode

MFSK8 Summary:

Symbol Rate7.8125 baud

Typing speed2 CPS (19 WPM)

ITU-R description316HF1B

Bandwidth316 Hz

Modulation32-MFSK (coherent phase)

Average Power100%

Protocol Synchronous unconnected bit stream with FEC

Character Set Extended 8-bit X-ASCII translated to Varicode

Throb Summary:

Symbol Rate1, 2 or 4 baud

Typing speed1, 2 or 4 CPS (10 - 40 WPM)

ITU-R description100HF1B or 200HF1B

Bandwidth100 or 200Hz

Modulation9-FSK (sequential and 2-tone concurrent)

Average Power80%

Protocol Synchronous unconnected characters

Character Set Restricted, similar to ITA-2

MFSK Modes cont.

Software for FSK441 is called WSJT available from Joe K1JT. Because of the speed at which it operates, it is not practical to decode the received signal in real time. A digital recording is made (wave-file), which is then decoded and displayed.

This wide MFSK mode was designed for signal paths that may be only brief i.e. meteorite-scatter ‘pings’. FSK441 has been met with considerable success on 6m, and has been tried for moon-bounce as well.

FSK441 Summary:

Symbol Rate441 baud

Typing speed147 CPS (1470 WPM)

ITU-R descriptionK21F1B

Bandwidth2205 Hz

Modulation4-FSK (sequential, three symbols/characters)

Average Power100%

Protocol Synchronous unconnected characters

Character Set Restricted, PUA-43 (similar to ITA-2)


MT63 is a remarkable mode because of its wide bandwidth and usefulness in working in difficult conditions. It was ported from Linux to Windows with a graphical interface, by Nino Porcino IZ8BLY in 1999. Software tuning display for MT63 provides a script page and a waterfall diagram. The favourite frequency is with 14.110MHz using USB, 100 Watt transceivers are best to operate using 25 Watts because of the linearity requirements. Tuning on receive is done by monitoring the waterfall diagram. Decoding of the phase information is provided by a 64-bin FFT across the signal. The Walsh function provides a very clever error correction coding, FEC. Because of the large amount of processing required, operators leave good-sized gaps between overs.

MT63-1K Summary:

Symbol Rate10 baud

Typing speed10 CPS (100 WPM)

ITU-R description1K00J2DEN

Bandwidth1000 Hz


Average Power80%

Protocol Synchronous unconnected FECWalsh coding

Character Set ASCII (7-bit)


PacTOR became extremely popular in the early 1990’s, both for QSO’s and bulletin-boards use. It was developed to replace AmTOR. There is a new version called PacTOR II, which offers even better performance.

PacTOR uses two modes ARQ and FEC.

PacTOR Summary:

Symbol Rate100 or 200 baud

Typing speed6.6 CPS (66 WPM)

ITU-R description400HF1B, 600HF1B

Bandwidth400 or 600 Hz


Average Power80% (ARQ), 100% (FEC)

Protocol Synchronous connected ARQ

Synchronous unconnected FEC

Character Set ITA-5 ASCII (8-bit)

PacTOR II Summary:

Symbol Rate100 or 200 baud

Typing speedup to 30 CPS (300 WPM)

ITU-R description500HG1B(D), 500HJ2B(D)

Bandwidth500 Hz


Average Power80% (ARQ), 100% (FEC)

Protocol Synchronous connected ARQ

Synchronous unconnected FEC

Character Set ITA-5 ASCII (8-bit)


PSK31 was developed in the mid 1990’s, as a replacement for RTTY by Peter Martinez G3PLX to bring it into the 21st century. Later he added a QPSK mode with better error correction code techniques. As a result, PSK31 as we have it today is available with lower power and narrower bandwidth than RTTY. The use of PSK31 now far outstrips use of all other digital modes.

Other versions of PSK31 modes: PSK63F, PSK127F, PSK250F and FSK31 are now in use. Many programs provide a clock phase meter display for tuning purposes, including a waterfall diagram.

PSK31 Summary:

Symbol Rate31.25baud

Typing speed3.5 CPS (35 WPM)

ITU-R description63HF1B

Bandwidth62.5 Hz

ModulationDifferential 2-PSK (BPSK)

Average Power80%

Protocol Asynchronous unconnected chat mode

Character Set Varicode, ASCII


RTTY is one of the oldest digital modes, predating all but Morse and Hellschreiber, and has been used by Radio Amateurs just after World War II. In the 1950’s was in conjunction with a Creed Model 7 mechanical teleprinter. In the 1980’s special software was developed for the BBC micro-computer.

A modern RTTYis now available. The much used MMTTY is used world-wide. The pictorial displays makes for very easy tuning.

RTTY Summary:

Symbol Rate45.45or 50 baud

Typing speed6.0 or 6.6 CPS (60 or 66 WPM)

ITU-R description270HF1B

Bandwidth270 Hz


Average Power100%

Protocol Asynchronous chat mode

Character Set ITU-R ITA2

Image Modes

Slow Scan Television (SSTV) has been developed by Radio Hams in the 1950’s using Cathode-Ray-Tubes with very long persistence phosphors. It used line scanning being generated in a similar manner to that of fast TV. Around 1995 simple SSTV for the mass Amateur market arrived with DOS and Hamcomm interface software EZSSTV in 1990 modified to MSCAN.

