The MA in International Relations (International Double Award) Programme ofUniversity of Kent (Canterbury, UK) and University - Higher School of Economics(Moscow, Russia) welcomes applications from talented individuals. Admission is highly competitive. The programme accepts students on the basis of outstanding academic achievement, the strength of their recommendations, proficient English-language ability and general compatibility with the aims of the programme.

Making an application

Applications to register for a higher degree should be made online or on forms obtainable from the Recruitment and Admissions Office.

In addition to filling in the application form, you also need to provide:

Evidence of your academic qualifications. Please ask the institution which awarded your bachelor’s or master’s degree to send us an interim or final transcript (a list of all the modules/courses you have taken with the mark achieved for each) or letter certifying your award

References from two academic referees. All references must be in English. The University needs to receive both references before deciding on your application. We can accept references by email provided your referees use their institutional email account and follow up the email with copies written on official letterheaded paper

Evidence of English language ability, if required

Samples of work or researchproposals you have been asked tosubmit

Any other materials or documents you would like to be considered in support of your application

The procedure for applying to a research degree is essentially the same as for taught programmes but applicants are also required to submit an outline of approximately 1500 of the research project which they wish to undertake.

Submitting the application

Applications for September 2009 entry are now open. The easiest way is to apply online and forward all supporting documentation to the University's Recruitment and Admissions Office as soon as possible. The Department will not be able to take a decision on your application until we are in possession of full documentation. If you prefer to apply on paper, please contact the Recruitment and Admissions Office for an application form.


There is no formal application deadline but early applications, i.e. by the end of March, are strongly encouraged. As a general guideline, the majority of successful applications are submitted to the Department between November and April. Accommodation on campus is guaranteed to all applicants who complete their application process by the end of June. Applicants for scholarships or other awards should also note the relevant closing date for those.

If you have any questions regarding the application procedure please get in touch with the Recruitment and Marketing Officer, Miss Roxanne Gotch at University of Kent or Executive Director of the School of Russian Studies at HSE, Mr. Ivan Tsarikov