Fall National APDA Meeting

Wenatchee, Washington

September 16, 2005

President Bob Wesselink called the meeting to order at a.m.


National PresidentBob Wesselink

National Vice PresidentBobbie Roberts

National TreasurerKevin Conway

National SecretaryRobert Williams

SE Area TrusteeDanny Bucklen

NW Area TrusteeDave Bennett

SW Area TrusteeDarlene Wright

A stand-up roll call of the members was held. The attendance sheet is attached.


Robert Williams read the minutes of the Spring National Meeting held in Des Moines, Iowa. Danny Bucklenmade a motion to accept the minutes as read;Rich Belt offered a second and the motion carried.


President Bob Wesselink read an email from James Ford reporting on the status of the southeast, following the catastrophe, caused by hurricane Katrina (attached). There have been no injuries to the operators, but there are several in Mississippi have lost everything that they own. The current situation dictates that he will not be in attendance at our first national meeting; however he plans to attend the spring meeting. He asked that we remember the people of New Orleans, Gulfport and Biloxi in our prayers.

Michelle Wynne received information from personnel at Entergy, based in New Orleans, stating that they are providing assistance to those that lost their homes and possessions. Their control center is in Arkansas, but a lot of the employees are located in the New Orleans area.

Matt Sadinskyreported that Brian Williams of Chelan PUD is on the ground in the area, receiving training to help in the recovery. If there are other operators interested in participating in the relief effort, there are contacts in the area. Bob Wesselink asked that he pass along any contact information to him and he will see that the word gets out.

Robin Podmore has received information that there is a need for money to assist in recovery rather than additional people, at this time. He mentioned that the School of Urban Missions, which has school located in the New Orleans,is helping to organize volunteers for the relief effort. They provide information on where you can go, what to watch out for and they were very responsive, calling back within a couple of hours of a request for information on how to help. Robin’s church is coordinating their assistance efforts through them. To get to their website use the address School of Urban Missions.


Nothing to report. Membership


Kevin Conway stated that he has nothing to report. He is in the process of getting all of the book work transferred to him from the previous treasurer. It should be completed by the end of this month.

General Fund

Scholarship Account

Jesse Paschall Promotional Fund

Nick Nicholson Scholarship Fund

No motion was made.The balances will be submitted in the spring meeting 2006.


Nothing to report


NW Area: Dave Bennett submitted his report during the NW Area meeting. He requested that his report for the Vancouver, B.C meeting be re-submitted as read in that meeting (attached).

Current membership is 198 regular, plus 245 life members.


SE Area: Danny Bucklen read his report (attached). The Spring SE Area meeting was held at the Imperial Palace Casino and Hotel on May 24th to 26th, 2005 in Biloxi, Mississippi. The agenda was structured to provide training on many dispatching fundamentals. The large turnout was credited to their reputation for providing informative, high quality and affordable meetings is being noticed by more companies wanting to obtain solid training for their operators.

The fall meeting was scheduled to be held in the French Quarter in New Orleans, October 11 – 13. It has been cancelled due to the damage inflicted by Hurricane Katrina.

Current membership includes 157paid members 39 life members.

General Fund$13,336.46 Scholarship Account $2,531.45


SW Area: Darlene Wright did not have anything to report. The Southeast Area has not met since the spring national meeting. The fall meeting will be held Oct 13 – 16, 2005 in Sacramento, California, hosted by WAPA, NPCA and SMUD.


UMW Area: Trustee was not present





Bob Wesselink reported that life member Kay "Pete"Peterson passed away and would like to enter his passing in the National Log. A moment of silence was held for our passed member.


President Bob Wesselink reported on the National Log issue. He stated that Michelle Wynne has graciously volunteered to take on the duties of the National Log. Her intent is to place the log on the National Web Page. Michelle had suggested that the log be posted on the web page with a separate directory posting. It was noted that it was a sensitive issue to post member information on the site. An alternative would be to post company information as a means for indirect contact of the members. Additional discussion was held on how the member information should be listed on the website. Log by member, by region or by company listed on the site with a link to the individual company website for additional information. Michelle will draft a sample of what she intends to do and send it to the board for review.

President Bob Wesselink asked Michelle’s permission list her name, email and company on the website as the National Log Editor.

Southeast Area Trustee Danny Bucklen did some checking on the design and cost for an APDA banner. He has found a flag company that will make a banner at a tentative cost of $300.00 per area. The banner would be 3X4 feet with the American Power Dispatcher Association logo stitched on it and the name of the area will be printed on it. An additional cost would be to add a rod to go across for hanging. Danny will check some competitive prices. Other accessories, like tassels, can be added for a cost. All four can be made up with the area name on them. He will look into providing an electronic version of the example, for review by the board and members. He has not taken any steps towards acquiring the banners at this time. Danny will coordinate with Larry Bellnap on what input he has on the new banner. He will work with Larry Bellnap towards coming up with a board approved banner that will be ready for the next meeting.

There was additional discussion on varied approaches to the making of the banners. The final decision was to proceed with what was voted on in the previous national meeting. There will be four banners with the area logo included on them and they will be held by that area.

NERC CEH accreditation: Michelle will follow up with Roger Vanderpool on the request to prepare and send a letter to NERC recommending that NERC CEH qualify for post secondary education status.

Michelle Wynne received a request for corporate membership to APDA. Kevin Conway reported that the organization could become a member at no charge. If certain entities could not have their employees become members, because they had no affiliation with the organization, they could register to be a corporate member at no charge. This rule allowed them to be affiliated with APDA. Individual members must pay to join.

Kevin Conway has not received any information on who was awarded a scholarship from the committee. The award should have been awarded and paid at this time. President Bob Wesselink will contact the National Scholarship Chair and find out the status of the last award.

How do we treat employees that have retired and returned to work be treated as APDA.

Danny Bucklen offered a proposal that was a full time employee should be considered an active employee. Following a great deal of discussion, it was decided that if you are a Life Member, you will retain your life status and not be required to pay dues. The discussion was not tabled.


President Bob Wesselink welcomed Larry Bellnap and Rich Hendrickson as Ambassadors at Large. They will be awarded gold name tags at their next meetings.

After some discussion it was decided that the National vote to have funds directed ($1,000.00) to someone in the Southeast Area to administer the funds. Michelle suggested that we authorize someone from the area to personally administer the funds. Kevin Conway requested that we increase the amount to $5,000.00. Michelle has communicated with personnel in the area. The funds will be much appreciated.

A motion was made by Gayle Taylor and seconded by Richard Belt. The motion carried.


A great deal of discussion on the types of resources that could eventually be used to fill system operator positions. APDA should study careers and provide some guidance to personnel, helping to guide them to different avenues. Matt recommended that we establish a committee that will provide information to those who might be interested in a career as a system operator. Other discussion on using some of the two year colleges as resources for attracting new system operators.

Robin Podmore – Incremental Systems

Matt Sodenski – SOS

Greg Lange GCPUD

Kevin Conway - GCPUD

Michelle Wynne – SW Area

Mark Sickles – Alaska


The next National APDA Meeting will be held in Calgary, AlbertaCanada on June 19 – 20. The officers meeting will be 1500 the day prior.

President Bob Wesselink recognized Doug Krust for his work in putting on the meeting. Both Chelan and GrantCounty provided excellent training and beneficial


Danny Bucklen made a motion to adjourn, Darlene Wright offered a second and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 1132.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert Williams

APDA National Secretary