A modern MMSSTV appeared in 2000 with three sequential scans red-green-blue.

STTV Summary:

Symbol Ratemode dependent, 200 – 500 baud (pixels/sec)

ITU-R description1K80F1C or 1K80J3C

Bandwidth1800 Hz

ModulationAnalogue FSK

Average Power100%

Facsimile (FAX) is used mainly by commercial companies for such applications: FAX weather maps and Satellite Images.

HF FAXSummary:

Symbol RateTypically 1000 pixels/sec

ITU-R description2K080F1C or 2K00J3C

Bandwidth2000 Hz

ModulationAnalogue FSK

Average Power100%

Speed60, 90, 120, 180 LPM (120 most common)

IOC288, 576

Advanced Digital Modes

These particular modes are subject for ongoing research and development. They require special and sophisticated hardware and used mainly for military purposes:


STANAG 4285, 4529


G4GUO has developed a PC version of PC-ALE software. It is most effective for mobile communication networks.


Symbol Rate125baud

ITU-R description2K25HF1B

Bandwidth2250 Hz


Average Power100%

ProtocolSynchronous connected ARQ

Synchronous unconnected FEC

Character SetITA2

STANNAG 4285, 4529

These are military standard modem specifications, intended for very high performance on HF. STANAG 4529 is a cut down version of 4285.


While not a communications mode in the conventional sense, exploration of the ionosphere using sounding is an interesting pursuit for Amateurs. The pioneer of this technique for Amateurs is Peter Martinez G3PLX. Developed by Pawel Jalocha SP9VR, Q15X25 (sometimes known as NEWQPSK), is derived from MT63, using a Motorola DSP 56002EVM chip set, may also be used for GPS.

Hardware and Software

My recommendations for PC Interface, in order of preference:

1MyDELCG AntennaSB-2000 Radio Interface

2TigertronicsSignalLink TM USB

3West Mountain RadioRIGblaster Plus

Items 1 and 2 are used mainly in the UK and available from ML&S around £100, you will need interface cables and connectors for your particular rig, at extra cost. (£5 - £45)

Item 3 is also used the UK but mainlyprevalent in the US and available from Waters & Stanton for £135, plus cables etc.

All software to drive your receiver, transmitter or transceiver is provided with the equipment. Care must be taken to choose the correct COM port for the PC. All the interface units have opto-isolation giving high order of interference rejection.

Particular software I use and will describe in the next section.

Designed and developed by Simon Brown HB9DRV


Interface Software to interface TX/RX and PC.

Digital Master DM780:

Includes all the Digital Mode Software used in this document.

Please note. They are both free,also includes Satellite Data.

Modes & Frequencies

Pre programmed Favourites:

Modes, Bands & Frequencies within the DM780 software.

MODES Bands Frequencies (MHz)

Contestia/80 m 3.537000

80 m 3.582 500

40 m 7.038 500

40 m 7.072 500

30 m10.133 000

20 m14.075 000

20 m14.077 000

20 m14.106 000

20 m14.108 000

17 m18.102 000

15 m21.086 000

10 m 28.070 000

CW/ 160 m 1.828 000

CW(KeyCmd)/80 m 3.500 000

CW(WinKey)/40 m 7.000 000

MCW/30 m10.000 000

20 m14.000 000

17 m18.075 000

15 m21.025 000

10 m28.000 000

6 m50.100 000

DominoEx-4/80 m 3.564 000

DominoEx-8/40 m 7.038 000

DominoEx-16/40 m 7.042 000

40 m 7.072 000

30 m10.148 000

20 m14.076 000

20 m14.078 000

Hell/ 160 m 1.804 000

Feld Hell/80 m 3.574 000

Slow Hell/40 m 7.039 000

Feld X5/40 m 7.084 000

Feld X9/30 m10.134 000

Feld 105/20 m14.063 000

Feld 245/17 m18.104 000

Feld 80/15 m21.074 000

(All the MODES are available within these Bands & Frequencies)

Modes & Frequencies Cont.

Pre programmed Favourites:

Modes, Bands & Frequencies within the DM780 software.

MODES Bands Frequencies (MHz)

MFSK-4/ 160 m 1.838 000

MFSK-8/80 m 3.580 000

MFSK-16/40 m 7.037 000

MFSK-32/30 m10.147 000

MFSK-64/20 m14.072 000

20 m14.076 000

20 m14.078 000

17 m18.105 000

15 m21.080 000

15 m21.082 000

15 m21.084 000

12 m24.929 000

10 m28.080 000

10 m28.082 000

10 m28.084 000

6 m50.500 000

Olivia 4/12580 m 3.577 000

Olivia 4/25080 m 3.582 500

Olivia 4/50040 m 7.038 500

Olivia 8/250040 m 7.072 500

Olivia 8/12530 m10.133 000

Olivia 8/50020 m14.075 000

Olivia 8/100020 m14.077 000

Olivia 8/200020 m14.106 000

Olivia 16/200020 m14.108 000

Olivia 32/200017 m18.102 000

Olivia 64/200015 m21.086 500

10 m28.026 000

PSK/ 160 m 1.807 000

BPSK-31/ 160 m 1.838 000

BPSK-63/ 80 m 3.580 000

BPSK-125/40 m 7.040 000

QPSK-31 USB/40 m 7.070 000

QPSK-31 LSB/30 m10.140 000

QPSK-63 USB/20 m14.070 000

QPSK-63 LSB/20 m14.080 000

(All the MODES are available within these Bands & Frequencies)

Modes & Frequencies Cont.

Pre programmed Favourites:

Modes, Bands & Frequencies within the DM780 software.

MODES Bands Frequencies (MHz)

QPSK-125 USB/17 m18.100 000

QPSK-125 LSB/15 m21.070 000

QPSK/ 15 m21.080 000

10 m28.120150

6 m50.250 000

6 m50.285 000

6 m50.385 000

RTTY-45/ 160 m 1.820 000

RTTY-50/80 m 3.580000

RTTY-75/80 m 3.582 000

80 m 3.584 000

40 m 7.040 000

40 m 7.042 000

40 m 7.044 000

40 m 7.080 000

40 m 7.082 000

40 m 7.084 000

30 m10.110 000

30 m10.112 000

30 m10.114 000

20 m14.080 000

20 m14.082 000

20 m14.084 000

20 m14.102 000

20 m14.104 000

15 m21.080 000

15 m21.082 000

15 m21.084 000

12 m24.920 000

12 m24.922 000

12 m24.924 000

10 m28.080 000

10 m28.082 000

10 m28.084 000

6 m50.500 000

(All the MODES are available within these Bands & Frequencies)

Modes & Frequencies Cont.

Pre programmed Favourites:

Modes, Bands & Frequencies within the DM780 software.

MODES Bands Frequencies (MHz)

RTTYM 4/125 80 m 3.577 000

RTTYM 4/25080 m 3.582000

RTTYM 4/50040 m 7.038 000

RTTYM 8/25040 m 7.077 500

RTTYM 8/50030 m10.135 000

RTTYM 8/100020 m14.075 000

RTTYM 8/200020 m14.077 000

RTTYM 16/50020 m14.106 000

RTTYM 16/100020 m14.108 000

RTTYM 32/100017 m18.102 000

RTTYM 32/200015 m21.086 500

RTTYM 64/200010 m28.076 000

SSTV/ 160 m 1.890 000

Martin 1/ 160 m 1.916 000

Martin 2/80 m 3.730 000

Scottie 1/80 m 3.783 000

Scottie 2/80 m 3.845 000

Scottie DX/80 m 3.857 000

P3/ 40 m 7.030 000

P5/ 40 m 7.033 000

P7/40 m 7.045 000

40 m 7.170 000

40 m 7.172 000

20 m14.227 000

20 m14.230 000

20 m14.233 000

20 m14.236 000

17 m18.160 000

15 m21.334 000

15 m21.337 000

15 m21.340 000

15 m21.343 000

15 m21.346 000

15 m21.349 000

(All the MODES are available within these Bands & Frequencies)

Modes & Frequencies Cont.

Pre programmed Favourites:

Modes, Bands & Frequencies within the DM780 software.

MODES Bands Frequencies (MHz)

SSTV/ 12 m24.875 000

10 m28.673 000

10 m28.677 000

10 m28.680 000

10 m28.683 000

10 m28.690 000

6 m50.680 000

THOR 4/ 160 m 1.838 000

THOR 880 m 3.580 000

THOR 16/40 m 7.037 000

Throb -1/30 m10.147 000

Throb -2/20 m14.105 000

Throb -4/17 m18.105 000

Throb X-1/15 m21.080 000

Throb X-2/12 m24.929 000

Throb X-4/10 m28.080 000

(All the MODES are available within these Bands & Frequencies)

Glossory & Software


ASKAmplitude shift Keying

AsynchronousGroups of data bits transmitted for Rx-clockto be resynchronised at the start of each group

ARQAutomatic Request Repeat

CRCCyclic Redundancy Check

DPSKDifferential Phase Shift Keying

FECForward Error Correction

FSKFrequency Shift Keying

MCUMulti-mode Control Unit

MFSKMultiple Frequency Shift Keying

PSKPhase Shift Keying

QPSKQuadrature Phase Shift Keying

SynchronousData bits transmitted & recovered using a clock derived from the data stream

TCP/IPTerminal Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

TNCTerminal Mode Controller

VaricodeAlphabet represented by numbers with varying number of bits

Multi-Mode Digital Software

HamRadioDeluxe / Digital Master DM780

MIXW 2TrueTTY HamScopeIZ8BLY Suite

Most of this software is free or shareware for a small fee.Worth a visit for loads of information & free software:

Anyone seriously venturing on trying out ‘Digi-Modes’ I recommend the most complete book yet written on the subject.

DIGITAL MODES For all occasions by Murray Greenman, ZL1BPU

Published by RSGB. (208 pages)

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